Chapter Nine

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Brianna was in a mood nearly every day. Mum was turning into an alcoholic. I was falling in love more and more every moment I spent with Josh.
Saturday came quickly. My alarm went off at six o'clock in the morning. I jumped out of bed and went over to my wardrobe. I swung open the doors and peered inside.
"Hmmmm," I thought to myself.
I ended up wearing a pair of faded jeans and my favourite long-sleeved cropped top. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair up into a high ponytail. Mum was already singing and you could tell she was drunk again. I was basically the mum of the house now seeing as Mum drank and slept all the time. I applied my makeup and text Sophie.
Me: Hey, Going round
Josh's today XD
Mine at 6 tonite?

She instantly text back.
Me: Hey, Going round
Josh's today XD
Mine at 6 tonite?
Sophie: Sure!
c u then. xxx

I looked at the time. It was already 10! I grabbed my Tee-Boy hoodie and quickly grabbed the house keys.
"Bye Brianna," I shouted, not bothering to say goodbye to Mum.
"Bye Howwie! Tell Joshie I lurve him."
She was so cute sometimes. Why couldn't she be like this all of the time.
"I will," I said smiling.
I slammed the door shut so Mum could hear that I had left. I walked to Josh's house and knocked at his house. Or should I say mansion! His mum opened it.
"Hello Sweetie! You must be Hollie! We've been expecting you!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Call me Becki by the way!"
I knew I would love Becki. The way she talked, the way she was. I just loved her!
I heard someone walk across the landing upstairs and looked up. I saw Jack looking down on me.
"Hey," He smiled, "Josh is up here. I don't think he heard you come in."
"Okay, thanks Jack!" I took of my white converse and ran up the stairs.
"In here," I heard a voice say.

I looked around me and I saw 6 different doors.
"Umm..." I said, I didn't hear which door he called from.
I peered my head around the first door to see Josh and Jack's Dad lying asleep with his hairy belly out. I giggled quietly, then I heard a voice behind me.
"He's not in there."
I turned around to see Jack's blue eyes staring at me. I stared at him for a while, then blushed and looked away.
"You are nosy aren't you." He joked.
"Where's Josh?"
"He's not in," He smirked, "I told him that you text me saying that you couldn't come anymore. He went out with a friend."
"A girl?" The smile dropped off my face.
I sighed a sigh of relief.
"I wanted to spend time with you."
I stared at him again. His eyes seemed like a drug they were addictive.
"You liking what you see?" He winked.
"I would prefer to see my boyfriend thanks!"
"I never actually said that I didn't like what I saw though," I muttered.
"What was that princess?" He asked.
"I am not your princess!" I raised my voice, "I'm leaving!"
"No please!" He begged.
"Fine! But we better be doing something fun,"

Author's Note: For all you dirty minded people out there. It's not what you think! Honestly!

"I have something already planned," He winked.
"OYY!" I punched him.
"Ouch! That really hurt!"
"Sorry," I whispered "Not sorry."
He grabbed my hand, I don't know why, but I didn't object.
"Let's go!"
He led me out of the house and down the road. He didn't let go of my hand.
"Where are we going?" I asked. I wanted to know where we were going!
"It's a secret!" He laughed.
"Ugh fine. It better be good!"
"It is! Now be patient baby!"
I blushed when he called me nicknames. He wasn't my boyfriend so why did he think he was? He put his hands over my eyes so I couldn't see.
We walked for about 10 minutes. His hands still covering my eyes.
"We're here," He said, taking his hands away.
My mouth dropped open, "Jack!"
We were standing in front of my favourite place ever. Whsmiths.

Author's Note: Admit it! You thought it would be somewhere adorable.

"Josh told me you liked it here."
"I still cannot believe you lied to your brother about me not coming!"
"But I did it for your own good babydoll."
There he went again with the cute names.
"How was it for my own good?!" I was starting to get mad at him, "I would of liked you more if you let me see him!"
"You carry on seeing him, but you'll soon understand what I mean babe."
I walked away from him and started to cry. I turned around to see if he was still there but there was no sign of him left so I decided to walk home.


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