Chapter 6

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Arabella’s POV

The incessant beeping of my alarm woke me, I rolled over to smack it down, realising to late about my back it still ached from my beating yesterday. I left my bed and moved into the bathroom wanting to wash off any traces of blood I may have missed from yesterday, I turned on the shower jumping in only once it was scolding hot, I washed off my back and got out looking at my back in the mirror. There were only scars remaining, but they looked a little raw.

I walked through to my closet and picked up some skinny jeans, black camisole and an oversized primary school jersey. I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen quickly whipping up some eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausages, toast and orange juice, before my father came down stairs. Just as I poured the orange juice into its glass he entered, bringing with him the stench of blood, whiskey and cigars. He sat down and started eating, I moved to my bag attempting to hide the plastic container of food sitting beside my bag that I had managed to get before he entered.

I pushed it inside the bag with one swift motion pretending it was a notebook, I turned around to see him standing holding a butchers knife beside his leg glaring at me, I had been caught ‘Run, don’t let him do it again’ my wolf begged me. But I was frozen, he crossed the floor within a few strides and brought his free hand up backhanding me in the face, as I moved with the slap to try and lessen the impact he brought up the knife and stabbed me in the stomach.

I gasped for breath, seeing black dots in my vision I swayed, he pushed me making me lie with my back on the cold bench. He then grabbed my stomach directly where the wound was he squashed and squeezed it making more pain wrack through my body, I was ready to pass out. “Please stop..” I begged him in a weak voice, the surrounding kitchen grew fuzzy but his face, his pure look of hate was always clear.

The pressure was relieved and I looked to him, I sat up slowly and hopped off the bench, just as I did he grabbed the wound again and pushed his hand inside the deep gash, I cried out as he extended his hand and fingers opening the cut more and more, tearing my skin in the process. He pulled his hand out and I fell to the floor in exhaustion.

“Clean up this mess and change your clothes before you leave or else something much worse than the whip will find you tonight” he ordered me in a low terrifying tone. I nodded my head slightly, crawling over to the kitchen cupboards and grabbing a bucket, soap and sponge. I washed off all the blood on the floor and the bench top, smothering it in antiseptic so I wouldn’t have to smell it anymore. Chucking the bucket and assorted items I walked up to my room grabbing the first aid kit from my bathroom I put on a pressure bandage and changed, into basically an identical outfit, new jeans, camisole, and an oversized jumper.

I grabbed my clothes and walked downstairs, putting them in the washing machine as I went. I picked up my bag that was now without the container of food, and moved outside to my truck. I pulled myself in and steered out of the driveway, making my way to school hoping I wouldn’t be late.

I walked into school still feeling dizzy from the loss of blood, making my way to my locker and pulling my books out I felt people’s eyes on me. My wolf noticed it as well, she started to control me and sniffed through my human nose, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Then a deep husky scent hit my nose, the smell of the salt water and waves.

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