Chapter 14

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Arabella’s POV

I felt safe and warm when I woke. As I opened my eyes I realised I was in Toby’s arms, I looked over my shoulder to see him slowly open his eyes and smile at me. “Morning Beautiful” he whispered in my head, I rolled over in his arms to face him and gave him a peck on the lips.

I snuggled into his chest just as a knock came from the other side of the door, “Come in” Toby’s gruff morning voice surrounded me and made me shiver at how sexy it sounded. “Toby, baby I came to give you a special wake-up call” Kelsey’s slutty voice entered the room along with the creaking of the door.

Instantly I sat up and growled at her, “Get out of this room now and never come back again” I said to her in a calm voice. She stopped mid stride in shock, her face changed to one of enraged anger, “Now” I stated calmly. She glared at me like I had just killed someone; she stormed out of the room.

Gordy’s figure came into view in the doorway looking confused; he then looked in to see me sitting up with Toby now leaning against his hand holding his head up. “Obviously she didn’t take the news to well” he joked, we all started laughing together and then a woman’s voice came through the pack link “Don’t forget the weekly Barbeque everyone, starts in 20 minutes” The boys both groaned in sync.

“What’s so bad about a barbeque?” I asked confused, they both rolled their eyes toward me “It’s not that bad it’s just that we have to talk to people” I laughed at them and got up to go have a shower. Then I stopped. “Toby I need some clothes…” he chuckled and I could tell he was mindlinking someone to get me some clothes, he walked through to the ensuite.

Soon enough a Emma entered the room carrying a pair of denim shorts, red polka dotted strapless shirt, white sandals, and a bracelet. (PIC ON SIDE-MINUS THE HAT) I thanked her and took the clothes, we talked for a while about everything that had happened recently, she left just as Toby walked out of the ensuite with a towel hanging low on his waist.

My mouth dropped open just as his voice echoed in my head “Like what you see babe?”  I quickly corrected myself and walked past him and into the ensuite. I put the clothes by the sink and turned on the water; I stripped down and stepped in. I washed my body and hair then got out and dried myself, I turned my back to the mirror and saw the scars that still remained over my back.

Sighing I ignored them and pulled on underwear and then the clothes Emma had bought me. I blow dried my hair and let it fall in light loose long ringlets down my back. I walked out of the bathroom to see Toby lying back on the bed.

Taking a running start I ran at the bed and jumped on top of him, we both started laughing like crazy and he lightly kissed me on the lips which soon turned into a passionate make out session. I heard a cough and pulled away from Toby. He growled a little as I did.

“Come on guys, stop being all gross its time for MEAT!” Gordy yelled as he ran off like it was a battle cry. Toby stood up and pulled me up after him. We made our way down the stairs and outside, where I saw the hundreds of wolves that made up the pack. The alpha got up on a table near the house and everyone quietened.

“My pack, I have three things I want to tell you, first is some sad news, one of the new pack members has been found to have been abusing his daughter” gasps where heard “I need the whole pack to come to the meeting area tonight for his sentence, all in black formal dress” the crowd went very solemn.

“Now to some happier news, secondly I want to tell you all to enjoy the amazing barbeque the mother have prepared for us” cheers and clapping sounded around the crowd. “Lastly is the happiest news I will bring to you for a while, as you know my son Tobias has yet to find a mate” everyone nodded. “That was until he met her a few days ago” instantly the backyard was filled with cheers and woots and ‘good on you’ “Calm my friends, calm, I would like to introduce to you your future Luna, Arabella” I was deafened by the noise they made, even worse with our advanced hearing.

Toby followed behind me as we went up towards the Alpha, I felt his hands around my waist and soon enough he picked me up and stood me on the table, he soon followed and stood behind me hugging my body to his chest.

“Now enjoy everyone, have some fun and introduce yourselves to Arabella” the alpha jumped down followed by Toby who turned around grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed with him and smacked his arse.

He put me down with a group of women next to Emma, he introduced me to them all, including his mother. Typical guy never giving a girl some warning. The rest of the afternoon was great I met all the pack members while Toby had his arms around me all afternoon.

At the end of the day Toby went off with his father to prepare some things for this evening while everyone else started going home to get ready. Emma and I were just about to go inside to start getting ready when someone grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back.

I let out a low warning growl, and inhaled trying to learn who this was, as soon as I did I knew it was Kelsey I tore my arm away and spun around to face her. “You bitch you stole my boyfriend!” she yelled at me.

“I did not! I found my fucking mate! If you have a problem with that take it up with the goddess not me!” her eyes shifted to black and she lunged at me, I always hated using violence as it made me think I was turning into my father, but I had, had enough of Kelsey.

She shifted in front of me and started circling me, like prey, “Are you sure you want to do this Kelsey?” I stressed each word, my only answer was a deep growl. I shifted and matched her steps, circling each other. I snarled at her showing my teeth and that I wasn’t backing down. A small crowd had gathered around by now but no-one made a move to stop the fight.

Her grey wolf form pounced at me but I met her mid-air, I grasped her scruff between my teeth as we fell back to the ground. Her teeth snapped at me trying to get a hold but I just bit down harder making her yelp. I growled again and let her go, I shifted and grabbed a sundress that hung on the washing line.

Kelsey was still in wolf form when I turned and she let out a feral growl. She started to sprint at me and barrelled into me before I could shift, she clawed at me as well as biting at my neck, I felt the warmth of blood pour from my neck.

Her weight was pulled from on top of me and I heard a loud crack and a whine. Toby’s worried face came into view just as the world went black.


Duh Duh DUNNNNN!!!! Well that’s all for now me lovelies I'm sick today so I thought I would post it for you and I'm going to continue as soon as I post this and hopefully will post it within the next few days. Anywhoo




Xx SophieBoffie

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