Chapter Two

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"I know I know, sorry lady bug, I just had a sketch problem, one of the opening dresses had gone missing but luckily Jose found it, so the show is still on. What about you, how is Rosalind and everyone doing?

"She is fine; the orphanage is doing well, everything okay".
"Still no news from your aunt? Jenny asked
"No that woman left me for good and I am better off alone. At least I have mother Rosalinda, Jake and you".

Her first days in Manhattan had been hard she had looked for a job for about a three months, gone on interviews but they never called her back until the metropolitan bank called her. She arrived at the bank early in the morning, at 7:00 am, they found her seated at reception waiting for the human resource manager to arrive.

At eight he got to his office and she was ushered in after a few minutes. The older gentleman was going through her resume when she entered his office. He asked her to take a seat. After a full hour of hard core questions, she was told that there were no current vacancies for accountants but there was a Secretarial/personal assistant job.
After a minute of contemplating she took the job they offered her since life was hard enough since she got to the city. She was to be the secretary to the operations manager, John Goodman, Jenny's older brother. John was a full blown sadistic player, Casanova, jerk all wrapped up in one person, he didn't give a dime about his job, leaving all the work to her and annoyingly he still got a salary at the end of the month. When she started working for him she suffered continuous advances, unnecessary gifts from him, he kept pestering her to sleep with him but she refused and reported him to the bank manager who sorted the issue out when he talked to the bank chairman and owner Simon Goodman, Jenny and John's father.

Weeks later after reporting John a new staff was introduced to the whole team and it was none other than Jenny her current best friend. Jenny was working with the chief officer of finance’s team and only because she was the boss's daughter.

People were afraid of interacting with her but one day when she stayed late at the bank. Maya found her stressing over accounts. Taking the chance Maya asked her what she was doing and if she needed help.
"Just writing up these books, the bank manager wants them first thing in the morning but it's driving me crazy, I just can't get it right, something is missing", Jenny stated in a tired manner.
"Can I help? Maya asked
"Yes please" after one hour Maya had helped Jenny balance the books. Ever since that day they became close friends that Jenny confessed to her that she really never wanted to study finance and that she had actually done a fashion and design course on the side that her father didn't know about.
"I believe everyone deserves to do what they want to do. So I think you should talk to your father about it", Maya encouraged Jenny. And after a week Jenny called her and told her that her father had accepted her to do whatever her heart really desired.
At the end of that year all the bank employees were invited to a country club for the end of year party. Everything was moving on smoothly until she went to their designated rooms to change in to her shorts and tank top for a swim when John abruptly entered the room locked it and pushed her on the bed forcefully against all her pleas, kissing her roughly slapping her when she tried to escape. He tore at her shorts as she screamed for anyone to help her, he back handed her splitting her lip. Luckily Jenny and a staff broke through the door and pulled John off of her before he had his way with her. Jenny grabbed a blanket and covered her shaking naked body.
Ever since that day Jenny became like a sister to her, unfortunately John was not punished. But Jenny and her become so close they shared secrets and helped each other out whenever the other was in need. Maya continued her work at the bank, and after working for the bank for one year they finally promoted her to assets manager and financial analyst of the metropolitan bank and Jenny started her journey of becoming a well-known fashion designer as well.
Years down the road there she was looking forward to the upcoming promotion meeting she was going to have with the managing director. She was hoping that she will be named the new bank manager, right here in NYC, beside the current manager was her mentor and he also fully trusted her and knew how good she was at her job. So she practically already had the bank manager position bagged.
"Hey lady bug I need you back here, Maya you are really zoning out a lot today are you okay?
"Am okay Jenny, what were you saying again?
“That you have to come to ecstasy tonight no excuses".
"I will definitely be there though clubs are really not my thing but since its your birthday am going to make an exception today, count on it”, Maya said with a smile.
"Besides am getting you a gift as well so you have to be there, by all means”, Jenny said eyeing her friend who was looking above her. “Oh and by the way what would want, just asking".
“Shouldn’t this be the other way round, me asking you what you want for a gift? It’s really hard to get a gift for a girl that has everything”
"Nah, you coming to a club that's rare you deserve a reward, so what kind of gift would you like", Jenny said nibbling on her chocolate chip muffin.
"How about him", Maya said pointing at the plasma flat screen in the cafe.

Jenny turned around to look at the screen and there in all his hot sexiness the one and only Theo Reid stood before the press. He was being interviewed about his new investment in East desert casinos that were being debuted in less than six month with his best friend and business partner Arabian prince Navide Ciel al-gamin.

"Huh you’re still crushing on him after five long years", Jenny asked Maya who was still staring at the screen with a dreamy expression on her face.

“Yep, but don't mind me. Anyway is there a dress code I should know about”, Maya asked falling back in to her memories, remembering the very first time she had met Theo Reid. He had come by the asset management department for a consult; she had just been promoted to manager of the department.
He had walked in to her office all handsome and tall at six four with dirty blond hair that complemented soulful green eyes that momentarily had her swooning. The man fit perfectly in his three piece suit, with strong broad shoulder, his biceps and pectoral muscles flexed of their own a code when he unbuttoned his suit. The sexy outlines of his muscled chest and abdomen had all the females in the building to drool him and she didn’t escape the charm that was Theo Reid. Power and confidence oozed off the man. He must have noticed her tranced state cause he cleared his throat.
"Morning Ms. Cane, I was told you could help me manager my funds better yet help me put them in the right place."
"Yes Mr. Reid, please have a sit. Good morning to you too. So what did you have in mind," she asked her longtime crush.
She did help him find a shipping company where he invested his millions and within months she bet he was going to make more billions beside his inheritance and salary from his father's private aviation and Airlines Company.
He was the lead engineer and CEO of his family company back in Taxes. They owned a world renowned airlines company and they also had numerous private airfields all over the globe. The Reids were also good friends to the Goodmans so Theo occasionally dropped by the bank to greet the chairman and God knows she always admired and ogled him from a far.

END OF FLASHBACK…………………………………….

"There is no dress code my sweet friend but you have to be all out sexy I need to get you laid and get you out of that V class.
"V class what the hell does that me?
"Keeping it won't get you anywhere you know"
"Whatever, you know the one person I had make an exception for but we both know he doesn't even acknowledge me as a woman, of his type or level at least. Every time his at the bank I try to drop by your father's office just to get a glimpse of him but when he comes out he passes by me like am a damn tree, even when I try to make business conversation he rushes off."
"Oh Maya your so smitten but stop sulking about what you can't get and focus on what you can get. If he doesn't notice you it’s his loss."
After her meeting with her best friend Maya got back to her apartment and earth quaked her closest even at seven pm she still hadn't gotten an outfit to wear to her best friend’s birthday because every dress in her wardrobe was so official or very causal Saturday. As she was still trying to find something to wear her mobile rang.
"Hello Jen, sorry I think I will be late for your birthday party. I still can't find something to wear. Every in here is so official or causal", Maya said throwing the black pencil dress over her shoulder.
"Actually that why am calling you, the birthday party is off and I am moving the fashion show date up. It's going to take place this coming Friday so I moved my birthday two weeks from now".
"Why, what's going on?"

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