Day 1: It Could Be Love or A Beautiful Mess

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  • Dedicated to Riley McDonough

I don't have a lot of time left. I only got at most a year to do all I wanted to do before it was too late. My name is Chloe and aside from my best friend all I have left is my mom and my "diva" twin sister Zoe. Yes, apparently I am one of those girls who have an identical twin sister. Well, she’s a minute older than me so technically I’m the youngest. Where is my dad, you may ask? Unfortunately, he passed about a year ago because of a car accident. After that, my life had been completely different.

            So in order to make the last remaining days of my life worthwhile, my mom agreed to drop me out of high school and do whatever I pleased. Technically, I do whatever my best friend, Nora wants cause all I ever wanted to do before I leave, is spend as much time with my her and my family. Nora is the type of girl who likes concerts and party and long walks at the beach and that's just what we do all the time.

            "Hey, C! That new band Before You Exit is playing at this place tonight. Guess what! I got free backstage tickets ‘cause Austin’s like friends with one of the guys there. What's his name? Braiden I think," Nora said blabbing about how excited she is.

            "Sure, you drive?" I said.

            "Totally! This is what I like about you. Well, except for the fact that—”

            "Yeah, sure, let’s go!" I said immediately.

            I still didn't accept my condition. I never wanted to leave. Yeah, sure, my life isn't that great but I'm still not ready to leave the people I love. I mean, what would become of them. I already limited my loved ones to three. It would only make it harder to leave if I have others to worry about. It's already depressing that I'm about to leave my mom, my sister and my best friend behind, I don't need another person to be depressed about.


            We arrived at the House of Blues just in time for the meet and greet. Nora met up with Austin, who he gave us backstage passes then we went in. "So what are we going to do here?" I asked.

            "We'll hang with the band before the concert. Isn't this cool?" Nora squealed. I can tell she's really a fan of this "Before You Exit" band. But why on earth don't I know that? I mean come on she tells me everything. Or was I too distracted to notice?

            We were sitting at the bench near the band's dressing room while we waited for the meet and greet to finish. But it was too dang long, my head started to hurt and I can feel I'm beginning to look pale. "Hey, Nora, I'll just go to the bathroom, okay? Stay here. I kind of forgot my phone." I said.

            Nora grimaced. "Are you alright? You look a bit pale? You know we don't have to do this. Your health is more important than this."

            "No, it’s alright. I'm fine. I just need to go to the bathroom. You worry too much!" I tried to smile confidently. I didn't want her to worry. Obviously she really wants to meet this band. I don't want to disappoint her because of a simple headache or something.

            I walked for what might have been miles. I mean, I swear this hall way is so long that I might have been walking for 10 minutes already. People are really busy around here. I saw a hoard of people running all around. They looked so tensed and tired. I wonder what they're anxious about. Finally, I found a bathroom! I walked toward it when.. Ouch! Something hit me. No! Wait not something, someone. I caught a glimpse of a black shirt, but he hit me right to the ground and my head really is throbbing now. Then, I blacked out.

            "Hey! Are you still alive?" Someone was shaking my hand.

            "Mmm," was all I managed to say. Where was I? I slightly opened my eyes. I caught a glimpse of a mop, a broom stick, and some rugs. The room was just small and I was sitting on the floor next to the door. I figured it was a janitor's closet. But what was I doing here?

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