Chapter 5: Him

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Cadence POV
"That's what you'll get next time you come near me!" I said rudely. No one can blame me for this because he is a rude, selfish, jerk.
He was forced to look my eyes at the worst possible moment ever.
"Your...Your eyes...?! The pupils?!" he said shocked.
"Oh you finally noticed, huh! It took you a long time to figure it out but you did it," I said, but by the time I was at the end I was more disappointed than angry.
Jordan ended up starring at my hand.
"What?!" I said, angry.
"Please tell me those are special effects," He said terrified.
"What?" I said confused. He pointed at my hand. I looked down at my hand in horror.
Blueish, purple flames were coming out of my hands. I took deep breaths because I couldn't rube my eyes. I then again I looked at the flames. They were gone.
"What the heck are you?!?!?!" Jordan said freaking out, obviously.
"I-I don't know what I am," I said quietly. I was calm on the outside but, on the inside I was running around screaming. Jordan ran away before I could kick him out. I tried to hold in the laugh at him running away screaming. "Ok, let's start the show," I yelled.
Dipper POV
I saw Cady fighting with her ex. I had figured that out because he said he wanted to get back toghther. I had been surprised at what she did and at the flames coming out of her hand. 
I was trying to find Mabel because she is a hard girl to catch. Her friends being...odd and her running around is disaster.
I would like to make clear that I only came here for Mabel. "Bro bro!" I heard Mabel call.
"Good. I found you. Now tell me how much trouble your in," I said with relief and worry.
"Well Grenda knocked out the guards, we ran away from security, and I think Candy and Grenda are on the wanted list," Mabel said worried.
"Why aren't you on the wanted list?" I asked Mabel.
"I left a note saying that I was trying to stop Grenda from knocking out the guards," Mabel said.
"That doesn't mean you aren't in trouble," I said while slapping my forehead.
"Relax Dipper," Mabel said. I had learned a long time ago not to trust Mabel when she said that.
"No more of this ok! Let's get to our seats," I said and with that I actually injoyed my first Cadence Hanson concert. She may be better than BABBA.
Cadence POV
After the concert, I was signing autographs. I met a bunch of nice fans.
I finally got home and flopped onto my bed. We had bought a buffet table so I wasn't hungry. My mom was probably at a club in California, not that I cared but I probably am not going to see her for a couple of days. I decided to catch up on sleep.
  I woke up in the cutest dress ever. It was long and red. It wasn't puffy so that was awesome.
A guy wearing a yellow suit and a top hat asked my to dance. I couldn't refuse because of his politeness.
He had blond hair, an eyepatch, and a bow tie.
When I was dancing some of my hair got into the corner of my eye and I saw it was purple and gold. I can't lie it looked amazing. I had the shoulder cloth cut off and I had a gem encrusted belt on my dress. This was the dress for the Northwest's party it was perfect.
"It is so nice to be away from home," I said during the waltz.
"How do you know that?" I couldn't help but ask.
"I KNOW LOTS OF THINGS!" he said turning red for just a second.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"BILL CIPHER," he said calmly.
"Bill do you know why I had fire coming out of my hands today?" I said all to curious.
"YOU WERE GETTING YOUR POWERS," he said still calm.
"How do I have powers?" I asked.
"YOUR PART DEMON," Bill said.
"What?!" I said just as the waltz ended.
"LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE WAKING UP," Bill continued. "TELL NEXT TIME!" he said in an echoy high-pitched voice.
"This can't be it, no!" I said loudly. I woke up in my room by myself. I laid there thinking about what Bill said and how I have herd that voice before, somewhere.
I need to ask someone for help.
Texts Key: C= Cadence D= Dipper M=Mabel P= Pacifica Cy= Candy G=Grenda W= Wendy Ma= Matthew
2:01 AM
C: P what should I do if I need to talk to someone about paranormal stuff?!
P: Go to Dipper. He loves Paranormal mysteries and junk.
C: Really? Wow!
P: He didn't tell you wow!
C: thx I need to talk to him.
Cadence POV
I laid there for most of the night wanting to go to work.

Author's Note: CLIFFHANGER?!?!?!?!, kind of. I hope you like my drawing of Cadence at the top. I will try to post a new chapter every week or sooner. If I can't know I am very busy. I spent a long time drawing different,SPOILER ALERT AHEAD, BUT KEEP GOING,pictures of Cadence, Matthew, and, REAL SPOILER ALERT!!!, Cara! Cara is Cadence's twin! I played the twin card! Sorry for those who hate that. END OF SPOILERS, 🤗🤗🤗🤗FOR NOW!(Sorry I LOVE jazz hands)ANYWAY,Those who have any ideas please say so I have a lot planed out but not all of it. Like, SPOILER ALERT!!!!, how is Cadence going to meet other demon kids, you read that right!!!!!!!! Please give ideas💗💖💘💕💞💝💓☄(I also LOVE Hearts) Anyway, I'll be watching you!!Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!

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