C5. the Bath Scene Memories

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Morning Time/ Breakfast With Warriors Of Hope
Kotoko's POV
'Do you think I wouldn't share that scene Shingetsu-kun~' I smiled and saw that Shingetsu who was sitting next to Kazuko, staring at me oddly. I couldn't help but to announce to the team,

"Mina! Did you know that Shingetsu-kun and Kazuko-chan took a bath together?!" I squealed. They all look to me surprised, Jataro eyes widening, Daimon's mouth opened wide, Monaca smiling, and lastly Shingetsu and Kazuko blushing. Ah, she's so cute when she blushs.

"O-Oi! That didn't happen Kotoko! K-Kazuko-san tell her we didn't do that!" Shingetsu shouted, standing up, still with a red face. We all turned to Kazuko to see her looking like this is the end. She really doesn't know what to do, Choose Shingetsu or choose me.

"A-ah..well.." Was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Shingetsu just sighed and continued eating.

Time Skip

Kazuko's POV

'Phew..I didn't really want to Shingetsu-san to be mad at me for telling about that..' I thought when waiting in Nagisa's room. The group told me to stay here until Nagisa arrives, the two demons arrived. I decided to sleep so I laid on the bed. Thinking of Nagisa and the two demons, I fell asleep.

Update 11/25/15

During the course of the story, the behavior of Kazuko will soon eventually change. Hence the new title for the book. I will soon include a "Bad Ending" and a "Good Ending" at the end of the story.
I might had fluff/lime in the story if the readers would like to have some excitement.

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