Chapter Fifteen

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Theo stepped up to her taking her hand he helped off the stairs. “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are”, he whispered in her ear before planting a feather kiss on her lips.
“Come on you two some of us here are single, stop rubbing it in”, Jade exclaimed walking out the door.
“Don’t be jealous”, Elizabeth teased her youngest as the family walked out of the building. They arrived at the venue paparazzi flashing lights at them main. They got in after they took their photos.
Leaving them behind, his family entered the ballroom as they waited to be announced. The double doors were opened as guests stood up welcoming them. Some of the guest had their phones out recording their entrance. They reached the dance floor and the MC announcement their first dance of the night. “I didn't prepare for this”.
“It’s okay I got you remember. Theo calmed her, Am right here with you. Just enjoy your engagement party okay”. And just like that she relaxed allowing him to sweep her in to his arms and twirl her around the floor.

The music number eventually stopped and they walked to their table as the next performer was announced. Maya took her seat as Theo talked to one of the guests, she noticed a bored Jade playing candy crush on his phone.
“Hey you should go and mingle there are a lot of single ladies eyeing you tonight”.
“Am not in the mode. He said placing his phone away taking the flute and tipping over his lips. How about you, are you enjoying yourself”.
“Yes, I don't know why but am so happy it's like I finally found my own home after being lost for a very long time”, Maya said eyes drifting off to Theo
“Am happy for you soon to be sister in law” Jade said grabbing another flute of champagne. A couple and their daughter approached the table congratulating the Reids but it was evident they were not happy. As they were talking to Theo and his parents Maya leaned towards Jade asking who they are.
Ah, I don’t know if I should say this.  But whatever, she was Theo's betrothed. Stuck up family those one, Jade whispered. God am hungry what do say we raid the buffet?

At the mention of statement her jealous rode up, and she agreed leaving the table with Jade, not being able to stay and pretend that what jade said didn’t bother her. The two walked towards the buffet table only to be cut off by a waiter,
“Ma'am, Mr. Reid what would like? Jade was about to ask the guy to leave them be when his sister beat him to the punch.
“For you to step out away, we need to get to that food”.
“Ma'am just tell what you want and I will bring it to your table”.
“Please step side before I lose it”, Maya said frustrated and close to tears.
“You heard the lady”, Jade added guiding her around the waiter to the food. With Two plates they moved along the table Maya filling their plates as Jade held them. The two settled on a table close to the buffet. While they were devouring their food girls started pouring to table trying to engage Jade in conversation but he ignored them concentrating on his food. Full she settled back in the chair pushing the plate away.

