chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"Let's go 5,6,7,8" I was teaching a dance class for a few hours now getting them all ready for competition season that was coming up pretty soon "alright guys keep practicing and I'll see you all next week" they nodded and left. I grabbed my phone from the speaker and left the room running into someone again today "oh sorry" I said I looked up and it was the same guy I bumped into this morning. He let out a beautiful smile "its you again" I bit my cheek "yes it is" he chuckled "I'm jake" I smiled "Jordan, nice to meet you" he nodded "so are you a dancer here is something" he asked "well, I own this place and I'm a choreographer" his eyes widened "wow, that's amazing!" He was shocked. I chuckled "thanks, what are you doing here?" I was curious "just picking up my niece Chelsea Vega. Do you have her?" I raised my eyebrows "the small adorable little ballerina? Yes I do teach her" I smiled he nodded "cool cool" he rubbed the back if His neck "so um, do you wanna hang out this weekend, possibly? I mean if you're busy we can reschedule it really doesn't matter I ju-" I cut him off "sure" he let out a breath " well what's your number?" We transfered each others information into each others phones and handed them back "well I gotta go pick up roman, I'll see you later" I waved and left the studio.
I arrived at the school and I didn't see roman outside like he usually is I started panicking, but stopped when i saw him talking to Alex and..guess who. I rolled my eyes and walked over to them "roman we gotta go home now" he looked at me and smiled "hey mom" he said I squinted my eyes a little, he wants something "what do you need?" He grabbed my hand "well.." He glanced at Cameron while he was starring at me "Cameron said that he can get us all ice cream, including you, you just have to come" I looked at Alexa and she was giving me a huge smile, making me smile then my eyes rose to Cameron and he was smiling. I see Hus dimples out making him look even more attractive than he already is. I cracked a small smile , but quickly looked away. "I guess" I sighed. Cameron gave him a High five and a jolly rancher I raised an eyebrow "I'll follow you" I told him, he nodded and I got roman in then myself and waited for Cameron.
As we were driving to the ice cream parlor I realized how Cameron changed, he got more tattoos he got a hair cut, more built, sexier, and his voice sounds incredible. I wish he hasn't cut his hair, that was something I really liked about him. I let out a sigh once we made it to a park we got out of the car and the kids ran in front of us. My body got tense and my heart beat sped up. He still gives me the same chills he used to. We catched up the kids and cameron started ordering "what flavor do you want?" He asked me "I'm fine" he rolled his eyes "and a brownie and s'mores no cone" he said "I thought you didn't like that flavor?" I asked him "that's for you" he said I bit my lip "you didn't have to get me that" I told him "I wanted to" he handed it to me "thanks" I sat down and the kids went to the play area and cam sat in front of me "how have you been?" He asked me "fine, you?" I haven't looked up at his eyes again. I feel like we're in highschool all over again "as best as I could without you" I dropped my spoon and looked up "you have a wife and child Cameron" I pointed out "no Jordan look-" I stopped him "no Cameron I'm not doing this with you right now" he clenched his jaw "Jordan-" I felt over whelmed "Cameron" I put my hand up "baby girl.." He looked me in my eyes and I stared back at him surprised.

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