"I still love you."

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I froze in the spot as Emily gave us both a smile. She looked so beautiful in her beanie, jeans, her band t-shirt and of course, her smile. The smile looked forced though but I didn't care. Mary quickly stood up and shook Emily's hand which I didn't notice, "Thank you so much for your time, Ms. Fields," She paused. I guess this is the part where she introduces me,

"This is Alison," She says, giving me a look as if saying stand up. I stood up slowly, looking at her akwardly. I cleared my throat, "I-Um-Alison, nice to m-meet you." I stuttered. When Emily took her hand out, which I was supposed to take, I froze. Mary nudged my leg with her's and I finally took her hand. I felt something in my stomach, butterflies maybe? Not possible.

I felt my cheeks heat up when I looked up to Emily and see her with an amused smile on her face, "Nice to meet you too, Alison," Is she seriously pretending not to know me? Like I am? I turned to Mary as she started talking, "Why don't the both of you get to know each other first before we get this stunt going?" I glared at her,

I was about to say no but Emily beat me to it, "Sure."

oh no.


After that whole thing Emily grabbed my hand and took me to her garden. She didn't say anything though. We sat down under a tree while she just looked at something from afar, "So," she started, startling me, "How have you been, Alison?" She asked, turned her head to my direction,

"I-uh-I'm okay.. How 'bout you?" I asked quietly, "I'm fine." Then there was this comfortable silence after that. No one dared to talk, we just sat there looking at the trees from the other side of the pond. I wonder if she has a girlfriend? That's non of my buisness! I will be her girlfriend-fake girlfriend I mean so that probably means she's single,

"I guess we're going to have to pretend to be together, huh?" Emily suddenly asked. I looked at the back of her head and sighed. I was hoping that it would actually be real and Emily would just say

What emily should say;

I actually still love you Alison so please be with me forever and ever because you're my princess you have always been.

What emily would actually say;

I don't love you anymore.

"I guess so." I responded with a shrug even though she cant even see me since she's sitting up, looking at something from afar while I'm leaning my back against the tree, looking at the back of her head. She looked at me from her shoulder and I could see a smile forming on her face, "This could fun wouldn't it, Ali?" I tried to force a smile, I really did, but instead I frowned.

She turned her body fully around and now she is sitting right in front of me with a worried expression on her face. She reached her hand up to my face and caressed my cheek, making my cheeks heat up, "You've become into such an amazing person, Ali," she murmured, sending shivers down my spine, "Most of all, you've become even more mature and attractive." I looked at her as she winked at me,

I froze when she started leaning in. Oh my god, is she going to kiss me? I was disappointed when her soft lips pressed against my cheek. I wanted it somewhere else. Perhaps, on my lips? But of course she wouldn't. She leaned back and gave me a smile before she stood up and dragged me with her which I lazily responded to.

"Where are we going?" I asked Emily hesitantly when we started walking on a path in the woods that I didn't know where it led. Emily looked back to me and smiled,

"You'll have to see," Then I heard her chuckle, "It's a suprise."

"Is this like our first fake date?" I asked quickly and then I frowned, thinking I must've hurt her feelings since we--she actually had feelings for me.

Emily turned around in one swift move to my direction and I bumped into her since I wasn't looking to where I was going. Emily wrapped an arm around my waist as if to protect me and then she took out a black piece of clothing making me raise an eyebrow. She retreats her arm from me and holds the black piece of clothing with both of her hands.

"What is that?" I asked dumbly.

"It's a blindfold," She chuckled then said, "It wouldn't be a suprise without this wouldn't it?"

I shook my head and saw her smile genuinely before she wrapped the blindfold around my head and everything went black.


All I heard were twigs snapping as we stepped on them and Emily's steady breathing. She had her arm securely around my waist, making me feel safe. She was just leading the way and we didn't even talk or anything. Suddenly, Emily stopped both, she and I and then I felt her let go of me. I waited patiently for a couple of seconds and when I didn't hear Emily I panicked.

"Emily!" I shrieked out, stretching my arms out in front of me and I started waving my arms around me to see if someone was in front of me and there wasn't anyone there. "Emily, you're scaring me!"

I had enough so I took of my blindfold and I felt my lips curve into a big smile as I took in everything that was in front of me. There was a picnic blanket on the grass and there was food there too. We were at a cliff and the picnic blanket was near a cliff. I looked over across the cliff and if we sat down and ate we would have a good view of the Eiffel Tower, which by the way is fake.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to face Emily. She was holding a rose on her hand and she had this sweet smile on her face. She stretched her arm out to me and I proudly accepted the rose. Emily smirked and then she wrapped her arms around my waist, catching me off-guard. I smiled into her neck and hugged her back, snuggling into the crook of her neck. Emily kissed my shoulder and she said,

"I still love you."



Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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