chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Another hour later, we made it to my old town. I haven't been here in years! We were at our town square so the mall was here, restaurants, you know all that good stuff. "You ready to get spoiled baby?" I shook my head "Cameron, you honestly don't need to get me anything" I stopped walking "course I do" he took my hand dragging me in front of him and put his hands on my waist "I will get you everything you've ever wanted. You are worth more than all of my money" he kissed my ear "youre nice" he chuckled "that's all I get?" I turned around and faced him "you are so nice and so sweet and wonderful and amazing and I appreciate you soon much" I was swinging around him making him smile "that's better" we continued our walk to the mall and once we made it. I didn't get too many things, but enough "is this all you want baby?" He was holding all of my bags, but I was carrying the smaller ones "yes" he nodded and we then proceeded to the car and then we went to a really nice place to eat. I'm having a great night so far. "We have one more stop" Cameron said to me taking out a blind fold "uhh.." I don't want to put on no type of blind fold "cmon, I swear you will be okay" he chuckled "why can't I just close my eyes?" I asked "Jordan please put it on" he begged me "nope" I crossed my arms. We were like this for another half an hour before I finally caved out of annoyance "god damn!" Cameron said tying the thing around my head "yeah yeah" I heard my phone vibrating and cameron handed it to me "hello?" I didn't know who this was "mommy!" My baby yelled through the phone "Roman!" I said the same way he did "happy birthday" I smiled "thank you. What are you doing?" Hearing his voice made me happy "playing with my Lego's. Mommy where are you?" He sounded confused "I'm on a little vacation. Mommy misses you soooo much" I chuckled a bit "I miss you to mommy. But Im coming tomorrow so you know what that means...PARTYYY TIMEE" He almost broke my ear drum "woohoo" I cheered "aw snap my Lego broke. I gotta go mommy" he sounded alarmed "alright I love you!" I told him "I love you to" then he hung up leaving me with a smile on my face "I'll introduce you to him tomorrow" I said. I could feel Cameron's smile as he grabbed my hand. I was tired so I decided to take a nap.
My body was being tickled and I woke up to darkness I was about to freak out but I remember I had on a blind fold ha.."we're here baby" he took my hand and pulled me out of the car. I took my first step and I heard leaves crunch under feet with an electrifying rush shot through my body. I knew where we were. The blind fold made its way off of my face and I felt my nerves go off the roof. I walked faster and I saw the clearing, still as beautiful as it was five years ago "I don't wanna stay at this part" cameron took my Hand and we went to the house. Old repressed memories came back through my head. It smelled the same, and looked exactly the same way we left it. A dunkin doughnut wrapped was still on the floor. Cameron and I haven't said anything yet I walked upstairs and it was like deja vu. Rose pedals were scattered around floor going to big double doors. Cameron wasn't even behind me anymore. I took a deep breath in and walked through the door slowly.
He had a white rose in his hand, I walked closer to him "listen, I didn't prepare a speech or anything but things will never be same between us jordan. I don't know how I feel about that yet, but I am damn well content with it. I have a lot of making up to do & you say its okay, but Jordan I know you are still hurt. Every day since I've gotten out of jail and stalked you. I just know you are so miserable and it broke my heart that I couldn't be there with you. I have done many, many bad things, but the worst was leaving you. I want to help you, and to be with you, and to love you just as much as I did before. I could never let go of this" he stopped "if you saw me so miserable, why did you never come back to save me?" A hot tear rolled down my face "I was suffering every. Single. Day" he didn't say anything "you were supposed to be there for me, but you weren't there, ever! I was in love with you and I still am, but I doubted your love so many times." I paused "Do you actually love me? Do you love me the way you did before? Do you even want me the way your head does..listen to your heart, because I've been listening to mine and I could NEVER stop loving you! It sucked! I wanted to stop but I couldn't because that's how much you mean to me." The hot tears were streaming down my face as I turned around and left the room, running down stairs and out if the patio door. I needed a second...which is literally what I got considering Cameron was behind me "Jordan stop running away from your problems. Give me a chance to explain!" He had a hold of my arm "like the way you ran away from me" I shrugged his arm off "I NEEDED TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU BECAUSE I WAS SCARED GOD DAMMIT!" he threw a chair on the patio ledge breaking it in pieces "I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN WHEN I CAME BACK JORDAN, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT YOU WERE GONNA DO, I WAS SCARED, NO PETRIFIED YOU WEREN'T GONNA LOVE ME ANYMORE. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON THAT EVER HAS AND JORDAN I COULDN'T LOSE MY FIRST LOVE,NOT LIKE THAT." He was crying.. This is the 1st time I've seen him cry like this. "I told you to never doubt my love for you Jordan. I will never stop loving you baby girl. I couldn't if I tried" he was in front of me staring into my eyes I put my hand on his cheek and wiped his tears "I'm not going anywhere cameron" he wrapped his arms around MY short frame as I dug my head into his neck & closed my eyes "I'm not going anywhere" I whispered again in his ear

We were eating ice cream in the kitchen and I was sitting on the island while he was on a chair "can you move your foot?" He asked me I was kicking him with it "well you shouldn't have said my legs can't go that far" he groaned "can you get me more ice cream?" I asked "no" he stood up moving my foot and getting ice cream for himself just to come in between my legs I pouted "cmon man" I pushed him he rolled his eyes and gave me his"aw aren't you the best ever" I ate it and took the spoon towards him he opened his mouth and ate it "there we go!" I smiled dabbing his nose with some he gasped and bit his lip "okay" he moved towards me and I couldn't jump down he grabbed my upper arms and rubbed his nose against mine making me laugh uncontrollably for no reason. I earned I few chuckles from Cameron as mine slowly died down "you're beautiful" my body was getting hot as I looked up at him. He put his hands on my face begging for some sort of reaction. I wrapped my arms around his neck still staring at him moving his body closer to mine. I could feel his breath hit my lips as I finally dove in.
Lips still taste the same while mine lingered on his. He wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer than we already were. I smiled and pulled away "still got it" he mummured kissing me again

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