Chapter 5

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Toby’s POV

As I walked toward the pack house I could hear the ruckus that I was usually a part of, everyone had just arrived back from school, I walked in through the kitchen door and saw everyone pigging out on the afternoon tea that was sitting on the benches.

I moved in without anyone noticing me and grabbed a chocolate chip muffin and orange juice and made my way to our pack library, this was one of my favourite places to just chill out and be myself. The walls where lined with millions of books on our kind and many that explained why and how things happened for a werewolf. I moved over into one of the back corners and turned on a computer, I needed to find out more about Arabella, I looked her up on Facebook, nothing, I tried Google, nothing, I even hacked into the police files and still nothing.

I needed to know about her so I walked the rows of books and found one of the more recent books, it was like a census for wolves it was done last year, and so if she was a wolf, she would be in here. I scanned every page looking for her name but I found nothing. I heard the door creak open and I looked up to see Kelsey making her way towards me, I quickly stood and walked toward her I didn’t want to break it off in here, I didn’t know how she would take it and I didn’t want a bad memory in this place. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along with me outside to the edge of the woods that bordered our pack house.

“We need to talk” I said to her in a grim tone I know it was a stereotype but it was a quick way to break it off with her. She squinted at me with anger obviously starting to surface “Kelsey I really like you but…we can’t be together any more…I’m sorry” my voice sounded bored and monotone not wanting to make this harder than it was I started to walk off, she quickly grabbed my arm and spun me around to look at her.

Hurt and anger covered her features, she was starting to shake her wolf angry with what I had done, “What do you mean we can’t be together! What has happened in the last 2 hours after you left? Tell me Toby, You are my boyfriend and you will NOT leave me!” she was screaming in my face, I could tell everyone could hear her, our heightened hearing meant we could hear a human conversation from this far away meaning her outburst was heard by the whole pack.

My wolf was burning in frustration at the disrespect we were getting, being a wolf he hated being disrespected but being an Alpha made it even worse, “Kelsey, I’m sorry but we can’t be together just accept it and move on” I told her, trying to keep my wolf at bay so I didn’t snap. I started walking away back toward the pack house then I heard her scream “I HATE YOU!”, I heard the ripping of clothes and assumed she shifted I was about half way to the house when she pounced on me.

Her grey wolf was sleek and shiny in the autumn sun, she pushed me off balance and made me turn to her, we started circling each other me still in human form her in wolf. She made a move to pounce on me but I was to quick and grabbed her by the scruff and forced her head into the ground. “Don’t” I barked out an order to her. She whimpered I let her go and she ran off inside, I didn’t like hurting her or anyone for that matter, but she was not going to deny me my mate, just because of an on and off relationship we had.  


I walked inside with the gaze of most of the pack members watching me, I hated this feeling I had to get out, I walked through the pack village and into the surrounding woods, I hiked to the top of the mountain that overlooked our pack land.

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