chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Tina jumped in his arms her sobs escaping while he rubbed her back. Awe where's my mom? Oh that's right. Tina pulled away from him and Lina got off of me walking to her brother "where did you go?" She asked him "a place I never want to go back to" he hugged her and she leaned on his shoulder a tear falling out of her eye "family goals" steph whispered loud enough for us to her I chuckled softly "you all knew?" Tina asked we nodded "what the hell? Why didn't I?" She yelled at us "i wanted it to be a surprise" Cameron said. Making her nod "well alright, um who is this?" Tina smiled at Ashley and Alex "this is Ashley and Alex, my girlfriend and child" I cringed a little and everyone looked towards me then Steph grabbed my hand "wow, they're so beautiful" Tina said giving me a glance "why'd you get here so late?" Austin questioned "I had to handle some business" and Austin nodded like they had some secret coding "well I'm Tina, cameron and Lina's mother. And this is my other set of children, they're crazy" she said "make yourself comfortable" tina said and walked upstairs giving me one last glance. I sighed and pulled out my phone because I knew she was about to text me. It was a minute of silence before kendall stood up "I still have to pee" we chuckled "well its getting pretty late are you guys ready?" I stood up "hell yeah" james said "I'm tired" tori yawned "Jordan before you go, can I talk to you?" I wanted to say no "sure" I walked to the patio with him trailing behind me "does roman know he's mine?" He asked me "no" I said "why haven't you told him?" He questioned me "cameron I just want us to figure things out first then I'll get to this you're the father crap, and you'll be able to have custody of him also, but right now im all over the place and I don't wanna do that right now" I pushed passed him but he grabbed me "your birthday is next week" he said I groaned "you know I don't mess with my birthday Cameron" I told him "I know I know, but I just wanted to see if had anything planned "um Saturday Rileigh is having a party, you're welcome to come" I shrugged "we'll see" I nodded and got out of his grip. I walked back into the house and grabbed roman "bye guys" whelp another day of success

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