Chapter 12

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Hello, my lovely friends! I know I definintely owed you guys an update, but this chapter probably won't be as good as you're hoping. I'm sorry!               

I threw my phone on the bed and flopped down next to it, letting out a frustrated sigh into my sheets. I’ve called Derrick at least ten times, and he is refusing to pick up. I know he’s home. I can see his bedroom light from my window.  

But for some unknown reason, he’s ignoring me. And I’m freaking out. What if he’s up there plotting some way to beat the crap out of Zack again? He seemed so serious when he said he was going to kill him… but Derrick’s not capable of that, right?

Well, he did beat up his teacher before he moved back here. I guess since Derrick and I have gotten so close, I forgot everything he did in the past. He doesn’t exactly have the cleanest record.

Right after our conversation Derrick stormed off campus and I followed him. He went straight home and walked inside, slamming the door in my face.

What’s even worse is Alicen is usually who calms him down, but she’s off at Justin’s, spending the night. The Ames’ are out of town for the weekend, which means Derrick is all alone in his house, and could be planning a way to hurt my boyfriend.

Not that Zack doesn’t totally deserve it.

I shook the thought from my brain and started pacing my room. Why won’t he just answer me?! I need a shower. That’s what always helps me clear my head.

I walked into my bathroom and turned the water on, waiting for it to get hot. And then it clicked in my brain that Derrick is my next door neighbor. I can just walk over and into his house. Of course!

I slapped myself on my forehead and hurried out of my room, taking the stairs two at a time. If Derrick won’t answer me, I’ll come to him and force him to.

I made my way to his doorstep, not bothering to knock, as usual. I stepped right inside and looked around, making sure he wasn’t anywhere in the living room or kitchen. When I cleared the area, I headed up the stairs.

“Derrick?” I called into the house, heading towards his bedroom door. I pushed it open to find it empty.

“What the hell?” I wondered aloud, looking around. He was nowhere to be found. I started looking in the other rooms upstairs, poking my head in Alicen’s doorway, and their father’s office. Nothing. Completely empty.

I walked back downstairs and took another look around. Well, that’s really strange. I suddenly heard a loud grunt come from the open door in the very back of the house that Derrick uses as a weight room.

Rolling my eyes at my own stupidity for not realizing that’s where he could be, I headed that way. I then remembered that this door locks from the outside. I could lock Derrick in there with me until he talked to me. Until he calmed down about Zack, and then I’d unlock the door. I know where Derrick keeps the key! 

I ran back up to his bedroom and grabbed the key I know unlocks his weight room door. I headed back down and quickly stepped inside, making sure the turn the lock before I slammed the door shut. I turned around to check and make sure it wasn’t going to open before I slipped the key in my pocket.

I turned back around to face Derrick, who was standing in the middle of the room, shirtless and hitting a punching bag. He had a pair of headphones in his ear, which is probably the reason he hadn’t noticed me come in. He was sweating a lot and tearing up the punching bag.

Taking out his anger I assume. That’s a much better solution. I couldn’t help but notice just how attractive he looked. I mean, it’s weird, but shirtless, sweaty guys are hot. And Derrick’s already hot to begin with. I bit my lip and stepped closer, tapping him on the back.

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