Chapter One

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Maya Cane ran down stairs where her loving parents were waiting for her, giggles erupting from her lips as her father holstered her up in the air. They were finally leaving for that camping trip he had promised her for her birthday. Her father was always away flying around the world but he had finally come home from the aviation to celebrate her tenth birthday. Everything was packed and her mum was waiting for them by the car.
“Come on guys we need to leave if we want to make before sundown”, her mother said with a smile of pure joy on her face.
"Let’s go princess”, her father finished throwing her over his shoulder.
"Daddy I am so excited, do you think we’ll see lots of wild animals? I want to see Mr. Bear, can pet him?
"Oh princess I don't think Mr. Bear would be happy to see us but don't worry am sure we will see one or two but I can’t promise you will be able to pet him”.
"Hey are you two coming, we are getting late? Her mother called out to them again already in the passenger seat of the SUV. In minutes the family of three was leaving, they reached the highway singing their family road trip song by Vanessa Carlton.

"Hey mummy can I have a muffin?
“Yes sweetie go head," she said looking in the back sit where Maya was strapped in. She loved her mother's cooking and more so her baked goods, they were so delicious besides that her mother was a well-known baker in Arizona. Her mother was born and raised in phoenix with her younger sister who was now leaving in New York. When their parents passed away her aunty Monica had left Arizona and never came back only called to ask her mother for money.

As for her father he was an orphan who was raised in an orphanage in Florida but moved to Arizona when he married her mother after meeting her at a state bake competition in Florida. They fell in love at first sight and in less than six months they had gotten married and had her when they all settled down with stable jobs. Her mother started a bakery while her father got a job in the state aviation. Life was good her parents gave her everything she wanted and she worked hard at school, in fact she was the best in her class.
She chewed on her chocolate muffin as she watched the countryside go by, the sun was shining bright, birds singing, everything was fine until that dreadful horn of the big truck went off.

It was coming right at them, her father yelled for them to get down as he struggled to dodge the truck but it had already lost control, it fell across the road the big timber trunks it was carrying came rolling towards them crushing the wind screen of their SUV, then everything went dark for her.
The next time she opened her eyes she was in a hospital bed. A lady introduced herself as her aunt. The doctor rushed in to room with a nurse, they started examining her and when they were done they informed her aunt that everything seemed okay. The doctor then turned to her asking,
"Do you remember anything dear?
She closed her eyes and thought hard despite the mind shuttering pain. Then it all came flashing back. The truck losing control, the timber crushing their car, she opened eyes crying asking for her parents.

"Where is mummy, where is dad? She pleased, Mummy, daddy am scared", Maya cried. She was screaming in pain, the nurse held but her aunt was looking on as she asked the doctor to give her something to put her back to sleep. Another nurse showed up with a syringe and injected something in her I.V. She wake up in the middle of the night to find her aunt sleeping but she woke up when she heard the sobbing.

"Hey you’re awake, good because we need to sorry your parents didn't make it but you have to be strong and move on, okay? Sobs hiccup sobs hiccup is what she got as a reply.
"Did you hear me young lady, answer me? I hate it when am not answered"
"Yes aunty Monica"
"And don't call me aunt just call me Monica, okay?
"Yes", Maya hiccupped.
She was discharged after another two weeks, Monica took her straight to the cemetery to say her greetings and good byes to her parents. Maya placed the roses by her parent's grave stones in never ending tears. They drove home, and there Monica told her they were leaving for New York as soon as the last installment of the payment of the bake shop was made. Monica had sold her mother's bake shop and their house too.

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