Chapter Seven

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I guess I must of fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was so tired this morning that I couldn't even get out of bed for breakfast. Then I suddenly remembered that it was Monday. I jumped out of bed and quickly got changed into the schools horrible uniform.
"Hollie?" Mum called up the stairs.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh, sorry. I thought you were still asleep," she said, going back to the front room.
I grabbed my phone and brushed my hair and teeth.
"Hey Dad," I called to him, "Why aren't you at work?"
"Day Off!" He shouted from the kitchen.
"See you after school!"
I slammed the door and practically ran all the way to Sophie's house. I let myself in and was met at the door by their black and white pointer.
"Hey Dougie," I said to him, as I stroked his back. He heard Clare put down his food and he shot out of sight.
"HEY CLARE, HEY SOPH!" I shouted.
"HEYA BESTIEE!" Said Sophie, running down the stairs to greet me.

We did our secret handshake and we grabbed our bags to go.
"Bye mum." We both called.
When you're as close as me and Sophie, you tend to call their mum, Mum.

We walked to school together, passing Josh and Jack's House. When we passed I looked up to the window and saw a friendly smile looking down on me. Jack waved at me so I waved back.
"Who you waving at?" Asked Sophie curiously.
"Jack," I said pointing up at the Window.
"No ones there Hol," She said looking up to where I pointed.
I looked up to see no one there but just a pair of blue curtains.
"Oh," I said, feeling disappointed.
Sophie clicked on her phone, "HOLLIE!" She shouted, "IT'S TEN PAST EIGHT, SCHOOL STARTS AT 8!"
We ran to school and chucked the things that we didn't need into our lockers. Then we ran to class and apologised for being late. We were excused and we made our way to the back of the class where there were two empty seats. Sophie started to scribble down notes about the digestive system but I was too busy thinking about Josh and Jack to be thinking anything about how people eat their food!
"Hollie Parker, attention to the work please!" Miss Cheney called to me. Everyone turned their heads to see what I was doing. Even Josh turned around and smiled at me, so I smiled back.
"So you planning on missing every date I ask you out on?" Josh asked.
"Oh Holy Cow," I said, stomping my foot, "I completely forgot.. Sorry Josh."
Then I kissed him on the cheek to apologise.
"Well if your going to kiss me every time you do something bad then I'm going to make it impossible for you to be good," he said smirking at me.
"Oy you! Watch it," I said, but he knew I was joking.
"Anyway, that's why I came to your house at six, I was worried that something happened to you and couldn't turn up. So I came to see if you were okay. But when I saw that you were just chilling at home I felt a bit disappointed."
I sighed as I remembered the look I gave him when he turned up at my house with Jack.
"I never knew you had a brother."
"Yeah, He said he liked you," Said Josh calmly.
"And you weren't bothered?!" I said, getting in a state.
"Well I didn't think you liked me," Josh started, "I also didn't think you would slam the door on us like that."
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I was just in a bad mood. Me and Sophie fell out."
"But you walked into class together?"
"Yeah, we made up."
"Anyway I would love to stay and talk but I have an annoying older brother and two annoying parent who will probably kill me if I'm late from school, so see ya," He said kissing the top of my head, "Love you babe."
I'm sorry for the mega short chapter again!
The next chapter will be long, I promise!

Do you guys think that maybe someone else likes Jack?

Maybe even Josh?

What do you think will happen next?

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