Chapter 4

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Hiya. This is an interesting chapter. It makes you love and hate Derrick at the same time. :) 

           "I'd rather not." I said, slipping past him and heading in the direction I had last seen Alicen.

"Ericka, wait. Seriously, I want to ask you something!" He said, catching up to me easily.

"Later, Derrick. You owe me that at least." I said, picking up my pace.

"I don't owe you shit." He said abruptly, stopping. I turned to look at him then. "Forget it." He said, looking away. I stared at his expression. He actually looked... embarrassed.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong when he cut me off. "Do you enjoy pissing me off?" He suddenly asked, glaring at me. "It's like you know exactly what to do and say to make me incredibly angry."

I stared at him, wide eyed. Why is he so bipolar? "I could say the exact same to you! I haven't done anything to give you a reason to be angry at me. You're the one always making me angry!" I blurted out. Derrick raised an eyebrow at my outburst. "Whatever. I don't have time for this." I said, turning and continuing to walk. Several seconds later, I heard a soft sigh followed by footsteps behind me. I didn't have to turn my head to know Derrick was trailing after me. I finally found Alicen still searching through dresses and approached her. "Ali, what do you think?" I said, gesturing to the dress.

"Oh wow! You look hot, Ericka!" Alicen said, grinning at me. I smiled back and opened my mouth to thank her before her words cut me off. "What do you think, Derrick?"

"W...What? Oh. She looks...really amazing." He said sincerely.

Ali and I shared expressions of complete confusion as Derrick's face flushed. "What did you just say?" Alicen said, practically tackling Derrick.

"Was that a compliment? Did my brother actually just give a girl a decent compliment? Especially to Ericka! The world is ending!" Ali cried dramatically.

Derrick pulled her arms from around him, and avoided eye contact with me. "Yeah, okay. Can we go now? You're being ridiculous." He said, glaring at her.

She smirked and turned to me. "Don't you need to take that dress off first?"

I jumped, remembering I actually had to take it off to pay for it. "Yes, she does." Derrick said, grabbing my shoulders like he was going to push me in the right direction.

He led me back to the dressing room, and then pushed me into the stall. I threw my clothes back on and grabbed the dress before heading out.

“Please take forever, Ericka. Really. I have nothing else to be doing right now.” Derrick complained sarcastically. He started pulling me towards the counter where Ali was standing to pay. I handed the cashier my money and we turned for the door.

I stopped to look at a pair of shoes, which apparently, Derrick didn’t approve of.

“No! You have enough shoes! Let’s go!” He said, grabbing my shoulders and steering me towards the door again.

“Alicen? Ericka? Hey! How’s it going?” I froze at the sound of the deep voice that I recognized all too well. No. Not here. Not now. Crap. Unfortunately, a familiar guy strolled up, wrapping Ali in a hug. I gaped at him for a few seconds, trying to get myself together. He’s definitely changed. I took in the sight of his newly formed muscles, paired with blonde hair and adorable blue eyes. My heart lurched as I took in his appearance, which brought back memories I didn’t want to remember. I pulled myself out of my thoughts just in time to catch the intense look of thought on Derrick’s face.

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