Chapter 4

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Arabella’s POV

Kelsey had really taken it too far, she cut up my best pair of jeans, and I would be in trouble for it later, I continued my day getting stares from the entire school, guys looked at me with want in their eyes, girls looked at me with disgust and teachers looked at me with sorrow and repulsed looks. I seriously wanted to bash my head on a wall and go into a coma from the embarrassment.

Emma and I went through the rest of the day trying to act normal and not be noticed, and we generally succeeded, the bell chimed in our last lesson and we walked off to our lockers chatting. I grabbed the books I needed for homework and waited for Emma, most of the teachers had been nice to me and not given me homework as it was my first day. We walked out of the school together heading towards my truck, “Nice car” Emma said, I rolled my eyes “Not a car, it’s a truck” I told her she put her hands up in surrender “Sorry didn’t realise you where the police on these sort a things” we both started laughing, a realisation hit me, this was what I was trying to avoid, any type of relationship, I needed no connections.

I slowing stopped laughing not wanting Emma to know what was going on, “Do you need a lift?” I asked her, “Nah I'm fine got my own lift” she said pointing off at some cars which I presumed was where hers was parked. “Ok then I better G4” she looked at me with a confused look on her face “G4?” she asked me. “Yeah that was what my mum used to say, it means G 4 Go I think” I told her, I knew I shouldn’t talk about my mum or my family; it would only lead to questions.

I could tell that she got the hint and smiled back at me, waved and left me. I hoisted myself up into the truck and pulled out of the car park. The drive home was slow, my father had bought a house out of town and out of the way of most people. Our house was situated at the end of a long driveway set very far back from the road, I pulled the truck into the drive way running over unkempt grass and weeds, that I needed to mow.

I pulled up to a stop and jumped out of the truck, walking up the steps to the red brick house that I now called ‘home’. I opened the creaky door, and stepped over several boxes, making my way to the kitchen; I put down my bag and, opened the fridge. It was then that I heard the slow whine of the kitchen door opening, I turned around abruptly, seeing my tall rugged looking father standing in the doorway taking in my appearance. Then I realised what I was wearing, I was still in the cut up clothes, “What are you Wearing?!” he yelled at me, his deep voice reverberating off the tiled walls.

I sunk back away from him, “ANSWER ME!!” he continued to yell, “I..I’m sorry, it was a girl, sh..she was doing it as a prank and she cut them...” he crossed from the entrance to the fridge within two strides, he raised his hand and quickly brought it down making it collide with my face, sending an echoing slap sounding throughout the room. “You’re dressed like a slut, what will people say now when they see me ‘there goes the man who can’t control his own daughter’” he shouted as I tried to inch my way away from him.

“Stupid Girl” he continued to mutter and made his way down to the basement, I slid down the wall tears in my eyes, but I would not let him see me cry “and bring me down a steak for dinner!” he yelled at me from his den, I made my way upstairs and changed into some proper jeans and a camisole. I then walked down the stairs going to the kitchen quickly and preparing his dinner, I quickly seared it off making sure it was only rare, I plated it up with some mash potatoes and peas, I carried it down with a steak knife and fork along with a napkin.

I knocked on the door, making sure he knew I was here and not disrespecting him by entering unannounced, “ENTER!” I pushed open the door and slid in, this was the first room he set up, his ‘den’.

It consisted of his hard oak desk, along with filing cabinets and book shelves at the front but if you pulled on a leaver below his desk the bookcases would open to reveal his torture chamber, it contained, whips, swords, car batteries, baseball bats and an array of other things that he could punish me with.

I moved over to his desk and placed the plate along with the knife, fork and napkin down in front of him, he didn’t dismiss me so I dared not leave, so I stood while he ate away at his food, food that I could never eat, I was starved constantly and if I was caught sneaking food I would be punished. He wiped his mouth with the napkin and looked up at me a glare of contemplation on his face he was figuring out what to do next, he picked up his knife by the handle and rested the tip on his desk, twirling it around in a small circle.

I looked down at him his glare quickly changed to one of aggression, he picked up his knife and thrust it into my leg, the burning sensation made me bend over and cry out which was a crucial mistake, he grabbed at the roots of my hair and whacked my head into the side of the desk, causing my head to crack and bleeding to start.

I fell down onto my knees he held onto my hair and hit it into the desk again. He then hoisted me up by my hair dragging me along behind him, he pushed me onto a table where I lay on my stomach, he quickly handcuffed my wrists and ankles, effectively cutting me off from moving. I tried to move my head but the pounding headache from the hit was too much, I heard him pick up something and no sooner than I had twisted my head to see, a hard leather strap came smashing into my back, I cried out in pain. But no one could hear me down here, he made sure of that.

He whipped me several more time with that but then changed to his favourite whip, his personalised cat of nine tails, it consisted of a handle and nine pieces of thick plaited leather, as any normal cat of nine tails but this one had nice sharp claw like things attached to the end of each strand.

He brought it down hard on my back I screamed out, no matter how many times he did this to me I would never get used to the horrible pain. My whipping continued for another hour, until my back was in tatters, and my throat was hoarse even with my advanced healing it would be hard to clear up by tomorrow.

Being a wolf all of my injuries healed insanely fast but I was always left with scars, faint thin scars littered my body, I would never escape him and those where my reminders. I left the den quickly after he untied me, running up to my room I locked myself in, terrified of the monster downstairs I called a father.

I went to my bathroom turning on the shower to a warm heat, I took of the tatters of my shirt and the rest of my clothes trying not to aggravate the wounds, I grabbed a dry wash cloth and stepped into the shower, putting the cloth in my mouth and biting down I let the water run over my back burning the deep cuts. It was then that I remembered the knife in my leg, neither he nor I had bothered to take it out, wincing I slowly pulled the knife out.

The water was a deep shade of red, the warm water still running over the fresh wounds, I put on some pyjama bottoms and a very loose shirt that I kept for this occasion and got into bed.

The pounding in my back never ceasing, I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me thinking about when the abuse started and wished that I would find a way out of it soon, whether it be by running, or death.


Mwahahah and so the plot thickens, ok I know this is a pretty f*** *ed up story but it will get better there might be a few more parts in chapters like this but it will get better in the end, I will explain why the abuse happens in a few chapters cause ive gotta keep something hidden to keep you guys reading don’t I…..? Ummmm so yeah check out my other books , Strongest of All,  and The Wolf and Her Dog.

And the same drill




Xx SophieBoffie

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