Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I'm on holiday so I wrote this on the way to it, sorry about any mistakes, I'll edit it later. Hope you guys enjoy! Will update again very soon xx

Hailey's POV*

I found it strange that Zayn hadn't contacted me for a week or two, but I didn't want to think too deep into the situation. I also began to think about how he moved out of his parents' house and in with his friends, but then again a lot of people around this age move out the first chance they get, but I actually liked the comfort of living with my parents; well at least until I've saved enough to get my own apartment and travel. This week at work has been pretty boring, and Zayn had stopped attending my classes, ever since we've become closer, but I didn't want to bug him about it because it was obvious he didn't enjoy it and I don't think it changed him in anyway.

"So how's it living with your friends?" I leaned over the counter at the movie theatre while Zayn ordered the tickets. We spent almost 10 minutes arguing over me paying for my own ticket, but he insisted that he pay.

"It's no different I guess. Just much louder; all the time." He took the tickets and we walked into the theatre.


We talked through the whole movie, hearing people constantly sighing at the noise or telling us to keep it down. We walked back to my house and I invited him in since my parents were out and I had the house to myself for the rest of the day.

"And finally this is my room." I sighed sitting on the bed, after touring him around the house. He stood at the door, looking around, probably not sure where he should sit. I tapped the empty spot next to me with my hand gesturing for him to sit. He walked over and sat right beside me. The room was filled with what turned into awkward silence, "do you have work tomorrow?" he looked at me then back down to his feet which were swaying back and forth. "Yeah, unfortunately."

"Works boring without me, huh?" giving me a cocky smirk.

"No actually, there's one less child to look after." I shot back and giggled. He laughed and pushed my shoulder lightly with his.

Everything went silent again and he looked into my eyes, then slowly trailed down to my lips, licking his. He looked back up, then down again, crashing his lips to mine, immediately letting his tongue into my mouth, allowing it to massage mine as the kiss grew more passionate by the second. He moved his hands to my hips, pushing me lightly back, till my head was resting on my pillow. He hovered over me and my hands moved to the back of his head fisting some of his hair.

His lips moved down to my jawline, giving open kisses trailing down my neck lightly nibbling all my sensitive spots earning a quiet moan from me. I felt his growing bulge press against my crotch, as his lips moved back to mine. I ground my hips into his as my grip on his hair became firmer, hearing a low groan escape his lips. Zayn's phone interrupted us, with its ringing, I disconnected our lips, waiting for him to answer, "Ignore it," he breathed into my ears, kissing me as he began to unbutton my shirt.

The phone began to ring again, this time Zayn got up to answer, clearly frustrated with the person on the other line. "What?" he said in an annoyed tone. "Now?" he crossed his arms over his chest holding the phone between his shoulder and ear. "Fuck, alright." He hung up slipping the phone into his pocket.

I sat up, resting against the head board, buttoning the few buttons that Zayn undone. I looked at him, "I need to go, sorry." He adjusted his pants, attempting to conceal his bulge. "I'll call you soon. Promise." And he quickly walked out of my room and in a few seconds I heard the front door open, then close again. I sat there a little frustrated that he just left me.

*Zayn's POV*

I spent the whole walk to my mate's house cursing under my breath. The dick had to call me at the wrong time didn't he? I don't know what the fuck I got myself into but I know that it wasn't something that I'd planned to happen. See, when I said we had a shared house, I meant that there were more than 20 people living in the one shitty little dump. Every single person living there was into drugs, stealing and dealing.

I mean I guess they all needed somewhere to live and dealing small amounts of marijuana and so on to pay the "boss" wasn't so bad. Well to them it wasn't, but I really didn't want to get into that shit, just looking at all of the scummy addicted people, I know that for me there would be no turning back. My plan was to stay here for as long as I needed until I've found a job and made money to live somewhere; not so much like this place.

But everything that was happening no one I knew would find out, especially Hailey. I know that for a fact if Hailey found out, she'd be another person to the list that doesn't want me in their lives. Maybe that's why I began to grow feelings for her so quickly... because even though to everyone else I just look like some reckless teen, in her eyes she sees something so much more. I walked around the corner and finally I was there. I was so tired, I don't think I've ever walked this much in one week in my whole life. I really need to deal with getting my car back. I need a cigarette.

I sat at the couch trying not to breathe in the scent of weed and not to look at the sight of people sniffing lines of cocaine. My mate sat beside me and handed me a bag of what seemed like around $200 worth of marijuana. "Uh, boss said you have 2 weeks to make $150, and whatever is left over is compliments on the house." I stared at him expressionless, not wanting to take the bag. I tried persuading him to let me make money some other way 'but I needed to do it just like the others.' He told me that the boss was already being extra nice, letting me off for the first week to stay in this 'paradise' for free. "fucken hell, what would I need the extra weed for?" I sighed taking the bag off of him.


I walked into my room which was the size of a fucking closet and hid the bag under my pillow, laying down then lighting another cigarette. I closed my eyes dosing off when the sound of my name made me jump, "Zayn!" I rolled my eyes hoping that if I ignored the sound they'd stop. "Ay, Zayn! Come out mate." I let out a loud sigh, then headed for the hang out area which would usually be called the living room. "What?" I asked leaning on the arm of one of the lounges.

"Join us man, why the fuck are you always locked up in your room? Just one drag and if you don't like it we won't bug you anymore." He gave me an annoying as hell smirk that made me want to punch him in the lip. "Give me it." I took the joint off of him, planning to only take one drag then off to my room again. "Just one." I restated before bringing it to my lips, taking a puff, inhaling the smoke into my lungs then exhaling out.

One drag turned into many more and the next thing I could remember is laying on the lounge, way too close to the other people around me that personal space didn't even exist anymore. I kept my eyes closed and my head back, feeling like I was in a dream, slowly dosing in and out of it. I felt like I wasn't in control of my body. I've never felt a feeling so strange yet so good before. I think that if this whole house was to burn down I'd still be lying in this couch no worries what so ever.

But I promised myself this would be my first and last time because I said that I'd never get into drugs and I'm going to stick to my word.

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