chapter 27

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Chapter Thanksgiving tomorrow ayeee

Later on that night there was even more training, stresses, and headaches. Cameron told me more gang members are supposed to be showing up as well this morning and I'm not really feeling it to be honest. I understand that people are trying to kill us or whatever, but what is bringing more people to the house gonna do for us? As these thoughts clustered my mind, I couldn't find myself to focus on anything. Cameron went into more depth to my wantings and people have been stalking me and saying some really odd things. It's creepy. "Earth to Jordan" I glanced up seeing everyone staring at me "the pancakes are burnt" James said I looked at the pan and saw the smoke coming from them "oh sorry" muttered throwing them out "I'll cook them, I don't know what your doing" tori stood up "sho you good?" Teegan asked I nodded sitting at the island "I'll be back guys" I jumped off of the island "where are you going?" Cameron asked, I shrugged not really knowing myself, I just wanna be alone.
I walked down the long hallways, the further I got, the quieter it got. I entered a room, it had boxes along the wall, a chandelier, and most importantly a mirror on the wall. It was like a dance room. I smiled sliding off my sweatpants leaving on my spandex and took off my flannel I stood up connecting My phone to the speaker that was in here and danced for the first time in almost 5 months. The rush and adrenaline was crazy! I felt was amazing! I smiled feeling my body rotate over &over again. The music stopped as my body collapsed on the floor and I stared at the ceiling breathing heavily. My day was complete.
I grabbed my phone and put on my pants. It was too hot to put on a flannel. I left the room and heard a clang on the floor. It was a key to the room, I smirked locking the door and putting the key in my pocket. The long hallways seemed to have gotten even longer than the first time. Finally making it to the kitchen I ran a hand through my hair and abruptly stopped seeing new people & beth standing by a tall red head. There were a few more girls and guys, but two stood out the most.
The red head & fine brunette haired guy "so this is the new head bitch in charge?" The red head asked crossing her arms. I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms "glad you know that already" we stared at each other "Jordan..this is my sister amber" beth smiled "and I'm also Cameron's former girlfriend, and I'm in his gang coming here to stay for awhile" she took a step forward and I cocked my head towards cameron "wow cameron, she's a nice one" I clapped and turned back towards amber taking a few steps towards her. She towered over me while I raised my eyebrow "enjoy your stay...amber" I turned towards the boy "you didn't hook up with cameron either did you? Because it seems like everyone I come across has" I chuckled "no actually. I'm just another stronger gang member" I nodded "oh and my name is Zach" I smiled "nice" i turned around meeting the rest of the people. Everyone started talking and cameron came over to me "cameron" I pulled him into a hug and started pinching his sides and pulled his soft hair "I should kill you right now" I whispered in his ear "Jordan, let go please" he gritted out "why wouldn't you Tell me?" He couldn't say anything and I rolled my eyes releasing him he let out a breath and I walked upstairs with him following "no, dude go back down stairs" imma flame this kid. "Baby please" he grabbed my hips setting my on the bed "did you have a thresesome with them because if you did I'm gonn-" his eyes widened "I would do many things, but a threesome is not one of them baby" he told me "did you fuck her to? You told me you had no other relations Cameron" I shook my head "we didn't have sex...but we did do things close to it" I shook my head "get out" I leaned back in the bed "Jordan I'm sorry" I picked up my phone and stood up "bye" I told cameron he stared at me for a second before leaving. I went to the bathroom and took a long needed shower.

"So you met the witch and the bitch huh?" Steph chuckled while we were in his room I groaned "handled it like a real thug though" Teegan and I did our hand shake "you already know" I said "life is hard right now" I shook my head "I feel so disgusting.. And I haven't even done anything" I sighed "girl" Steph dragged out the letters "what do I do?" Austin, Ben, & James came into the room "hey babe" 'hey baby" they greeted their significant others "where's cameron?" Austin asked I shrugged "what's up with you guys?" Ben asked. I groaned rolling off of the bed "yeah you guys fight like every week" Austin sat tj on his lap putting his head in her neck..cute "some bitch niggas are here" I laid on the cold ground "Oo they so stankin" I muttered "sorry guys I feel like one of those girls who are always complaining or something" I said "this is actually the first time jay" James said "and last time" I concluded "is he still with them?" Austin asked I nodded "probably having sex for all I know" I sat up rubbing my temples "he wouldn't do that to you" tori said "I would hope" I stood up "hungry" I left the room going to the kitchen and running into I think his name is...Jacob? Joey? (A/N I low key forgot) yeah I don't even know his name "hey Jordan" I smiled "hey, what's up? "I grabbed my fruit cup and sat at the island with him joing me "I'm sorry, what's your name?" He chuckled "its cool" I furrowed my eyebrows "I means its Zach" I laughed "I'll remember it this time I promise" he smiled "good, because I can guarantee I won't forget yours" he he just made it weird "Jordan" cameron came into the kitchen "can I help you?" I asked amber walked in "do you need anything cameron?" She asked touching his shoulder and he shrugged her off "no I just want my baby" he looker "he isn't here right now.. I wish I was with him" I sighed "better than being here" amber smirked "well maybe you should go" she pouted her lip "don't worry..that plane ticket might be coming up pretty soon" I reassured her and her eyes glowed "so how does it feel to know you and your sister slept with the same guy?" Cameron groaned and left the room "listen bitch-" I cut her off "its Jordan" I smiled "my sister may have been to pathetic and weak to talk you down..but I'm different, I am the only alpha bitch, not you.. You are just another ugly little black girl" she chuckled "Cameron could give 2 less fucks about you" I stood up "listen amber, I refuse to entertain you and your little thirsty ass sister. You both look like youve had some personal issues in your life. What were they? Abandoned? Cheated on? Unloved?" I laughed "i wouldn't blame them, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with two lost whore ass sluts either" I shrugged "it'll get better baby I promise, maybe one day someone will love you..probably not..but I will pray for you. Oh and about me being black...bitch, my skin color is beautiful, I shed glitter fuck you mean? And I taste like honey, brown sugar, and rainbows...ask cameron" I winked and left the kitchen

To all of my beautiful black women out in the world reading this ish, you are beautiful and you are an African queen..carry your self like one babe

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