Chapter Nineteen

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We made our way to board the plane, keeping our distance from McDonalds and that creepy crown.
The announcement went off again and we all gathered aboard the plane.
I clenched Caleb's hand as the plane took off.
Brianna was sat to the left of me, by the window. Caleb was to the right, beside the aisle.
"Look Hollie! We're going through clouds!" Brianna squealed.
I slowly opened my eyes and leant towards the small window.
My jaw dropped, there were clouds all around us.
I couldn't believe it.
We were finally getting away from the past, this was a new beginning.
"Wake up Hollie," Caleb said, poking my tummy.
"Oy, stop it," I said giggling, "That tickles, Stop!"
He moved his arm onto his leg and sighed.
"We're here," He said.
I shot up and peered out the window. I saw the runway and unclipped the seatbelt.
Caleb stood up and helped me out.
Mean whilst I pulled Brianna up onto my hip. She was obviously tired from the lack of sleeping over the past few days and just needed to catch up on sleep.
"Are we here?!" She said, waking up and rubbing her big, blue eyes.
"Indeed we are, Princess Brianna!" Caleb smiled.
I smiled and we walked down the aisle and out of the plane.
The sun shone down on our backs, luckily when we were at the shops, we bought clothes that would keep us cool.
"I think we ought to buy some sun cream for Brianna," I suggested.
"I don't want sun cream! I'm a big girl!" Brianna insisted.
"Okay Brianna, but you'll have to wear your hat," I gave in.
Brianna was addicted to her new hat.
It was a baseball cap with Mickey Mouse ears on the top. Across the back it read, "I❤️Disney" In big, bold letters.
"So this is it!" Caleb said, "This is where Brianna has always wanted to visit."
We were queueing up to buy tickets to get into Disneyland.
"Look Hollie! The castle!" Brianna shouted, pointing towards The Disney Castle.
I looked up at the huge castle and my mouth dropped open.
I've seen pictures of it before, but they were nothing compared to seeing it in real life.
"Where can we go first?" Brianna giggled, happily.
"Anywhere Princess Brianna would like to go," Caleb grinned.
Brianna clasped onto his hand and motioned for him to put her on his shoulders.
He hauled her up and she pointed ahead of her.
"What can you see?" I asked her.
"I want to go there," She said.
"Where's there?"
"On the toy story ride!" Brianna smiled.
"Okay, toy story it is!"
Caleb handed over some money to the cashier and we got given three tickets to enter any Disney park.
Brianna, of course, chose the Cinderella card.
Caleb chose the Goofy card.
And I chose the Thumper card.
//AuthorsNote\\-If you don't know who Thumper is, he is the rabbit out of the Disney film, Bambi.
We made our way towards the toy story ride and joined the back of the queue.
Luckily, it wasn't that long as it wasn't a school holidays.
Then it hit me.
Brianna would need schooling still.
I would be alright, as I only had a few years left.
But Brianna still had so much to learn.
"Caleb, we can't stay here," I suddenly gasped, "We need to give the tickets back and leave, Now!"
Caleb gave me a shocked look, followed by Brianna doing the same.
"Why!? We only just got here!" Brianna screamed.
I grabbed Brianna by the wrist and stormed towards the exit.
Caleb caught up and stopped me.
"Hollie, your not thinking straight. Think about Brianna, And how much she wants to be here."
"I am thinking about Brianna! That's why we are leaving!" I pushed past him and stopped by the exit.
I only had mine and Brianna's card as Caleb kept hold of his.
"Can I give these back and have a refund please," I asked, quickly.
"Hey, sorry, we don't do refunds." The lady cashier said.
"Please! I need the money back!"
I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter.
"I'm sorry, like I said, we can't do refunds. But can I interest you into buying an autograph book?"
"No you can't!" I slammed the autograph book in her face and stormed off, still holding onto Brianna.
Caleb caught up, once again, and stopped us.
"Hollie, I'm giving you one last chance to calm down! Your going to get kicked out!" He explained, "We need to enjoy our time here and forget about the past."
I thought he could read my mind as next he said, "It doesn't matter about schooling, or education. I can teach Brianna a few things around the house."
"Around what house Caleb?"
"What house?" I repeated.
Everything went silent for a minute.
"Ooh look! Mickey Mouse!" Said Brianna, slipping off into a group of people.
"Brianna!" I scurried off to search for her.
"Brianna!?" Caleb called.
I tiptoed to see over the people and caught a glimpse of her curly, blond hair. She was smiling for the camera whilst sitting on Mickey's knee.
"Brianna!" I called, running up to her.
I got loads of people tutting and hissing at me for running in front of their cameras.
"Don't do that again, you hear me?" I said to Brianna.
"Yes, okay."
Hey Guys!
I really had no clue what to do in this chapter.
I was going to make Brianna spot her mum in Crowds and go running off.
But then I was like, how would her mum know where they were.
So I scrapped that idea.
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter.
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and new year to y'all!
Remember to

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