Chapter 19

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"Cold blue ""

Lord who have died now as i rushed on the elevator, i got a gut bad feeling about going up there to do my job! Once the elevator opened d i took a deep breath to proceed the hallway. I walked up to see Tank with such a sad face and to see our head RN talking... I and proceeded professional at the room that everyone was running in and out. I started feeling weak in my stomach once i walked in To see the woman that i shed my tears with, my pain, & problems with laid in the bed peacefully with something in her hand. It was a letter that had my name on it, I couldn't bare to see her lying there so stiff so cold but she looked so peaceful!! My found patient Ms. Jackson, had died in her sleep! I opened the letter to only read "

I been meaning to tell you about my grandson TANK JEFFERSION ! In despite of the situation with your child's father, I think Tank will be a good friend to you!! He is great person! I know this will hurt him due to the fact I haven't said much to him since our last argument with him! I would love for you to be a great friend to him, also I left something for you. In here is the deed to my beach house down in Florida it is now yours and yu may go there whenever yu need to get away. I love yu take care of yourself and that beautiful baby of yours. Live life and be happy.

I was holding tears back, & snapped back into reality once  I heard them calling my name to come back to floor one!
        "Kyria  hey can you talk for a minute? " Tank asked
"Yea what's up?"
I just wanted to say thank you for being so close to her more than I was, the nurses told he how you took great care of her, I really appreciate ma!"

You are more than welcome, she was really a sweet person & she loved our talks!"

I gave him a sly smile and a hug, "I'm here for you ! I have to go I'll catch up with you later! Can't believe Ms. Winston was gone, all our lil talks , I'm glad I've gotten to chance to actually meet a great person that she was. Now how could Tank can be related to her and never came to see her, never spoke anything of her, I know it's killing him deep down inside! He never got to get that grudge off his chest and made it right with her! Walking back down to the station I snapped back into reality and checked for my next rounds , this is gonna be a long day for me ! My mind started wondering and then I had a flashback of that night we had sex! I had been avoiding his calls and text, that shit was never was pose to happen , that doesn't stop the fact my feeling for Tank I could escape !

Sitting outside of the parking lot thinking to myself of wanting to hit up Tank! Fuck it I'll just go ahead and call !! "Yooooo sup lady "? As he answered the phone . "Tank how are you "? I asked " I'm good baby , just wished i could have seen her before she left this world , it's so much more shit to be said mane" I wish she would of forgave me for my brother's death!!!" Changing his voice as if he was hiding the pain. "Where are you though?! Maybe I could be some company , if you needed to talk ".
That's what's up beautiful I am at home ." Okay I'll stop by " ending the conversation quickly

     Lyric, I need a favor !
      Sup . Baby cakes?
        I need you to drop me off at Tank's crib.
      Ok . Come park your car over here
      You know Carter will ride around and I can't      have that shit going !
What I would do is go over to my sister house until you are done , don't need hubby snooping shit to tell his ass !
Bet I'm on my way Lyric  

I headed over to Lyric's , meanwhile I called Carter to cover my tracks ! Unlike his ass I was real caution cause if he ever find out I ever slept with Tank he will kill both of us literally ! I really had to go find out why was it so hard for him to not take care of his grandmother , not even a call . She and I always had talks , even bought her everything she needed , I thought she didn't have family left until I read the letter. Dayuum I could never go without talking to my nana like that EVER! I opened my car door to get out ! What's on ya mind chick? Lyric asked walking over to me . Thinking about the patient we lost today ! Don't tell me It was Mrs. Jackson
was it? She gasped  . Yeah it was her , she was my favorite too! I know she always talked to her, awh girl I'm so sorry to hear that about her ! But Lyric guess what ? What she asked .. Thats Tank's grandma ! Girl no , how did you find that out? She wrote the letter and told me about him ! Damn this a fucking small world . Tank lived 30 minutes away from Lyric's house. I told her to play so music so I wouldn't talk any more about it. I was so anxious to find out what was really going on with him and just try to be his comfort! It hurts me to continue to think about it all. Looking  all the window try not to think anymore about it , I realized we pulling up over at Tanks ! Thanks bae, I'll call you when I'm ready ! Ok Boo , just be careful though ! I will ! Well here it goes , I gasped and walked to the door before I could even knock on the door he opened it as if he already knew the time frame of how long it would be!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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