Chapter 3

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Toby’s POV

Kelsey walked up to me with a huge grin on her face, her blonde hair bopping up and down with each of her steps I pulled her into my side kissing her on the cheek “so my little devil what did you do for revenge?” I knew she would do something extreme not many people ever went up against Kelsey and ‘lived to tell the tale’ if you will, they would be so embarrassed, of the ten people that had gone up against her nine had moved schools the other that had stayed here barley ever showed up.

“The stupid girl left her clothes out so I decided I would teach her a lesson… we threw water balloons at her which meant she couldn’t stay in those clothes and then when the bitch got into the change rooms she would have seen that we cut words into her clothes and well…we’ll see how big her balls are”.

Carl came running up to us laughing his arse off with a few of his friends, “Oh My God, Kelsey I heard you got your arse kicked by the new girl” she glared at him with disdain clear in her eyes if only looks could kill “dude we all saw that it was during the bloody game” I said to him slapping him over the back of his head.

He shook his head laughing pointing at Kelsey he then fell on his arse in the middle of the cafeteria struggling to breath, I looked toward Kelsey not really caring about Carl anymore “When we were throwing water balloons at her she grabbed for me and I was to close and well…she got me on the floor” I started growling no one disrespected my girl, my wolf wanted at this new girl Arabella to teach her a lesson but Kelsey knew how to handle things so I decided to leave it to her.

I managed to calm my wolf down by pulling Kelsey to me and breathing in her scent, even if she wasn’t my mate I still had an emotional connection to her and that was good enough for now. The doors to the cafeteria slammed open, I was still nuzzled in Kelsey’s neck but I felt her stiffen, and strangely enough even from here where I was completely surrounded by Kelsey’s chocolaty scent, the most delicious aroma meet my nostrils.

It smelt like salt and sea and sand, the best smell possible, I couldn’t move, my wolf started howling rejoicing in the fact that I had found my mate, he urged me to lift my head to put a face and name to the smell. I heard the distinct clicking of high heels walking over to me, the whole cafeteria had gone completely quiet, Kelsey was pulled away from me, and I lifted my eyes to see the sublime figure of a gorgeous woman, my woman, my mate.

The world around me froze as I admired her she had long tan legs, curves in all the right places, soft golden hair that I was dying to run my fingers through, beautiful blue eyes, plump lips and perfect cheek bones. I wanted her; she looked so strong, so capable, and so perfect.

I was bought back to reality when I saw Kelsey trying to hit her, my wolf started growling, I controlled myself barely, “Now bitch, next time you cut my stuff….” She let her words hang there allowing Kelsey to look at her clothes “…I cut you” her voice was so powerful. She dropped Kelsey’s shirt that she was hanging onto and turned I noticed her shorts and shirt had been cut and the majority of the male population where looking at her with lust in their eyes. A growl started at the back of my throat wanting no one else to look at her like that except me, she opened the doors and walked out letting them slam closed behind her, Emma one of the lower pack members following quickly behind her. (pic of what Arabella’s altered outfit looked like on side à)

Kelsey came up to me lacing her hands behind my neck, I hated the feeling of her, it made me feel disgusted, like I was cheating on my mate. I quickly shook her off by standing up, she looked up at me and pouted trying to make me go back to her, but I couldn’t my wolf wanted our mate and our mate only. And if he wasn’t getting her he wanted out of the confines of my body, he wanted to run.


I found my way to the edge of the boundaries of school quickly not really paying attention, quickly stripping  and shifting into my wolf I carried my clothes in my jaw, I wouldn’t be back here today. My wolf found her scent easily and we were on our way to her house quickly, I arrived at a red brick house the garden over grown and the paint on the shutters chipping away.

I could see boxes stacked up in the windows, her scent was so strong it was unusual, most of the time your scent is faint especially being gone for a while for school, unless you lose blood, I started to see red my wolf was assuming things, ‘Someone hurt her we have to deal with them’ he was screaming in my head. ‘Calm down she probably just cut herself opening a box… it would be accident or something’ I responded to him, he considered this and started calming down. I memorised her address and started making my way home.

I shifted back when I was close enough to walk, I put on my clothes and just strolled through the woods, thinking about her, how the light caught her hair and made it glow like an angels, how her eyes looked deeper and more beautiful than the sea, how her body moved with an air of confidence. She was perfect and she was mine, no one could keep me from her.

Except Kelsey….I could tell Kelsey and she were already at each other’s throats, and having me be Kelsey’s boyfriend then break up with her and go straight to Arabella would just throw more coal on the fire. So as I wandered through the calm woods, I decided that I would break it off with Kelsey tonight then I would let things cool off for a few days and then make my move.

‘You won’t be able to last a few days mate’ my wolf started telling me ‘She’s to gorgeous to refuse’ I knew what he was talking about, her stunning luscious lips that just begged to be kissed  and I hadn’t even said hello to her yet ‘You won’t be able to deny me long, she will be ours soon’ he then crept off to the back of my mind, leaving me to sort out my muddled thoughts.

He was right though it would be hard to wait for the dust to settle, it would be hard to deny my feelings for her when already I was hooked from one meeting with her….


Ok guys I thought I would finish this story up, I don’t want to leave it just sitting there collecting dust so I think this will be a pretty short story probs 10 chapters at the most, I know its pretty crap so I’m sorry if u don’t like it, anyway check out my other books, Strongest of All,  and The Wolf and Her Dog.

So the same drill




Xx SophieBoffie

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