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Palmates, palms-out, deep resigned to time,
are gold in-filled from dazzling treasury -

leashed-in, the breeze, to trembling eagerness.

Gathered droplets, dense at four degrees,
on black apple boughs, glow white star-spheres

clouds that seem more of haze-veils,
a chalk dragged lightly in their drawing,
with no ambition to cover a dominion of blue,
sail south from wintering lands.
__________________________Darker masses,
ominously following their innocuous vanguard,
prove the early afternoon a dream-gleam;

yet I am here in the chill, a padded shirt sufficient
to the transient task I undertake,

to watch the white recession of the sun
on roof-edge bedding, a shining eyelid closing,
breeze snatch leash away, while maple leaves
though threadbare, dulled and ragged, yet hang on.

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