Chapter 7

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Arabella’s POV

As I peeled off the last bandage I heard the door slam down stairs, I quickly chucked the bandages into the fire and pulled down my shirt walking downstairs to meet my father. I moved down the stairs quietly and went toward the kitchen where I thought he would be as I entered he looked me over then closed his eyes inhaling deeply letting his wolf work out what was different about me, as he opened I saw his eyes had turned black.

A growl was let out he could still smell the small amount of blood on my skin, the next second I was being held by the throat against the wall, through clenched teeth he asked me “WHO? WHO HIT YOU?” I whimpered my wolf hating being held in such a venerable way. “I’m sorry….it was a girl at school someone distracted me and she pinned me within those seconds” he let out a growl and started moving toward my neck he was going to tear at my throat, this had happened only once or twice before and it left me drained and almost dead, the tears started forming in my eyes.

A loud knock was heard at the door, his eyes went such a deep shade of black as I looked into them I thought it was night, he let me down and growled as he stalked off towards the door, I wiped under my eyes and checked in a mirror making sure I look presentable and followed my father’s lead out to the front hallway. He opened the door and revealed a strong looking man, his chest was defined in muscle, his height exceeded my fathers and he looked down with a look of power and strength.

“Yes?” a tone of derision lacing my father’s voice, “I am the Alpha of the Midnight Pack, I am here to discuss with you an ultimatum please may we come in?” My father looked taken aback with the presence of an alpha in our home, he lead them in with three men following him through the corridor, I moved to the door to close it just as a hand came out holding the door open.

I looked up toward the person stopping the door and saw a huge smile covering my mate’s face, the smile reaching his whole face, body and soul. I let a smile grace my lips, he was wolf, as was I and this meant I didn’t have to stress about telling him my secret, but it also meant he could feel my pain through our bond.

He took my hand and closed the door with his foot pulling me through the house, just before we got to the living room where the other men where I let go of his hand and walked through ahead of him.

“Now I will properly introduce myself and my companions, I am Alpha John, this is my Beta, Luke” He said gesturing to the second largest man who looked around the same age, “and this is my top enforcer Kyle” he said pointing to the fully alert man who had been looking everywhere he could and smelling the air to sense if we posed any threat. “And this is my son and future Alpha of the pack Tobias” he looked over proudly to Toby who stood by my side.

Toby was an Alpha, my head started spinning, that meant as his mate I would be future Luna, that would mean running a whole pack. The whole room started to spin and I felt myself start to fall, then sparks hit my arms, I looked up and saw Toby looking down at me worriedly. My father looked at me with anger “Take her upstairs to her room, and let her lie down Son” his father instructed and quickly I was lifted off the floor and I was being carried bridal style up the stairs to my room. I was laid down on my bed and Toby moved away from my side. The sparks that being together left with him and my wolf whimpered inside my head.

“You’re a Wolf…” he said a smile still apparent on his face, I nodded slowly, my wolf wanted him close but my mind had doubts I didn’t want to fall in love and then have him start to abuse that love, and abuse me….

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