Sneak Out For Pizza

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"You're so grumpy today," I heard Mary point out as I placed the cereal box on the counter with a loud thud. I glared briefly at Mary before I sat on the stool right across from her.

I didn't answer her and poured milk into my bowl. "Look, I'm sorry. I've cancelled the deal with Fifth Harmony's management, okay.. I'm sorry I wasn't being conside–"

"Mary, It's okay." I hissed and when I looked up and see her confused look, I sighed. "I forgive you."

"Then why are you so grumpy today?"

"Who wouldn't be when your girlfriend just left you in the middle of the night." I snarled. Mary looked taken a-back as she slumped back in her chair, crossing her arms along with her legs. She released a deep sigh.

"She always leaves in the middle of the night." Mary said nonchalantly, making my blood boil in anger.

"And you guys never checked on her?! What if she's in some kind of drug cartel?" I exclaimed and calmed myself when Mary placed a hand on my arm.

"Calm yourself," She huffed and retracted her hand. "I had tracked her down one time, and she ended up just going to the kitchen to eat some chips."

"That's very unhealthy." I commented. "Although I used to do that, but with pizza... but that's different."

"How so?" Mary laughed.

"Well, pizza's different. Everyone loves pizza. You love pizza. I love pizza. Everyone deserves pizza." I said as Mary agreed. "But not everyone likes chips and people should accept that fact."

"Whatever," Mary rolled her eyes but laughed, nevertheless. "anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you don't have to worry."

I pressed my lips together and nodded. I looked down to my bowl and when I realized there was no more cereal, I let out a raspberry sound. "Okay then. Bye, Mary. I'm gonna go order some pizza."

Mary laughed as I made my way up the stairs.


When I heard Alison's footsteps disappear, I sneakily got off my bed and put on some socks. I'm gonna catch her. Tip toeing my way out of my room, I turned on the flashlight of my phone and made sure Ali wasn't lurking in the hallways before I made my way downstairs.

I entered the kitchen to see Ali standing in front of the refrigerator, her hand in the freezer. "Looking for this?"

She turned around, eyes wide, as she looked at the pizza box that I had sneaked out when she left. "Uh, y-yes.. W-why do you have it?"

"So you come downstairs and ditch me for pizza?" I laughed and placed the pizza bix on top of the counter.

"Y-yeah.. you can say that." Ali grinned before she opened the box and took a slice. She sat on the stool right across from me and took a bite from her pizza.

"I have a song to sing for you, Ali." I said before I grabbed the guitar I had hid under the counter.

Ali smiled. "What? Is this Glee or something?"

"No," I chuckled and put the strap of my guitar on my shoulder as I positioned the guitar in front of me. "I wish though."

"Okay." The girl, who I'm hopelessly in love with, laughed. "Sing for me."

"This song is by Elvis Presley." I announced and gave her a wink. "I'm singing this song because everytime I listen to it, I think about, well, you." Then, I stopped. "Actually, come follow me." I said as I placed my guitar on the counter and made my way into the livingroom. "I want to play the piano instead."

I started off with the first verse and I smiled when I saw Alison's eyes light up. I remembered how she told me that she wanted someone to sing this song to her. I was singing Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley. I'm singing this song to her because it truly represents how I feel and I'm not very good at talking about my feelings so I just sang it.

When I finished, I looked up to see Alison with tears streaming down her face, a huge smile on her face. "I-I remember when my dad used to sing that s-song to my mom.." She murmured, her voice cracking.

I frowned and stood up. "Don't cry, my leashy-loo." I cooed as I placed my hands on her waist.

She laughed and wiped her tears. "How dare you quote the queen." I smiled and pulled her into an embrace.

"It's okay, Ali. I'll always be here." I murmured and pulled away. Ali smiled at me. She went on her tippy toes and kissed me lightly on my lips. "Thanks for that kiss, Miss Dilaurentis."

She grinned, both of her dimples appearing on her cheeks. "You're welcome, Mi Amor."

"Now let's go back to sleep, 'kay?" Ali looked down to the ground, smiled and nodded her head. "Promise me you won't sneak out at night and just ask me when you become hungry?"

"Yes, now lets go!" Ali squealed and jumped on me. I caught her and we started making our way upstairs.


"I forgot to tell you.." I murmured and wrapped an around Ali's shoulder as we walked the New York's streets. The streets were empty, thank goodness, because people would have recognized us. "My tour is coming soon."

Ali stopped abruptly and since my arm was around her, I stopped too, and scanned her face. Blank. "Are you upset?"

"No." She said and looked at me. "I just.. I'm gonna miss you, Em."

I smiled softly and kissed her. "I'm gonna miss you too.." I murmured against the kiss. She laughed and pulled away. "Make sure nothing happens while I'm away."

"If you're worried that I'll cheat on you while you're away.. don't worry, love." She said and wrapped her arms around me. We were basically cuddling while standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "I will never cheat on you."

"Good. Because I'll never cheat on you too." I smiled and kissed the top of her head. Clenching and unclenching my jaw, I squinted my eyes to see a black SUV lurking in the corner.

That's right, bitch. Take a picture of us and post it online, so everyone can see that Alison is mine, and only mine.

I smirked and pulled away. "Come on, Ali. I just called Lord Tubbington to turn on the air conditioning at the mansion, so you'll be pretty cool there."

She laughed, her face brightening up. "Lord Tubbington?"

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes, my nickname for Lord Tubbington after Brittany's cat, don't make fun of me."

She just smiled and hugged me. I wrapped an arm around her and we started walking back home.


I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long lol It's just.. I'm working on another Emison fanfic, and so far it has 11 chapters. I want it to be the best. Better than the rest of the fanfics I made. So that you'll live your happy gay life and I'll make sure they don't die in the end😹😹 (sorry about that too). Also, for my new fanfic, I'm writing the story first before I publish it because if I publish it chapter by chapter, It'll take me alot of time and I don't wanna keep you guys waiting too.

Love you,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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