chapter 31

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Chapter I hate school, it literally makes me want kill myself. Smh


Waking up in an Interrogation room wasn't as teriffiying as I thought it would be. There was 1 girl in front of me smirking at me "yes bitch?" I didn't feel like being here "good morning jordan, you were out for awhile..2 days actually" I nodded "wow how interesting" she chuckled, "now before we get this party started, tell me about yourself!" I smiled "oh wow! I like ponies, and stars, and rainbows, and dolls" I sarcastically said "aren't you one sarcastic bitch" I smirked "aren't you one barbarous fucker" I shot back and she slapped me "are you angry Mia?" I smiled "go fuck yourself" I waved her off "you know you really know how to make someone mad" she picked up something and laid it out. It was a whole bunch of knives "you know I did this same thing with my now husband." I raised a brow "you really are crazy" I shook my head "I feel bad for your family" I guess that ignited something in her and she picked up a knife stabbing into my stomach a gasp flew out my mouth as I held my stomach in pain "at least their alive" I squinted my eyes "what are you talking about?" She smiled "poor roman. You didn't deserve to be a mom anyways. He's happy he's dead. At least you don't have to worry about him anymore..we took care of that already" I jumped out of the chair, able to free myself a long time ago and jumped on her body. I got a few punches in before she flipped me over kicking me in my stomach and punched me. "Stupid bitch" she grabbed a knife stabbing my in my leg and I kicked her picking up one myself and was able to get it in her shoulder before we were pulled apart and I was knocked out.. Again.

*cameron POV..sorry for the switch up like this*

We made it to the hospital and I was reunited with my son while Zack and Kendell probably went to go have sex in the bathroom like we had time for all of that. I already had gang members filling up on the whereabouts but it seemed like things have shifted "she isn't in new York any more Sir.." He looked nervous "she's in California" I closed my eyes..they're smart for that one. Now since we flew all the way too the other side of the fucking country, its gonna take us about a day to get from here to fucking California "we need to start moving..Zack you should stay" he nodded in appreciation "alright roman I promise your mom and I will be back in 3 days. She'll be fine, and I'll be fine" we pinky promised "be good. I love you" I kissed his cheek "byee" he said "bye guys" I hugged Kendall and did the man handshake with Zack "keep my boy safe" I told them leaving the hospital room. I sighed getting right back on the plane.

"Are we almost there?" I asked "dude shut the fuck up" Landon said "yes we're Here Now you fucktard" James said I got out of the car and grabbed my guns and the bomb handing it Austin. My gang dispurts in 2 different directions. Before we went in we had to get the gas bombd in there first. they went to the sides of the house, the back of the house, and on top of it. I got out the phone thing that was connected to every single person here including the girls. "Release" I said I waited a few seconds seeing gas coming out of the house and windows being broken. I smiled and put on my mask "let's get this party started"
I handed the bomb to Austin "as soon as I find jordan, set it for 20 minutes" he nodded and bumped heads with Teegan "be safe" he told her and left we walked in and I immediately departed to the basement. Following the tracking device. There were about ten different doors and loads of fucking stairs. "What the hell?" I entered what looked creepier than jail. There were black charcoal like cells and each of them were completely dirty and blood covered them. I continued walking in disgust before I finally found jordan "jordan" no reply. Oh fuck no. I kicked down the lock and shot at before it all fell apart I ran over to her and shook her. She had bruises and cuts everywhere. I looked at her chest and it was rising so that was good "baby girl. I'm so sorry" I smacked her in her face and waited a few seconds before her face scrunched up and she groaned "did you just smack me?" She asked "just please, kiss me right now jordan" she looked hesitent before she connected our lips I pulled away and picked her and she screamed holding onto my body "what happened?" She pointed to her stomach and then her leg my eyes widened as I picked her up and carried her back all the way upstairs. "Cameron, is Roman okay?" She asked timidly I nodded "yeah he's fine" I said "are you sure?" I nodded "yes baby I promise he is okay" she took a breath "that bitch lied to me" she had her face scrunched looking adorable. I could never take her seriously when she was mad, unless she was crying of course. "alright Austin I got her" I told him through the device "Gucci" he replied we made it to the final door and I set her down "chances are someone is waiting for me right in front of this door" I whispered "well let me go first" she brushed past me and i grabbed her waist "you are not about to get shot" she rolled her eyes "you'll protect me" she winked..ohh I get it. She opened the door and I hid behind the wall "how did you get out?" It was a guy "my magical powers..see" I came out shooting him "see I knew what we were doing" I grabbed her hand "yeah whatever..that could have gone very wrong" she smiled but stopped pushing me on the ground and rolling behind a wall I almost yelled at her before she put her finger to her lips and pointed to the left of me I stood up shooting it in the face "do not do that ever again" I told her handing her a gun "oh hush, at least I didn't get shot" she pointed out and suddenly I'm pretty sure it was Mia..and most definitely Alex who came out "Cameron how nice to see you.. You have one little fiesty dog" Mia said "and you have one medicore wife" jordan shot back. Mia took out her gun aiming it at jordan so I aimed mine at her, Alex aimed his at me and jordan aimed hers at Alex. Someone has to make a move. I looked at Jordan who was thinking really hard about something. She looked back at me and I knew what she was thinking "jordan don't-" she knocked out mia's gun and shot Alex knocking me out of the way. Mia's eyes went to Alex and right to Jordan's. Jordan smirked and mia lunged for her. I took my gun ready to shoot but I was tackled from the side by Alex. He'll be easy to take down.

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