Chapter 11

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Arabella’s POV

Today had been amazing, I got to spend the whole day with Toby and his friends meaning the bond was growing stronger and stronger. Tonight was our induction ceremony meaning my father and I where officially welcomed into the pack.

“Arabella, why are you so late?” his menacing voice rang out from the lounge where he was sitting with a whiskey tumbler in one hand. “Father sorry I was with the guys and we lost track of time please forgive me…” he nodded toward the stairs leading down to his torture chamber.

“It’s all set up down there and tonight after this stupid ceremony you will be punished for disobeying me and for that attitude” my breathing picked up, whenever he told me when I was to be punished it was the worst forms of torture you can think of. “And if you even think of trying to run…” he sliced across his throat with a finger showing me my fate.

I could tell he was drunk but these weren’t the empty threats that some make, my father followed through with his treats weather he was drunk or almost dead, he would carry through. A shudder ran down my spine as he got up and walked towards me, he traced the same line he had on his throat onto mine, and then walked away into his room.

I ran upstairs quickly, I needed to calm down before Toby felt my fear through the bond, I locked my door and jumped into the shower, letting the water run over me even though I was still in clothes. As my heart slowed I started taking off the wet layers of clothes and put them in the bathrooms sink, I washed out all the chlorine that covered me from the pool and then got out and wrapped a towel around myself.

I walked into my wardrobe and, pulled on some underwear and a bra, then blow-dried my hair and applied a light layer of makeup and loosely curled my hair placing a thin golden head band in. I went over to the clothes rack and slipped the soft dress on over my head, it was amazing, there was a gorgeous flower band that acted as a strap the top was sight around my bust and the skirt flowed out to just above my knee. (PIC OF DRESS ON SIDE)I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself spinning around I looked like a goddess.

It was almost 9 o’clock and we had to be there soon so I slipped on the white heels that matched the dress and walked downstairs, my father waited, in black dress pants and an black button up shirt, he opened the door and walked ahead of me. We stood at the entrance of a large clearing, seats where carved out of a hill that surrounding a large circular rock, this was a place used for many things, from pack meetings to deciding fights to induction ceremonies to expulsion ceremonies and many more.

Tonight the whole place was stunning it was covered in candles and fairy lights all dancing in the soft breeze, people all dressed in ceremonial clothes took their seats and chatted, I spotted a few guys from today, I saw Emma standing proud in a soft blue dress, surrounded by young children and mothers. I found Kelsey in the crowd in a deep red dress looking condescendingly at the people surrounding her.

Then I found the one person I actually wanted to see, Toby, he was dressed in black dress pants, white untucked half unbuttoned shirt and messy hair, he looked absolutely perfect. I was just about to look away when our eyes met, a smile instantly came to my lips and I could feel a blush creeping up to my cheeks “You look absolutely amazing” he said into my mind, my smile turned into a grin and I looked away from him and down to the floor embaressed.

“Quiet…Quiet please, Thank you, now tonight we gather here to introduce and claim two wolves to our pack” cheers went up around the clearing as the Alpha stood tall and proud in the middle of the large stone. “We welcome Peter and Arabella Raulf” he opened his arm and my father and I walked over toward the stone as everyone clapped and cheered for us.

“Do you pledge allegiance to your Alpha, Luna and the rest of your pack?” he asked his voice echoing through the clearing, “I do” we said in unison, “Do you swear that you will not bring harm to any of your pack members?” I looked to the Alpha who was giving my father a strange look “I do”.

“And lastly do you promise that for the rest of your lives within this pack you will protect any other pack member if they come into harm’s way?” the Alpha gestured around the ring of seats to the pack, “I do”. Quickly cheers went up from the entire audience I smiled out showing I was proud to be in their pack.

“Congratulations you are now part of the Midnight pack, please enjoy the festivities and welcome to the pack” The Alpha smiled and patted us both on the back before walking off. My father’s smile dropped as soon as the Alpha had left he then bent down next to my ear “Make sure you are home by 12 that is when punishment begins” I stiffened where I stood, my breathing increased matching my erratic heartbeat.

He strode away leaving me in the centre of the rock, I slowly came back to myself as I heard Toby calling my name, “Bells…Bells” I shook my head and looked up to his worried face “are you okay babe?” I nodded quickly and smiled at him. “Let’s go enjoy the party” I said to him trying to lighten the mood so he wouldn’t start questioning me.  

The rest of the night was great I saw Emma and was talking to her, I met more pack members around our age and Toby was beside me the whole night, Layla loved this, she was now part of a pack and she felt connected to other wolves “Arabella it’s almost eleven we have to go or the punishment will be worse than it already would be” I nodded to her and said my goodbyes.

As I walked back to the house I felt cold, I hated walking back to him, when I knew what was going to happen, it was the worst way for it to happen. I made my way upstairs and took off my gorgeous dress I put it back on its hanger and put on some tracksuit shorts and a cami, wiped off my makeup and pulled my hair up into messy bun.

Through our bond I realised Toby was just about to go to sleep his heart beat was slowing and his mind was going over memories of me from today, I smiled at how sweet he was. I had delayed the encounter long enough so I slowly made my way downstairs and toward the stairs that lead down to my doom.


Yay another post….well I'm gonna keep writing straight after I post this I’ve been feeling really inspired today also I'M SOOOOO HAPPY I GOT UP TO LIKE 621 READS WOOOOOO HOOOO I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOO MUCH UR THE BESTES PEOPLE EVER.




Xx SophieBoffie

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