Chapter 8

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*Hailey's POV*

The breeze coming through the window was amazing. Nights like these, I loved. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't hot either. The sky was clear of everything but the stars. I've always been a sucker for views and natural beauty. I pulled down my window further to embrace the beauty of it all.

"Do you always just smile to yourself?" a crooked smirk played on his lips.

"I guess that's just my normal face. Better than that grumpy face that you always have." I stated while pinching his cheeks. He pulled his head back and chuckled, "hey, let the driver concentrate."

"Alright grumpy." I turned back out the window noticing the increase of trees and bush land, by now we've been driving for an hour and it seemed like we were the only cars on the road.


I was so sucked into my own world, I hadn't even noticed the car coming to a halt. I was snapped out of my day dreaming when my door was opened, "come on," he held his hand out, gesturing me to take it. I grabbed his hand and hopped out of his car. "Where are you taking me, Malik?" I asked with complete curiosity. "Follow me," he turned to walk but stopped to turn back to me "you can trust me."

"I hope so..." I said jokingly, but also meaning it.

He led me through the trees and bushes. I followed behind, still holding his hand, walking in his exact tracks, because let's say, I was slightly afraid. You know, it wasn't an everyday thing, walking through unknown woods, when it's late at night. I could hardly even see Zayn in front of me, his dark clothing not helping at all. My grip tightened around his hands when I slipped, Zayn holding my balance. "Don't worry, we're nearly there."

"Ok," I let out a long breath, hoping he really meant it.

"We're here! Close your eyes." I hesitated, but followed his orders.

I felt my body suddenly lift off the ground causing me to open my eyes. I gripped onto Zayn's shoulders tightly when I realized he was carrying me bridal style. "Don't be afraid, I've got you." I closed my eyes again, feeling more relaxed. I always felt so safe around him, I don't know what it was. I felt him walking down some steps and the temptation of opening my eyes grew.

I felt my feet touch the floor again, "does this mean I can open?" I heard him laugh, and I could imagine his perfect smile in my head. "Wow, you have no patience. Yes you can open now."

I opened my eyes, blinking to adjust my vision. Everything was blurry because of having my eyes closed for that long. When my sight came back, I was infatuated with what was in front of me. Zayn and I were standing on a large stone, with the forest behind us, up a couple of stairs made out of stone. I turned to the front of me to see a beautiful sight. It was a little lake, that made the slightest sound of water flowing, it gave the best reflection of the stars and the moon I have ever seen. I knelt down and let the water run over my hand, I turned to Zayn smiling and gesturing him to sit next to me.

He walked over and set beside me. "My brother showed me this place, when I was younger. I pretty much fell in love with it and it became a weekly thing for the both of us. We used to always come down here to swim, talk, fish and it was pretty much the best thing about my childhood." He kicked the water with the tip of his shoe, smiling to himself, probably reminiscing everything he was saying.

"Do you both still come here?" Come to think of it, I've never heard Zayn even mentioning he has a brother...

"Uh, we lost my brother, Pete, almost a year ago to cancer..." I wasn't expecting that answer nor was I prepared. I placed my hand over his which was leaning on the stone. I looked up at him and gave him a sincere look, "do you miss him?" I wasn't sure if he was ready to talk about it with me, but I gave it a try.

"Yeah, I do. I mean, Pete is the type that would be loved and missed by anyone. Even if you only knew him for a day. He held our family together. Everything now is just broken and unfixable in a way."

*Zayn's POV*

I don't know why I was telling her so much about my family. I've never spoken about Pete to anyone, even my parents. That's what drove me so insane about Hailey, I'm so different around her, I'm so open.

"I'm sorry..." she curved her hand around mine, intertwining our fingers. "I guess all these memories you have of him and you together makes it somewhat better. Some people are left with no memories of their loved ones at all..."

I gave her a slight nod and smiled. I untangled our fingers and got up to undress. The confusion on her face was priceless. "Why on earth are you undressing?" I chuckled and dived into the water once I was down to only my underwear. The water was perfect. "Come on, it's the perfect night for a swim!" I lay back floating on the top of the water. She got up slowly, almost unsure of what she was doing. She undressed down to her bra and underwear, causing me to lose my balance. I tried to make my staring not so obvious, but sadly I don't think I succeeded. She was so petite, but curvaceous, I loved it.

She dived into the water, swimming directly towards me. She was completely under water, while I stood on my tippy toes waiting for her to reach me. She grabbed my legs in an attempt to scare me, I chuckled and rolled my eyes at the fail. She jumped out of the water, tilting her head back, brushing her hair away from her face with her hands. Everything seemed to go in slow motion and I watched in awe at her beauty. "Did I scare you?" the excitement clear on her face.

"You tried... maybe next time." I lifted her chin up with my hand and mimicked her pout.

She began to speak but I didn't hear a thing she was saying. My eyes moved down from her eyes to her lips. I watched them with complete focus, looking at the detail of them. Staring at the plump, red lips, wondering what they'd feel like against mine. Curiosity got to the best of me and I crashed my lips to hers.

*Hailey's POV*

Mid-sentence of a story that I was telling Zayn, which by the way I thought was very interesting, but obviously not; it was interrupted by his lips. He kissed me. His lips straight to mine, no word of warning. My eyes sprung open wider than ever at the sudden contact. "Sorry..." he started, "shouldn't have done that."

I wasn't sure of what to say back... I mean it's not like I didn't enjoy it. His lips were soft and fit perfectly with mine. I leaned in for another kiss suddenly wanting more. I felt something sparking up in my stomach and I liked it. Our lips moved in sync; he placed his hands on both sides of my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, before sliding it into my mouth. The kiss was becoming more heated, I pulled away, both of us catching our breath.

"I'm hungry." I broke the silence with such irrelevance, but I really was hungry.

He chuckled, "let's go."

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