“Better Jade exhaled patting his tummy. Hey wanna make my brother squirm? He asked. Excited to have his attention back she agreed. Jade whispered something in her ear. Smiling she called the waiter and minutes later the bubbly drink was place before her, taking the glass she brought it to her lips but before she could tip the glass Theo yanked it out of her hands.
“You can't have wine”.
“It’s grape juice, and why do care all you have been doing is talk to your betrothed”, Maya claimed jealousy evident in her words.
“Ladies who wants to join me on the dance floor”, Jade piped in wanting to give the couple some privacy.
“It's not like that Maya. Yes she was my betrothed at a certain point but that changed a long time ago before you even came in to my life. I refused the proposal and my father accepted my decision. I fell for someone else. Please believe me you are the one for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you”.
Caving she looked in his eyes once more. “Say it”.
“I love you. Only you”, he finished planting a kiss on her lips. Just as a camera snapped a picture of them. Hiding her face in his shoulder he couldn't help but chuckle at her shyness.
“Excuse me, Maya can I have this dance”, Jade interrupted. Sweeping her away from his older brother they walked on to the dance floor a Spanish rhythm blasting through the speakers, she enjoyed the dance letting Jade lead her.  The number ended and she excused her to use the restrooms. On her way back she found Jenny's brother leaning lazily by the ladies room.
“Theo is waiting for you, he has a surprise for you. Follow me”. Not wanting to seem rude she followed the creepy man who weirdly was leading her away from the party halls towards the hotel gardens.
“Where is Theo? What’s going on? Maya stopped her alarms going off. The creepy guy turned suddenly grabbing her arm menacingly.
“You cursed woman what do you know. What do remember about how you got kidnapped? Answer me”, he barked.
“I don't know I still have not got my memory back. Please let me go”, she said pulling her arms away.
He ignored her pleas. “Now you think you have it all, well you don't. You are just some lonely bitch who stuck herself to the next billionaire. Let me give you some information since your stupid brain hasn't recovered you pitiful memories. Theo has never loved you. The bastard has always loved the famous Audrey heaven”.
Maya gasped reaching for the invisible support. Holding herself upright she willed her mind to stay focused. “That’s a lie”,
“You are so stupid. You refused a man like me to go get pregnant for a man that left to search for another woman thousands of miles away. You deserved to be in that brothel for refusing me. Curse that bastard for not having done a good job at keeping you in there because that's where you belong”.
“You were behind my kidnapping”.
“Yes you dumb bitch, you were supposed to stay gone”, the creep said through clenched teeth. Twisting her wrist.
“Let me go or am going to tell everyone”.
“You think the world will believe you, a social climber orphan over me heir to the Goodman fortunate. Think again bitch”.
Maya hyperventilated, she didn’t know what do. A sharp pain throbbed in her heard, she didn't want to believe that Theo was lying to her but what if this bustard was telling the truth. She was indeed an orphan who would believe her words over his. Black spots flashed in her sight before her legs gave out, landing on the ground with a thud.  She could hear voices in the distance but they all faded away.
Theo waited but Maya was not returning. Panicking that something might have happened to her he asked his brother if he had seen her but Jade informed him that she left for the restroom minutes ago. They checked the restroom and she was not there. Fully Panicking he asked the whole security to look for her and luckily as they passed by the garden he heard her voice marching towards it he stopped when he had John’s voice. The bustard confessed to almost having him killed and her kidnapping. He couldn't take it anymore he walked in on the conversation surprising the bastard. He tackled him to the ground and pounded John to a pulp. Jade kept shouting at him to leave the bastard to the police and that Maya needed him. Maya was passed out on the ground Jade holding her as Theo continued to beat up John when he looked at his unconscious fiancé. Luckily someone had already called the paramedics and police. They rushed her to the hospital, anxiously they waited for any word from the doctor.
“Doctor is she okay, is the baby okay?
“Luckily the baby is okay and she will be okay too. We will keep her for the night to monitor her and in the morning if all is okay we will discharge you”.
“Am going to kill him”, Theo said punching the wall and busting his knuckles.
“Calm down son I have already made sure that John pays for what his done to you and Maya. I have talked to a couple of friends of mine his going to pay for laying a finger on my family”. His father said calmly seated in the waiting area.
“My poor Maya, Elizabeth cried, she has suffered enough. Am scared for her and the baby Martin”.
“Calm down Lizzy, luckily she and the baby are fighting”.
Maya woke up to find herself in their bedroom. The last time she remembered she was at their engagement party dancing with Jade. A maid walk in only to look at her before she bolted out of room and seconds later the Reids rushed in
“Dear, thank God your awake we were so worried”. Elizabeth exclaimed sitting beside her on the bed. Theo stood a step behind his family. Just like a child afraid of what he was going to see or hear next.
“Theo? She called longing for his embrace. Hesitantly he rushed to her holding against his chest. “Forgive me he said into her ear”.
“What happened she asked, did I faint? Am so sorry I ruined the party”. Everyone around her looked surprised not understanding what was happening.
“Call the doctor Jade”, Elizabeth called to Jade who was already on his phone.
“I think its selective amnesia, the doctor said.  But she is okay and the pregnancy is okay”.  The doctor told them.
“What should we do? She already doesn't remember her past and she can't recall what happened last Saturday, this is not fair to her”.
“What I can, she is basically protecting herself from the pain, Just give her time do not stress her or force to remember anything or else it may get worse. Just support her and show her that she is loved”.
Later on the old couple left leaving Jade to stay with his brother for moral support. “So are you not going to tell her what happened with Goodman?
“You heard the doctor we can't force her to remember anything”
“Theo it will become worse when she regains those memories. Isn’t what the bastard told her the truth and the reason why she was refusing to get back together with you in the first place?
“I love that woman with everything in me. I would give my life for her”.
“Then I hope for you sake that her love for you out shins the hurt she will feel when she remembers thing”, Jade finished walking out.  Don't wait up for me.

Weeks went by and still there was no sign of Maya regaining her memory. Waking up she prepared breakfast with the help of the maid. 
“Morning baby, Theo greeted her with kiss on her lips. We are getting a crib today so after this we are leaving”. They walked hand in hand in to the furniture shop, a princess theme set catching her eyes, after looking around they decided on it. After that he left her taking another car to work.
On her way from the shopping spire she asked the driver to drive her around before heading back home and to her surprise she saw Jade running out of an apartment building with only his pants on, his shoes and shirt in hand.  As he was putting one of his shoes a big guy came up behind him and pushed him to the ground. She called for the driver to stop. He parked and she immediately got out running towards the chaos, Jade was letting the man punch him easily.
“Stop”, she shouted moving to block Jade from the man who held back his punch right at the tip of her nose. “Get out of the way woman”.
“No, she said firmly just has her security showed up beside her”.
“You’re lucky bastard. Stay away from my woman”, he said walking away. She gave Jade a ride back to their building.

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