Chapter Four

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“I hope that ruckus at Jenny's party didn't mess up my promotion”, Maya prayed. She continued working and since Friday was upon them she worked vigorously to finish up her work because Saturday was her best friend's birthday and she didn't want to worry about any pending work. Besides she had to visit Rosalind in the morning before heading to jenny’s birthday party. She worried about Rosalind and of late her health was not looking out.
All the children were jumping with happiness the moment Maya's Rav 4 went through the gate of the orphanage. The children at the orphanage had become like family to Maya along the years. She always visited and brought presents for the children. They all looked up to her as a big sister, when one of them was sick she would get them admitted in a good hospital. Quarter of her salary went to the children and the other quarter to her Rosalind.
"Hello guys", Maya said group hugging all the little ones and finally the older ones that were very close to her. Okay guy guess what a brought for you

"Woo you guys do love candy", Maya said carrying little sandy as they headed to the common room area.
"Jake get everything out of the trunk", Maya told Jacob as she moved with the little ones to the common room. Soon she was joined by Sister Rosalind and some others nuns.
"How are feeling mother", Maya asked Rosa who had settled on the couch besides her.
"Fine dear, how have you been my little one?
"Am alright but am more worried about you, how are the joint pains, what did the doctor say. Will everything be alright?
"Oh dear the doctors told me its chronic arthritis, and it’s okay am not getting any younger"
"But still, it’s not okay, on Monday am taking you to a specialist"
"Come come now dear that's enough about me. Today is Jenny's birthday right? Please wish her a happy birthday for me when you get back home".

"Actually she sent everyone cake. Hey let’s all have cake, Maya sing songed to the children. They enjoyed the sweet treat with fruit juices and the many snacks and sweets she brought. After the kids were down from there sugar rush and resting she gave Jake the laptop she had bought for him. The boy was smiling from ear to ear already getting the feel of his new laptop.
Maya had promised to buy him one when he turned sixteen and last month on his birthday he reminded her. Jake was the little brother she always wanted. She wanted to adopt him but she couldn't give him a stable family life as of now and for that reason she decided to at least carter to his every need from school issues to clothing and medical insurance.
"Hey Jake no grown up videos, I bought that for you for study purposes", Maya said smiling as she walked away with Rosalind. They reached Rosalind's room and she instantly lay down with a heavy sigh
"Are you okay mum, where are your drugs?
"In the top drawer by the sink" Maya gave her the medicine and massaged her painful legs.
"Sweetheart I need you to start living your life stop holding yourself back. I know you’re afraid of getting hurt but not everyone out there is out to get you. Enjoy life, live in the moment be happy"
"I will try mother now go to sleep, rest."
"By the way what happened to that handsome guy you used to day dream about"
"Theo, well his interested in someone else, I think her name is Audrey Heaven. She runs in the same circles, very beautiful, she’s like goddess of beauty".
"Oh sweetie am so sorry",
"Don't be, am okay rest now”. Maya left the room quietly and walked to Jake's room, Knocking
"Come in"
"Hey how do you like your new tech machine?
"It’s fantastic am setting up a Google account"
"That's wonderful. How's school going?
"It's all okay I joined the basketball team. You should come to one of my games"
"Sure just call me and I will be there. Am leaving now, pass me my car keys buddy".

Maya entered the city at six Sharp when the sun was setting. She got ready and drove to the club Jenny had rented out for her birthday. She called Jose when she arrived and he escorted her through the back entrance where she met with Arianna Grande. She had asked one of her clients who was in the entertainment business to help get the pop star to do a surprise performance for her best friend. She had rehearsed a song with the star so as to surprise Jenny. Today she would stop being the laid back Maya everyone ignored, tonight she was going to have fun, let loose and enjoy life like Rosalind told her today.
"Hey Ms. Maya are you ready to rock the stage"
"Oh yes that's if I remember the lyrics to your song. My nerves are at frying point"
Arianna just smiled at her before the MC called out the performance just then Arianna’s focus on me boomed through the speakers of the club.
Jenny was at her table with her other girlfriends wondering when her best friend was going to get there when she surprisingly appeared on stage. Looking extremely sexy in a white lace body hugging jumpsuit, with a red belt around her waist. The red stilettos were making a settlement. Everyone's eyes were on her as she mimed the lyrics with heart, the whole place went even crazier when the real Arianna showed up they hugged and Maya left the stage running towards her best friend

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