Misery Loves It's Company!

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I got home a little after two, I had only 20 minutes to change and get to Megan's recital.

She looked so cute and she was amazing.

We left the recital to go meet my husband at Troy's T-ball game.

He played a good game even though their team lost 10 to 2, my baby scored a run.

When we got home, I was way too exhausted to cook so Troy volunteered, something he doesn't do often.

As I laid upstairs in my bed I couldn't help but think about her.

Her soft lips and her beautiful brown eyes, and her smooth legs.

God, I love everything about her.

Everything is just so confusing, maybe I shouldn't have gone back, none of this would be happening right now.

"Honey, dinner's ready." Troy said walking into the room.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec," I said kind of snappy.

I didn't mean for it to come out that way but it did.

"Wow, sorry, I was just letting you know." he said confused at my tone.

"I know I'm sorry sweetie, I have no idea where that came from, I'll be down in one sec okay." I replied.

"Okay." He said leaving the room.

I better get it together.

I went and joined them for dinner.

After dinner I unintentionally picked a fight with Troy over the dishes, then about how unorganized the house was and anything else that came into my mind.

I'm not sure what is happening to me.

For the next few weeks I did that, I picked fights with him for no reason at all.

"What is wrong with you? Ever since you came back from that damn reunion you've been acting weird, like you're trying to make me angry with you or something." he said getting out of the bed.

"Troy I know I'm sorry, I'm not sure whats wrong with me." I said.

"Spencer did something happen there that you want to tell me?" he asked.

My heart started beating fast.

"Well, is there?" he asked again.

"Troy I..." just as I was about to tell him when my phone rang.

I grabbed it off the night stand. "Just, give me one second." I said holding up my index finger.

"Unbelievable." he said in disbelief.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Are you kidding me we're in the middle of a discussion and you answer your phone, it's not like its your job or anything because you don't have one." he said yelling.

I couldn't hear what the person on the phone was saying so I got up and left the room which made him even angrier.

"Hello?" I said again.

"Hey Spencer its Aiden." He said in a monotone voice.

"Hey what's up Aiden?" I asked happy to hear from him, anything to distract me from the news I was about to tell my husband.

"Spencer," he started.

He was acting like he was having a hard time getting the words out.

"Aiden what is it, you're scaring me." I said as my heart beat faster in anticipation.

"Spencer, Ashley's dad died. He was killed in a plane crash this morning." As he finished his sentenced my heart dropped into my stomach.

I fell to the floor.

I found it really hard to breathe.

Then they came, the tears...

"Ashley, is um having a really hard time with it and um, I was wondering if any way possible you could fly back out here, the funeral is on Sunday." he sounded

so sad.

"I'll be on the first flight out tomorrow." I said still barely able to breathe.

"Okay, I'm sure Ashley will be glad to see you. See you soon." I didn't say anything back I just hung up the phone.

I left her and her dad dies, Oh God I can't imagine what she's feeling right now.

I got up and went back into the bedroom.

"What the hell what that Spencer, we're having a conversation and you walk out."

"Ashley's dad died." I said ignoring the fact that he was being an ass.

"Ashley, your best friend from high school, Ashley?" he asked.

"Yeah. He died this morning in a plane crash."

"Oh wow, that sucks, is she okay?" What kind of question is that.

"I have to go there, I'm going to catch a plane in the morning." I said grabbing a suitcase from under the bed.

"Spencer do you really think right now is such a good time for you to be leaving?"

What kind of question is that?

"Troy my best friend's dad died, I'm going back."

"Your high school best friend and you have your own problems to worry about right now, like your marriage."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Spence, we've been arguing non stop for the past three weeks, maybe we should get counseling or something."

"Troy look I can't deal with this right now, I have to pack."

"What is wrong with you Spencer? If I didn't know any better I would say that you cared more about your relationship with Ashley than your marriage." his words cut right through me.

Not because he was being a jerk but because he was right.

I did love Ashley more than I loved him, and its time for me to come clean.

"I do." I said looking him right in the eyes.

"What?" He said making sure he heard me right.

"I do care about Ashley more than I care about making this marriage work."

"Spencer you should really think about what you're saying." he said kind of threatening me.

"Troy, I know exactly what I'm saying. I love Ashley and I have since I was eleven, I tried so hard to have a "normal" relationship that I don't even recognize myself anymore. I don't want to be a house wife Troy, I want to work and make my own money and go out when I want. Troy, I want a divorce." I said finally.

He stood there not saying a word.

Then it came, my worst fear.

"I'm taking the kids and we're going to stay at my sisters for a while.

Then I want you gone." He said without even looking at me.

"You can't take my kids away from me Troy, you can't."

"You really want your children to have to grow up with two moms? You want them to get picked on every single day by other kids? You want them to be called freaks?"

What kind of questions were those?

"Of course I don't but you can't take my children away from me."

"We'll see about that!" He said walking out the room. He can't take my kids away from me, I won't let him.

I finished packing then went online and bought my plane ticket.

My plane leaves at nine tomorrow...

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