Lifestyle of the rich and the famous

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I knew my mom would be a little late picking us up because she was getting off work later than usual.

So my brothers and I just waited.

We moved here about a month ago when my mom got an Attending position at the county hospital.

My brothers are both 13, they're not twins, one was adopted by our family when he was 6, his name is Clay and my other brothers' name is Glen.

They went to the same school as me but I never saw them because they were in the upper school building.

Fifteen minutes later my mom showed up and we headed home.

"So how was school?" mom asked as we were entering the house.

"Good," I replied.

"Make any new friends," she inquired.

"Actually I did," I answered.

"Oh, that's great sweetie. How about you boys, make any new friends today?"

"Glen did," Clay responded. "Lots and lots of new friends," he added.

" That's good, see I told you guys it wouldn't be that hard to make new friends didn't I?"

Poor mom she didn't get it.

"Speaking of new friends, can I go hang out with mines?" I asked.

"Where are you guys going?" she pestered.

"We're just going to hang out at the house."

"Can I at least know their names?"

"Ashley and Aiden."

"Will there be adults there?" she bugged.

"MOM! I guess, yeah, since we're only eleven I'm sure there will be."

"Okay sweetie you can go, just be sure to be home by seven for dinner. Do you need a ride?"

"No I'm okay." I ran up the stairs and shut my door, I usually only shut my door when I'm doing something I know I'm not supposed to be doing, so why

did I feel like I was doing something wrong by calling Ashley?

"Hello?" A man's voice answered.

"Yes, is um Ashley there?" I asked.

"Yeah, hold on. ASHLEY!" he yelled.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey, its me Spencer."

" HEY Spencer!" she sounded happy to hear from me.

"My mom said I could come, but could I get a ride?"

"Yeah sure, where do you live?"

"At 7215 Oak drive."

"Be there in ten."

"Okay," I replied.

I waited outside on my porch for her and 10 minutes later a limo pulled up in front of my house.

I stood on my porch unable to move.

I was from a small town in Ohio, I had never seen a car like that before.

The back window rolled down, Ashley stuck her head out and yelled something I couldn't quite make out.

I think I stood on the porch for 5 minutes before I finally walked over to the limo.

Ashley opened the door and pulled me in.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"What?" she replied smiling.

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