"It wouldn't mean anything to you, but it would mean the world to me."

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Alison's POV

I was about to let go of Emily but then Emily tightened her grip around me.


"Shh.. Don't protest. Don't tell me that you don't love me anymore. Don't say anything," Then Emily let go of me, but she then rested our foreheads together, "But I promised something very important to you. I told you that I'll be waiting for you."

"I meant it." She mumbled, her hot breathe hitting my lips.

"No, no, no," I repeated, unwrapping myself from her, "This was not supposed to happen!" I yelled,

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I hate that I had to explain it to her,

"We were just supposed to get to know each other and then we could fake our relationship. After that, when the publicity stunt is over, we could move on to our lives and forget about this," I gestured to the rose,

Emily grabbed the rose from me and then threw it at the ground, stepping on it. She looked up, her eyes showing sadness.

"You're right. We should stay friends, or not, and forget about this," She chuckled bitterly making me cringe, "I should have known you had forgotten about me."


"Don't. You said it yourself. You said that we should just do the publicity stunt shit and then forget about it after. That's fine by me. At least I could still kiss you. It wouldn't mean anything to you, but it would mean the world to me."

I placed my palm on her arm, which she looked down to with an eyebrow raised.

"Look at me, Emily,"

"No," She murmured stubbornly. I groaned, making Emily look up,

"It would still mean something to me, Em. I just want us to stay professional. Our career should be our number one priority right now. Not relationships."

Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Our second priority is our fake relationship right?"

"No, that's a part of our career,"

"Whatever," She mumbled then she bent down and picked up the baskets on the ground, "Here. I changed my mind, we're not going to eat anymore. You could have the food, let's walk back to my house and talk to your manager." She quickly said, shoving one of the baskets to my direction which I caught before it fell.

She started walking away and I sped walk to catch up with her because she was so fast.

"Hi, Mary, we're back." I called out to Mary, who was sitting in Emily's dining room, a cup of tea on her hand.

"Oh! You girls are back," Mary murmured, placing her mug on the table, "So, did you girls get to know each other?"

Emily smiled warmly and she took off her coat. She placed her jacket on the backrest of the chair and she sat on the chair, "Indeed we did."

"Are you ready to hear the plan?" Mary questioned with a smile,

I shook my head but Emily said, "Yes,"

"Okay, here's the plan..."

"Ugh, Mary, do I really need to?" I asked Mary after she told me I'd have to practice kissing Emily. Emily's expression was blank as if she didn't really care about doing it.

"Ye–" She was interrupted by a feminine voice from upstairs screaming BABY.

Emily's eyes widened and she looked at me in horror, "Oh, uh–"

Then a pretty brunette came downstairs and she wrapped and arm around Emily's waist, seductively running her hands up and down Emily's arms.

Emily looked at us and smiled awkwardly. The brunette looked at our direction to finally sees us,

"Oh, babe. You brought guests–Wait a second! Are you Alison Lauren?!" She squealed and I forced a smile,


She lets go if Emily and hugs me. Emily sends an apologetic smile to me and I nodded to dismiss it.

"I'm Kimberly Augusts, Emily's girlfriend."

"Um. No you're not?" Emily trailed off. The brunette looked back to Emily, with her eyebrows raised,

"Uh, yeah I am. What about last night, Honey?"

Emily shook her head, "That was a one night stand, so can you please leave?"

Kimberly gasped dramatically and glared at Emily, "I should have known. Your songs are all about sex anyways!" Then she grabbed her purse and stormed off,

"My songs aren't about sex!" Emily called out after her. She turned around and smiled awkwardly towards us,

"Uh.. Sorry. You know what they say, 'Old habits die hard' and uh–"

Mary chuckled, "That's okay... Just don't do it again until the publicity stunt is over, okay?"

Emily nodded, "Mkay. Now let's do this Ali,"

I groaned, "Fine,"

Then I pushed Emily to the wall and crashed my lips harshly against her's. Emily smiled into the rough kiss making me pull away.

"Sorry, uh, that was uncalled for–"

"No, Alison," Mary suddenly spoke up, making me turn towards her and I blushed in embarrassment because I had forgotten she was here, "That was perfect! Although you might want to be a little more gentle.."

"Right, okay, Mary. Thanks for the-uh-" I looked at Emily and chuckled nervously, "Advice."

Emily just smiled then turned her attention back to Mary, "So, when's this gonna end?"

Mary pursed her lips, "Soon,"

I frowned. Ugh.

I wanted this to end as soon as it started because it would be impossible to hide my feelings from Emily when I have to let it out and pretend those feelings were fake, which by the way aren't.

I looked at Emily who looked back to me with dilated pupils.

She smiled warmly and everything else around us suddenly became a blur to me and it felt like we were only people in the room. There was no denying that everytime she and I made eye contact, sparks flew because I felt it.

That smile gave me butterflies and I tried so hard not to look at her pink lips and not to think about how the kiss felt.


im such a bad writer im sorry it took me long to update, i was on a vacation to Montreal and we were stuck there for a while because my cousin died.



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