chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Cameron had a meeting today and is gonna be out all night,so Im with the girls, and roman "I'm tired of being pregnant" Kendall was 8 months, due February 26, which was in a week actually. "There's a few exercises you can do, to get this process going" I told her "you have speed bumps, yoga balls, stairs, all that good stuff"' she stood "let's do this!" I gave her an uneasy look "uhh.." Teegan rubbed her neck "cmon it'll be fun. We can blast some music, considering we're the only ones in this humongous house, excluding the guards outside. Don't you think roman? Tell them to get their lazy asses up" roman stood "get your lazy as-" I shook my head "no cursing!" I pointed a finger at him as he jumped in my arms "ops" I stood up putting him on my back "okay I'm ready" I said pumped "let's goooo!" Tori growled out causing us to laugh. We played some music and grabbed some balls sitting on them "aww yeah" feeling "healthy asf" Rileigh bended over and did something strange on the floor "what are you doing?" I asked her "I'm stretching geez" okay.."let's do the stairs" Kendall said "fuck no, they have way too many stairs" Teegan said "truth" I pointed out "cmon girls" I looked at Teegan while she had a 'really' look on her face "man, my kegs are gonna hurt and ken, your gonna tend to me until the don't" Teegan said "yeah yeah" she was already halfway up. I started with Teegan, the first few weren't that bad until my thighs started hurting "Oo Jesus" I said grabbing onto the railing "how many times are we doing this?" Teegan was out of breath making me start cracking up "why the hell are we tired?" She laughed "because we're fat" she chuckled "okay guys, 6 more rounds" Kendall said cheerfully "fuck that" "mhm mh. Mh m, fuck to the no" Teegan and I said at the same time "you're funny" Teegan said as we were going down the stairs. We were done "you guys know your legs hurt" I shook my head "mommy!" Roman called me from the other room, I slightly jogged to him "yes?" He held his arms out "I'm tired" I picked him and he laid his head in my shoulder "I'll be back guys" I walked passed them and lad him down as he quickly went to sleep. I looked to my left and saw a blanket and idea popped into my head
"Kendall, what if the baby just pops out" tori laughed as we sat down on the blanket that was on the stairs "that would be..interesting" she thought about it "are you guys ready?" I started sliding down...very slowly "umm" Teegan said "well then" I stood up "we need a mattress" I said " better yet, a cushion!" I ran down the stairs and grabbed the couch cushions "this is gonna be fun!" I sat on it "let's do this thing" 5 seconds later we were all in the floor except Kendall who fell off before the thing even moved.. We rolled down 24 stairs "SHIT!" I held my wrist "WE SPEAK ABOUT THIS TO NO ONE" we all laughed "GUYS I BROKE MY WRIST" I was still laughing until the pain started to worsen "I'm so done" I stood up "why was i in the front?!" My adrenaline was gone, the pain was crazy. A security person came in who so happened to be a doctor as well helped me " you're gonna need stitches" he said. Wow I did even know I was bleeding. "Are you guys coming, I need support" I faked a tear "HAHAHA" Teegan laughed. They got their stuff and Rileigh grabbed roman and then we were on our way to a seperate building. When we got there, it was really nice, not a regular hospital at all "would you like me to notify my boss ma'am?" I shook my head "nah, he'll jump to conclusion and go nuts" he chuckled injecting numbing cream in my wrist "geez, I didnt know it was that bad" it went from my palm to the middle of my forearm. "Tell me if it starts hurting" I nodded and he started. After an hour we were a done with everything and I had a wrap on my wrist. We were getting driven back to the house that was no more than 3 minutes away when all of our phones went off, mine was from cameron "where the fuck are you?!"
He yelled at me I screwed up my face "are you talking to me?" He groaned "jordan, baby, where are you" he corrected himself "hold on I'm here" I hung on him as well as the rest if the girl's "don't know what they thought this was" tori said we got out the car and walked in the house seeing the boys chilling on the couch "where were you guys?" "What happened" "hey boo boo" and the one that stuck out "WHO'S BLOOD IS THAT?!" Cameron yelled "oops" I said

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