Chapter 10

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Heyyy, sorry that my chapters have been a bit short, the next chapter will def be longer, with interesting things dw :) enjoy xx

I reached for my back pocket hoping to find my phone and wallet. But of course those assholes took all of my belongings. I had to head home, freshen up and sort everything out. I was going to deal with this shit myself, I could kill them if I had a gun; still thinking of how many girls they abuse for fun made my blood boil. They were a waste of space.

I walked down the block towards my car, realizing my keys are gone as well. "fuck." I cursed to myself, beginning my walk all the way to my house. An hour and a half it took me, it would have been less if my whole fucking body wasn't hurting. I walked through my front door; which was thankfully unlocked, hoping my parents were still sleeping or out. But, once again I was wrong. "Zayn? Where have you been?" my mum spoke with worry. "Just out."

I heard my mum's heels tapping on the ground with every step she took, which meant she was walking over to me. "And what's all of this?! Who did this to you?" she grabbed my arms and turned me around, running her fingers over the bruises on my face. "I said nothing mum, leave it alone." Sounding a little more pissed off now. I hated all of the interrogating questions. I turned around to walk up stairs to my room but stopped in my tracks when I heard my mum sobbing. I wasn't sure what to do because I never intended on this to happen, nor did I think it ever would.

I continued to walk up stairs, with my dad's voice shouting out my name in the back ground. I ignored him, and closed my bedroom door once I was inside. Right when I was about to change into something comfortable because all I wanted was sleep, my door was swung open, my furious dad standing in the door way.

"Is this what you've always wanted, huh? To make me and your mother disappointed in you? To make your mother cry?" his breathing was heavy and it seemed like he was going to cry himself, but of course that would never happen. My dad had way too much pride to show emotion. "What are planning to do with your life? Stay like this forever and live in this house, no job?" he looked down for a few seconds, as if he was thinking or felt a bit guilty. I stayed silent, not sure what to say.

"Leave. Pack your stuff and go." I wasn't sure if I heard wrong.

"What?" I asked.

"I said, pack your stuff and leave. Your mother and I can't deal with this any longer." He walked out of my door way and down the hall into his room. I wasn't sure where I was meant to stay but I just needed to pack some stuff and leave.


It's been a week since I left my house and I've been at my mates in the scummy area since then. He has a shared house with enough bedrooms. I wouldn't say I liked living here, but he agreed to let me stay, so why not.

It occurred to me that I haven't called or spoken to Hailey since that night and she was probably wondering where I was. I got dressed and left, off to her house. Hoping that I'd find her there. I knocked and stepped back, waiting for an answer. "Hi" spoke the lady behind the door which looked like an older, taller version of Hailey. "Hello, um is Hailey home?" I asked.

"Hailey!" she yelled up in the direction of the stairs, then turned back to me and smiled. I returned the smile, then saw Hailey walk down, towards the door. "Thanks mum." She smiled motioning for her mum to leave us alone. Once her mum walked away, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

"Zayn?" confusion was clear on her face.

"I can explain," she looked at me as if she was telling me to continue. "Well," I paused for a second if I should tell her exactly what happened, or if I should change it around. I mean I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want to seem like a dumb teenager, with no place to live. "I got robbed. My wallet and phone got taken. And I was just a bit busy moving in to my... friend's house." I looked up at her from my feet and gave her a smile. She smiled back and nodded.

"Do you want to do something today?" I asked, putting out my hand for her to grab. She took it and nodded, "want to watch a movie?"

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