Chapter Seventeen

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“Theo have you eaten anything since morning”. Jade asked knowing his brother’s condition very well. And his suspions were confirmed when Theo lost consciousness the next minute.
“Theo! Jade called trying to wake his brother while in the house Jake ran to his sister's room.
“There is something wrong with that Theo man”.
“What? Maya asked her heart picking up. Scared she looked through her window and there on the pavement lay Theo unconscious. Running down the stairs she yanked the door open running through the rain bear footed to where he was.  Pushing the driver out of the way she knelt besides him. “Theo waking up”
“His sugar levels are low we have to take him to the doctor before his goes in to a coma”.
“Maya am sorry the weak man steered awake”
“It is okay we will talk about that later but first let's get him in the house. The two men supported the semi-conscious Theo in to the house.
“My bedroom is upstairs”, Maya said leading them upstairs where Theo was laid down. “Don’t worry I will take care of him just call the doctor”.
Jade left to call a doctor as Maya help Theo take off his wet clothes, her body unable to not react to the fine male specimen lying in her bed weak. Leaving him in his underwear, she rubbed a warm towel over his body before throwing the covers over his body.
Just then her baby demanded her attention crying at the top of her lungs. Shush sweetie we don't want to disturb daddy. Calm down for mummy. Are you hungry again? She cooed to her daughter moving to sit on the bed before breastfeeding.
In the middle of breastfeeding Theo steered awake opening his eyes that landed on the two most precious people in his life. Maya was breastfeeding his daughter the picture warmed his heart and he wanted to hold them both and never let go.
Struggling he sat up, Maya finally noticed him, their baby still in her arms. She moved to his side placing more pillows behind his back for support. One could see he was struggling.
“Jade went to pick up the doctor”, Maya finished turning her back to leave but her heart screamed for her to stay.
Taking a deep breath he spoke up. “Please baby stay. I need to hold you two. I don't want to die without doing that”.
“You are not going to die, please don’t say”, Maya said tears in her eyes.
“Then please let me hold you”. Giving in she moved to the bed. Despite her denial she longed to be in his arms. Theo through the cover away spreading his legs and patting the space between them.
“You are not serious”.
“Very much so. You can also keep me warm”. Maya settled herself careful not to disturb the feeding baby and not to crush him. His arm went around her waist pulling her to him. He leaned back against the headboard. Sighing in content his other hand caressing the soft cheek of his little princess.
“After the night our baby was conceived. I got a call in the morning, there had been a hostage situation at one of our airstrips in Europe so left before getting a hold of Jenny to get your number. That night I had with you was very special to me Maya. I have never experienced what I felt with you with any woman. You are the one woman who made me realize that what I felt for Audrey was never love but infatuation”.
“Theo stop”,
“Please let me finish. I haven't not fully explained everything to you and you deserve better. When I realized that I didn't have your number tried to reach Jenny to get it but they needed me urgently so I flew out of the country. After dealing with the situation and ensuring that everything was running smoothly I got on a plane to come home but then my best friend Navid called saying that Audrey was kidnapped and he needed my help so like any good friend I rushed to his side to help look for her”.
“But in the middle of it all he told me to go home to you and that he had everything under control. You see I kept talking about you and I think he realized then that I was in love with you and missing you desperately. And deep down I knew that you were the one for me the moment you walked that runway. That was the night I finally decided to let go of my infatuation with Audrey and get myself a real woman”. Before he could continue a knock came at the door. Jade announcing the arrival of the doctor. 
The doctor immediately put him on dextrose intravenous fluids running it quickly before they administered a second dose. They were left alone, Theo’s arm still holding her tight. Luckily the nurse helped Maya put their baby in his crib besides the bed. The medical personnel left, the doctor promising to pass by the next day.
“You gave me such a beautiful baby”, Theo whispered laying a kiss on her cheek. When I got home and you were missing I lost it. I asked my private investigator to find you and he did. That's when I found out about the orphanage and you adoptive brother. I became his sponsor”.
“When I got to the Virgin Islands I was worried sick for you but when I saw that baby bump.  Maya my heart swelled, I was over the moon. You were carrying my baby, Theo said smiling. I called my mom that day and told her the good news. But then I lost you again and Maya I suffered those two months you were away from me. I wish he could have been punished more”.
“John. John Goodman. Theo he was the one that kidnapped me”.
“Yes baby I know calm down. We found out when he confessed to everytning at our engagement party. He got twenty years together with his partner for kidnap and human trafficking”.
Maya sighed heavily her body relaxing. She leaned back in to Theo’s chest.
“Theo as much as I want to be with I can’t, am broken, I don’t think I have it in me to watch another loved one leave me. And I fear my insecurities will always surface and I will always run. I love you so much that it hurts to think of you loving someone else”, Maya finished burring her face in his chest
“Maya you are the one for me please give me a chance. Let me help you heal. Let me love you, show you every waking moment of my life that you are the one for me. I love you with all of my heart, body and soul. I promise you that, please don't leave, be wife and the mother to my children. Theo finished desperately waiting for an answer. Please say something. I won't give up on you”.
Looking up in to his green eye, she cried with joy. “Yes I will marry”.
“Sighing happily. Please say that again?
“I will marry you and I want to be the mother of your babies”, she said laughing as tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

Months later Maya stood happily taking in the picture of the man she had married. Theo stood not far from her laughing with his best friend, their guest dancing in the background. He looked so very handsome in his white tux coupled with a navy blue bow tie. His perfectly broad shoulders and muscular arms had her craving to be in his arms. Walking up to her he threw he them around her waist securely bringing her against his chest.
“What’s going in that pretty brain of yours Mrs. Reid”, he asked laying a kiss on her shoulder.
“Nothing just that I have a delicious piece of meat for a husband”, Maya said kissing his chin before lightly biting at it.
“Hey you two get a hold of yourselves, Jade interrupted the couple. I have a baby here, perverts”.
“What do want you nosy betty”, Theo asked with a smile on lips.
“Am hurt, Jade said when little Elsa squeaked in his arm. You see even Elsa agrees that you are to mean to her uncle”.
“Jade stop irritating your brother, Elizabeth said joining the newly weds. Come Maya it’s time to through your bouquet”. But before she could climb the stage a waiter walked to her and handed her a gift bag which she took only to a see a photo album. Opening it a gasps left her lips when her eyes landed on a photo of her parents’, pictures of her when she was still young, and those of her parents’ wedding.

“Who gave you this? Maya asked the waiter.

“A Lady outside…..” Maya didn’t wait for him to finish as she rushed out wedding looking for the person.

“Maya are you okay? Theo asked worried. His mother and a few body guards arrived too.

“I think my aunt was here. She the only person who could have sent this. Theo these are my parents”, she said tears rolling down her cheeks as she pointed to the picture in the album. “Theo I finally have a picture of my parents”, Maya finished falling in his arms as she cried happily.

Later on after they redid her make up she tossed the expensive arrangement that landed in Jenny’s hands. Every one applauded as the new weds drove off in the Land Rover.

∞∞∞∞∞∞∞THE END∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

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