Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short, I'm a bit busy tonight, I'll probably add onto it after New Years :) enjoy xx

"Uh, I'll have the chicken burger with small fries" I told the waitress after scanning through the menu.

"And I'll have the double cheese burger with a side of onion rings please." She noted down both of our orders down and gave us a small smile, "coming right up."

I've never seen or heard of this place before but it seemed pretty cool. The layout and theme of the place was late 50's or early 60's, with various Elvis pictures hanging up, leather booths and checked black and white tiles on the walls.

"Did you and your brother come here as well?" he smiled and nodded, as if he knew what I was going to ask him.

"I miss the food here. It's really nice." He gave me a warm smile and moved his hands across the table to grab mine, intertwining our fingers, but right on time the food came forcing us to disconnect our hands from one another. She read out our orders and placed the food in front of us. We didn't waste any time to dig in and I must admit the food was really good.

The night went by so quick and before I knew it, it was time to get home. "Tonight was fun." I gave him a peck before getting out of the car. "I'll call you," he called out before driving off.

**Zayn's POV**

Tonight I actually had a good time, and I think my feelings for Hailey only grew. It was around 1am but I wasn't tired, so I decided to go over to my mate's house, on the other side of town, in that scummy area. I pulled up into the curb, 1 block away, not wanting to leave my car unattended in that area. I walked for about 15 minutes until the houses became smaller, with trashed front yards and guys walking in the streets with trouble clear on their faces.

I walked past multiple alley ways most empty or only holding a few drunk or passed out people. One alley way, though, caught my attention... the sound of deep familiar voices, I turned to find a group of 5 to 6 guys, surrounding a girl, which seemed to be crying or panting. I walked closer to see what all of this commotion was about and there they were; the guys who tried taking advantage of Hailey, once again doing it to another girl. Of course with anger taking over my whole body, my brain didn't allow me to think clearly or strategically. Obviously I wouldn't be able to take 6 guys on my own, but my fists didn't care. I just took a swing and hit one of them in the nose.

Before I could swing my other fists I had two guys knock me to the ground, holding each of my arms down, while two other laid kicks and punches to my stomach and legs. It was so painful that it became numb, I couldn't feel a thing anymore and my mouth wouldn't allow me to talk, nor would my legs allow me to make a run for it.


I was awoken by the bright glare of the sun hitting me straight in the eyes. My whole body was in pain and my back rested on something unfamiliar. I got up, supporting myself with the wall behind me, I looked around and I was still in the alley way, where I must have passed out yesterday. I went over what happened last night and I winced at the thought of the amount of hits I was getting to me, cringed at how cowardly the group of 6 huge guys were, ganging up on one guy and leaving him to pass out on the ground and then chuckled at how dumb I am, because I know that for a fact if I see them again, I will try making a move again.

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