Chapter 1

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Arabella's POV

I pulled up outside of the dull grey two story building, it was surrounded by bored looking students, in various cliques, I removed my seatbelt with a click, and opened my door, and my nose was assaulted by new and interesting smells. My wolf was growing curious, and wanted out of her cage which was my body. I calmed her down with deep breaths allowing her smell the scents better, I locked the doors of my black Nissan, I walked toward the front of the school I heard a few people start talking about me under their breath, mostly because of my heightened hearing but some stupid humans talk so loudly that anyone can hear them.

I moved inside the school with little trouble, I walked toward what I believed to be the front office, and was greeted by a platinum blonde, over-perfumed, and over made-up woman, she smiled at me showing me her completely straight set of whitened teeth.  She looked me over and pursed her lips together, obviously not approving of what I was wearing or how I looked.

“Hi…I’m new here and I was wondering…..” I started but was interrupted by the secretary

“Ahhh yes the new girl” she smirked at me, “Well here is your timetable, locker combo, map of the school and our teacher sign sheet that we want you to get signed each class for today” I nodded my head while she handed over all of my new things. “And here is your buddy, who will tour you around and will be in all your classes”. I turned around and saw the door opening behind it was a stunning red haired girl, she was tall and slim, her hair flowed down her back to just lower than her shoulders in loose waves, her pale green eyes stunned me, I took the rest of her in, she wore a loose white shirt, black belt, green stone necklace, faded jeans a few bangles and a brown leather bag.

“Hi, I'm Emma, your ‘buddy’” she did air quotes around buddy and grinned at me. I smiled back and followed her out of the office, she showed me to my locker and helped me collect my books, then showed me down the hall to maths.

As we walked in the whole class looked up directly at me, the teacher wasn’t in the room yet and according to Emma he was normally late. The bell rang and everyone was still staring at me, I looked around at all the new faces and gave them all my best smile. “Geez everyone pick up your eyeballs and put them back in your sockets…god has no-one ever seen a new person” she shouted to the class mumbling the last bit under her breath, I smirked a little at her reaction. I followed her up a few rows of tables and chairs and sat down next to a window in the middle of the room.

The strong smell of perfume hit my nose I looked up to see a golden haired girl face covered in makeup, with a smile plastered to her face. “So…new girl, your aren’t really going to hang out with this lame-o slut are you?” she looked at me questioningly “You should hang out with me and my group, this bitch will take you nowhere on the social scale…with me however you will be at the top of the pyramid within the week” I looked between Emma and this blonde girl. I smirked up at her laughing slightly, “how about hmm let me think about it…No” the whole class was now listening in wanting a cat fight to start. A few people started giggling and laughing under their breaths I could tell by their expressions that not many people had ever stood up to this girl.

I looked back down to my desk and the book that lay open on it when a perfectly pink manicured hand came down in the middle of the page. “Last chance… come with me or join the outcasts of sociality” I looked up to her, her once smiling face was now glaring down at me.

 I smirked at her and shook my head “I told you no, now get lost” she continued to glare down at me a few more seconds until we heard the door open and the teacher walked in she quickly turned and pushed my books off the table.

I moved down to get them once she had taken her seat toward the front of the class, the teacher droned on for the rest of the lesson, at the end I got him to sign the card and then left following Emma down the multiple halls finding our way to English.   


Ok hey guys, I know this is a pretty crappy chapter but it will get better it’s a wolf one again and later on it will get a bit sad so just warning you now…..hope you all like this book and btws all my authors notes will be down the bottom so its easier to get into and then I can explain any cliff hangers.






also Emma's Outifit on the side

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