Chapter 16

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Arabella’s POV

“Your conviction is…..” my world went into slow motion and I was dragged into memories, scenes with my mother pushing me behind her to protect me. The years of constant abuse, looking at my body in the mirror covered in scars and bruises.

Being starved and beaten into submission, the mental and emotional pain he put me through, my mother’s screams, joined by my crying. The horror struck look that crossed my mother’s face as she saw me being abused by my father.

Suddenly I saw Toby’s face in front of me, his hands cupping my face and thumbs wiping away the tears that I hadn’t realised where falling. “Baby what’s wrong?” I sniffed and looked deep into his eyes “Alpha Stop…” I spoke into his mind.

He looked over to me with questions in his eyes, I stood up and walked to the center, my father looked up as I walked and smirked at me, “Do you know the pain that I went through every day, every month, every year I have been with you?” I asked him rhetorically, “You ruined my life, every time you hit me I blamed myself, every time you told me I wasn’t good enough I believed you, each and every time you did those things I thought it was my fault.” My voice rose with each word I spoke.

“I hate you with every fibre of my being” I spat at him, “This is what I had to deal with, you bastard” I grabbed his head and started to push through all of my memories of abuse, each and every pain I had to deal with went into his mind, he started spazzaming but couldn’t move because of his chain, so I kept going with my memories. He screamed out in pain, and I dropped my hands, I hadn’t even gotten through two weeks of memories, and he was already screaming.

Tears streaked his face, “You are weak, that wasn’t even two weeks of pain, now I know what you are, you are a pathetic excuse of a man” I heard a weak growl before I walked off. Toby took my hand at the edge of the stone and hugged me close to his chest. “You are so strong baby…” He whispered in a sad voice in my head.

“You have seen your own actions, Peter Raulf you are sentenced to life imprisonment with the Desdemona, in the ice wastelands of the North” terror filled my father’s face. We had all heard rumours of the Desdemona, they were a group of the highest wolves, who took care of the wolves who broke the laws agreed after the wolf and vampire war. Their name meant ‘of the devil’ and anyone convicted to go with them was never killed, just put through so much mental pain that they would kill themselves if possible.

“Please, Alpha I beg of you don’t do this, please” his strained voice begged, the two enforcers unchained him and pulled him along his cries rung out around the arena. Once he was pulled away the area was still silent, Toby and I still stood in our embrace.

“Pack this is what happens to those who break our laws, please go back to your homes” the pack started moving away and towards their houses. The Alpha came over and touched my back, I turned in Toby’s arms to look at him. Pain filled his eyes while he placed his hand on my shoulder, “My dear…I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain” I nodded at him just as Toby’s mother came over, pulled me out of his arms and into an embrace.

“My dear girl, I am so sorry that you had to deal with that man for your whole life…the pain you would have had to go through….. well that is all in the past now and you can finally be happy with Toby” she finished with a smile. I smiled back at her just as Toby snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me back to his chest.

“Come on babe, time for bed” he moved me to his side but kept his arm over my shoulder, we walked back to the pack house and up to his room. As soon as the door was closed I felt relieved, this part of my life was over, and a new and better chapter was beginning.

I wanted, no needed Toby right now, I had to have him completely, I pushed him back into the door and leant in laying my lips on his. He turned me around so my back was against the door never breaking lip contact, trailing his hands down my sides, his hands played with the hem of my shirt.

One of his hands kept going and grabbed my thigh and pulled my leg up around his waist, his hand swapped places pulling my second leg around his waist, with me still pressed up against the door. He walked us over to his bed and lay me down, his lips never left mine.

He took his lips off mine and moved to my neck kissing and grazing the skin lightly with his teeth, I gasped and started unbuttoning his shirt, “Are you sure about this Bells” he questioned in my mind all the while starting to kiss down from my neck to my collar bone. “More sure than anything in my life” I told him.


And with that he started unzipping my dress, I finished unbuttoning his shirt and tossed it off, then started working on his pants, curse whoever invented belts they are so impractical in these situations.

As I finished unbuckling his belt I threw it away, he pulled off my dress expertly, something about the way her did it made me growl a little he must have done this before. But soon enough I was distracted as his hands traced over my body, I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly pushing down his pants for him to be left in just boxers.

He moved his lips back to mine while he undid my bra and pushed down my underwear, I pushed down his boxers quickly and continued to kiss him passionately, “You’re Ready?”  he moved his lips to my neck preparing to mark and mate me as his, I nodded and as soon as I had I felt him enter me and his elongated canines puncture my skin in my neck, I was overwhelmed by pleasure, as we continued into the night.


Yay they finally mated and are together, the father was convicted double yay, so my friends this story is almost done I think there will be maybe two or three more chapters, so look at my other book Strongest of All, and please send this story on to your friends. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL MY READS AND I LOVE GETTING COMMENTS AND FANS cause they really help me get inspired to write more. Anywhooo…..




Xx SophieBoffie

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