Chapter 2

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I stood near the line of people waiting to pick up their friends and loved ones, shifting my feet back and forth. I'm about to meet the one person I hate most in the world. Should be fun. Alicen better appreciate this. How will I even know which one is Derrick? The one who's the biggest pain in the ass? I watched as Derrick's flight landed, and people started walking out. I scanned the crowd, looking for somebody who looked like Derrick's personality, a cocky asshole. 

My eyes ran through, scanning over tons of people. Nobody jumped out as Derrick material. I was about to give up and dial Ali when my eyes ran across a pair of bright blue ones. My eyes widened as I took in the sight in front of me. Holy shit. He's hot. Really, really hot. Who is this guy? I let my eyes travel down the rest of him. Fit body, strong jaw line, black hair. I don't think I've ever seen somebody so good looking. I was close to drooling.

He caught me staring, and shot me a smile with a wink. A blush rose to my cheeks and I smiled back before I averted my eyes, continuing to search the crowd for Derrick. My phone starting ringing and I looked down to answer it.


I picked up the phone, looking back up. Whoa. Hot guy is walking towards me. Oh, shit. What do I say to him? "Ali... I... Uh... I don't see him. What does he look like?" I asked her, keeping my gaze on the man walking straight towards me, trying and failing not to stutter.

"He said he's wearing a dark blue jacket and jeans. He's got black hair. Do you see him?" She asked. My jaw dropped just as the guy reached me. This incredibly attractive guy just so happened to be wearing a dark blue jacket and jeans. I hung up the phone just as he held out his hand. "Hey there. I'm –". I held up my hand, cutting him off.

"A pain in the ass? Yeah. I know. No need to continue." I said in the rudest voice I could. He laughed loudly. Holy shit. That's the most attractive noise I've ever heard. Wait, what am I thinking? This is Derrick Ames. You know, total douchebag? Total douchbag that sleeps with everything. Totally sexy douchebag.

"Well, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Nice to finally meet you, Emily. I see you're still being a stuck up bitch." Derrick said, smirking at me. I felt my heart flip over at his intriguing smile. "Where's Alice?" Alice? I've never heard anybody call her that. That's such a stupid nickname for her. Already he's getting on my nerves.

"Not here. You'll have to settle for me." I said, rolling my eyes and turning to walk away.

"I think I can handle that. You know, I've always thought you had a pretty cute voice, but I never imagined you'd be this hot." Derrick said, reaching his hand out and putting it on the small of my back.

"Do not touch me. I don't even want to talk to you. The only reason I'm here is because Ali couldn't make it." I said, reluctantly pulling his warm hand off of my back. I don't care how good looking he is. This guy is still the same jerk he has been for the past four years. I kept walking, aware of Derrick trailing closely behind me.

Ali left out the small detail that her brother looks like a Greek god. Maybe if she had warned me I could have prepared myself instead of gaping like an idiot. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, catching his. Air shot from my mouth as breath rushed out of me. His eyes were magnificent. They shined sapphire blue, with light specks of green around the edges. I felt myself caught in them. He grinned again, noticing me staring. I really have to watch myself around him. I definitely don't need to give him another reason to mess with me. I rolled my eyes and turned my head forward.

We reached my car, a baby blue Kia, and got in. "You drive a standard? I like girls that can handle a stick." Derrick said, winking at me and putting his arm around the back of my seat as I pulled out of the parking lot.

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