C9. Rise Of The General

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Nagisa's POV

As I held Kazuko closer to me, I whispered in her ear,

"Kazuko, I'm going to leave to go see Kotoko and the others.." Her eyes widened, she hugged me tighter.

"Nagisa..can I please come with you?" She asked. I shouldn't let her go as she'll disappear. I stared in her blue eyes, feeling worried and concern. For all I know Masaru is gone, and if she goes out to fight, she'll be gone as well.

"Gomen Kuroi, you're not allowed to go.." I hugged her again before standing up, and walking towards the door.
I looked back at her, feeling guilt bubble up in my stomach. Her face was twisted into a depressed state. She really doesn't wait me to leave. But there's nothing I can do, this is the only way to keep her safe.

"I'll promise you Kazuko,  I'll stay with you." Was my last words before smiling towards Kazuko, before leaving to go find Kotoko.

Kazuko's POV

I stared at his disappearing figure, feeling gloomy. The atmosphere becoming distressed, I didn't want Nagisa to leave me. Not yet..

I laid down on the bed, where we both used to sleep together. I couldn't cry, I couldn't process any other emotion but sadness. I closed my eyes, hoping that Nagisa will come back safely, but after those thoughts, I remembered that dream I had way back.

Nagisa was crushed, by his own robot. I hated that scene, to see those adults not coming to save him. I hated them to see Nagisa crying for the first time. My eyes staring at the door, almost like its the most interesting thing in the world.

Nagisa's POV

I ordered the Monokuma kids to a misson, to find the adults. I commanded them to carry out my plan, to rid of them, to start making our paradise.

I started walked towards the main room, to where Kotoko, Monaca, and Kurokuma were. I explained my plans to get rid of the adults, which they all agreed that the plan was a good idea. I looked back to my room, but soon turned my head towards the voice that was heard.

"Nagisa, we know that you worry a lot for her, but please, try and worry about the adults." Kotoko said, she was right, but my mind was still thinking about Kazuko.

I sighed and looked back at the room once more. A weird feeling grew in my stomach, it's like the same feelings I had with Monaca, Love?

"Look Nagisa, we need to tell you something, you know if you stared at her eyes when you mention Demons, you can see the burning hatred in her eyes. She shares the same passion of killing the Adults just as us..So don't worry about her." My eyes widened as I stared at Kotoko. She has the sinister and serious look in her eyes, she seem to be serious when she talked about Kazuko's passion to kill.

"Kotoko is right Nagisa, that's why we recruited her as General." Monaca announced,
'General? But she doesn't have a weapon..' I thought, as Monaca pulled her wheelchair, next to Kotoko.
She too, had a serious face, none of them are joking..

The Monokuma kids came back with some information about the demons, they are now at the Arena.
"Sa, I'm leaving to fight those demons." Kotoko announced before leaving.

I kinda feared Kazuko now, but I knew she'll still be loving when I see her again..

Meanwhile with Kazuko......

Kazuko's POV

I gritted my teeth as my hatred towards the demons grew. I may have not seen or met them, but I cared for my family. Masaru is gone, I might have not been that close to him, but I cared for him deeply.
The Warriors Of Hope is my family, I won't let the demons take that away from me.

I stared at the paper in front of me, and started to write down my plans. I might be disobeying Nagisa's orders, but he should understand that family is everything to me.

I focused on the paper, I sketched out my desired creation. I didn't want a robot, but I did want a creature.
I stood up from the bed and sneaked out of the room, towards the lab Monaca owned.

She allows me to visit the lab whenever I wanted, I saw some of the Monokuma kids that worked here, and called them to a meeting, which they all obeyed. I showed them the plan I wrote out, they all gathered all of the equipment, and began working.

Time Skip

My gaze landed on the creature I created on my paper, was a Nine tailed fox.
Its white fur, glistening in the light..I can't wait to use this against the demons.

I recently got a personal meeting with Monaca and Kotoko days ago..about me being the General. I was surely excited, I could fight the demons. But they strictly said not to say anything about this to Nagisa, but today is the day they'll reveal it to him. My attention was turned away to see the kids.

My eyes focused on the white fox in front of me, the Monokuma kids injected chemicals that would quickly transform a animal. The fox growled at me, showing no fear, but I too, showed no fear. The Monokuma kids held the creature down, making sure I am not injured in the process of taming the fox.

I walked over to him, crouched down to his level, and began to look into his eyes. We both had a staring contest, none of us were showing any weakness.
My eyes towards the creature became more intense, the glint of dominance shined in my eyes. The fox tried backing away, but my focus on the animal did not leave.

I raised my hand to pet it softly, still staring at him. Soon he responded back to me, by moving his tail left to right, enjoying the feeling of being pet. The Monokuma kids let go of the animal, allowing it to be free.

I smiled like a sadist would, as the Fox walked towards me and erupted a ring of fire around us. This shows trust and loyalty.

"Lets name you Zetsubou, which means Despair, you'll help me spread despair towards all of the adults!" I grinned as I thought of the future, seeing all of the adults die and Paradise of the kids are created.
I stood up looking towards the door and stepped out of the fire. In the corner of my eye I saw Zetsubou following me.

My plans now are to find the adults. But first I'll explore around the hideout. I walked around all the hallways, secret passage ways, and doors. I haven't spotted anything until I looked at the Arena.

My eyes widened at the sight.

So, I kinda think that the scene of Zetsubou was kinda cheesy in my opinion. But I'll try and find new ways to improve.

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