Chapter Eight

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"Hey Mum!" I called as I opened the front door. I got no answer.
"Mum?" I repeated, hoping for a reply this time.
"I'm in here," She sniffed quietly.
I walked through to the kitchen where I saw her sitting on the barstool with her hands up against her eyes.
"Mum!" I said running up to her to give her a hug, "What's happened?"
She sniffed but eventually said, "It's about Steve."
Steve's my dad by the way.
"What about him?" I asked curiously.
"He left us sweetie," Her voice broke half way through and she immediately started crying.
I joined her and we both ended up cuddling on the sofa and watching a Disney film. After a while she she stood up and went back to the kitchen.
"Mum? Where are you going?"
"I need to go and pick Brianna up from ballet."
"Oh yeah, I'll do it if you want to. Should I tell her about Dad?" I asked.
"No, I'll try and tell her when you come back, I don't think she will understand though."
I picked up the house keys and went to pick up my little sister.
I stood outside of Brianna's school for about half an hour before someone tapped my back. I spun around.
"What?!" I said, thinking it would be my sister.
"Nice to see you too babe,"
"JOSH!" I screamed as I swung my arms around his neck.
"How come your here?" He asked.
"I was going to ask the same thing to you! My sister has ballet," I said.
"Aw," he smiled, "Well I saw you walk past my house so I followed you."
Stalker much, I thought to myself.
"Oyy!" He said, punching me in the arm lightly.
Oops I must of said that out loud. I blushed and kissed him.
"I love you really," I smiled.
"You better!" He said, kissing me back.
Just as he pulled away from the kiss, Brianna walked up to us.
"Ewwieee," she screeched.
"BRIANNA!" I said, "Be nice!"
"Sorry Holliee," She said giving me puppy eyes.
"What do you want now?" I asked.
"Ice cream parlour!!" She smiled, jumping up and down.
I instantly remembered Mum at home. Then I remembered Dad.
"Not today Brianna. Mum wants to talk to you."
We all walked home together and I invited Josh inside.
"Mum! We're home!" I called through to the living room.
She got up and greeted us all.
"You must be Josh," she said, shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you Mrs Parker," He shook her hand back.
"Call me Karen, you two can go upstairs if you want,"  she said, "Oh and there's cookies in the cupboard if you want to have them as well."
"Thanks mum," I said, grabbing the cookies.
We went upstairs whilst Mum explained what had happened to Brianna.
"Cool room!" He said, eyeing up the poster and books plotted randomly over my room.
"Thanks," I smiled, "I bet it's tiny compared to yours though!"
I thought about the size of his house, then thought about what his room looked like.
"What you thinking baby?" He said kissing my neck.
"You really wanna know?"
He nodded.
"I'm wondering what your bedroom looks like," I blushed.
"Why don't you come and find out?"
"That was smooth," I laughed.
"This Saturday?"
"You bet!" I said.
Sorry for the really short chapter again!
I'll start writing the next one right now.
I will try and make it longer.
I promise!

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