chapter 30

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Chapter thanksgiving part 2 finna be fire!

*Cameron's POV right before Jordan left and discovered the bodies in DA kitchen where people eat at*

I heard Jordan scream and I ran down the stairs quickly "what happened?" She looked at me "why did you kill them?" She asked I sighed "they shouldn't have came" I went back upstairs. If I was down there any longer, I would have forced her to stay and I know she doesn't want that. I have to give her time. I didn't have sex with amber, I could never do that to her. But we did kiss and he wasn't even good at it. It was like kissing a wet wall. Also, I don't even know why I did it. It all went so quickly she pulled me on top of her and it just happened. I didn't realize it was gonna cost me my son, and my best friend. I didn't feel like doing anything i dont care that everyone else is upset with me..the only person who's feeling towards me matter are Jordans and romans but guess what, they aren't fucking here and I have no fucking clue where the fuck they are and she's fucking wanted by fucking everyone. I threw my fist at my wall. I wanted to call her. To hear her beautiful voice once more. Of course I'm seeing her again, she's silly to think that I won't. I'm just giving her space for the moment. I went back downstairs to retrieve the bodies. Im glad I killed them, amber and Zach especially. I saw the way he looked at Jordan and not to mention that Faggot danced with her. I don't know who told him he could ever touch or even talk to her. I shook my head looking at them not even wanting to touch their dirty bodies anymore. I called in some people to dispose them. I grabbed a drink and went back upstairs to have pity party with myself.

I was in my office looking more into Little red riding Hood they were the number 1 gang before they teamed up Jason McCann making them now the second gang. My gang is number 1 now. Jason and I actually have history prior to this event. we've delt with each other before but now they have new people, and they also have a fucking orphanage in that house. Alex, Jason's brother is now married to Mia who was in little red riding hood. They have 1 child but according to a kidnapping she took a child and calls it hers and another one whom is her god daughter. The mother had died so she has it now. It's a girl named Lia, the one that's actually theirs, the boy she took is named (A/n dang whats that Nigga name? Sigh now I gotta go back and look 10:07 pm---10:08 pm I'm back that boy name Grayson) Grayson. And the other girl named Delilah.. Cute kids. Then you have kelsie,(also in LRRH) Jasons prized possession along with the rest of his four fucking kids, Amy Marie, alex, Keegan, and Kj. Then you have kelsies younger sister, Kailynn. So like I said..they're running a fucking orphange all around the age 4-10 I don't know how they can still run a gang with all of that going on, I'm thinking really hard about giving this up, but it probably will happen as soon as I get Jordan back in my arms, which she shouldn't have left in the first place. I ran a hand through my hair feeling the feeling I always get when Jordan is in trouble. It is not the day. My nerves were high. I was feeling shaky before I decided to call Jordan but she was already calling "hello?" I asked "hi daddy" it was roman. I smiled "hey bud" I replied "mommy needs to talk to you" I'm nervous again "cameron there is someone Here and I don't know who it is. They ran into me and I don't know what to do" she was talking really fast "Jordan where are you?" I started tracking her "lancrest road in the middle of the forest. Cameron they are very very close" she was scared, I knew she was. But I also know my baby is a fighter, and she is smart. She knows what to do. "Baby you will be fine I promise" she hung up but I knew better than to call back..they must be around. Its one thing to mess with Jordan but another thing to bring my son into it. They've just unleashed something that was supposed to stay in a cage.
I sent out an alert throughout the house. We have a mission. I picked up my phone and ran to the meeting room "what happened?" Rileigh asked. I guess she felt that twin connection right now "I know its Jordan. What happened cam?" She seemed anxious "she was taken" I breathed out "its Kendell guys" Zack said putting his phone on speaker "hey babe" you could hear Kendall breathing heavily "roman is at the hospital" I cocked my head and clenched my jaw "excuse me" I said "cameron..have you heard from Jordan? I'm so sorry. Im with roman know though and he's sleeping so I haven't heard his story yet. But they were in a pretty bad accident and Jordan is no where to be found" she was crying I bit my lip I couldn't say anything "cameron" I put my hand up. I was livid. So so angry I could lash out on anything that talked right now "we need to get to new York." I said calmly "cameron we can't just go in there empty headed" my head snapped towards Austin "my son is sitting at a fucking hospital Austin and my fucking girlfriend IS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND AND YOU THINK I WANNA FIGURE OUT A PLAN RIGHT NOW? WE CAN DO THAT SHIT ON OUR WAY THERE" He groaned and muttered a fine "get the fucking weapons together and be ready in an hour" I told the rest of the gang getting a yes sir. I left the room going into my personal weapon area, grabbing my guns, knives, and one of my bombs. Loading them into my bag. I was still angry, I couldn't wait to kill them.

"Cameron are you listening?' Landon asked "not really" I shrugged. What the hell do we need a plan for? It isn't that hard to shot some people and set a bomb "dude!" Ben shreiked "listen this time. We're gonna start with the gas bomb first, then we're gonna go in and you're gonna find Jordan. Then give Austin the bomb and he will be outside setting it up. I'm really hoping their kids aren't gonna be there because this is gonna be kinds nuts" ben said I rolled my eyes but they can fuck with my kid right? The girls were in front of the plane getting the tracking ready while face timing Kendell. I decided to join them "did he wake up?" I asked her she nodded turning her cameron towards him "hey roman" he looked me with a bruise on his precious face. I clenched my fist "hey dad. Where are you?" He asked I took the phone and went to a more remote area "im on my way to get your mom" his eyes widened "really? Yeah I don't know where she went with those people. I saw them dragging her throughout the forest and calling her mean names. I wanted to say something but mommy said I had to stay hidden at all times" he started crying "daddy is she dead?" My heart starting beating faster and anger pulsed through my veins "no bubba, she isn't." I hope "but, but they were treating her like she was" I couldn't do this anymore "roman I'll see you in 10 minutes alright. I love you so much" I told him "I love you to daddy" I hung up throwing the phone in anger. I shot up going to the piolet "don't land at original spot land on top of woodland hospital and go faster" I said "bitch, we can't land on top of a hospital" Austin said "watch me"

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