Chapter Eleven

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"Nova please give me a chance!" Monty begged. She wanted to beat her head up against the table. He wasn't giving up, and it had been two months now. "How many times do I have to tell you no?" Nova said. She hated being so mean but no other way was working. Ricky and Valerie were all but recording them two and putting it all on social media. "Just one date! We could go to the varsity football game tomorrow night!" He tried again. "I don't like football." She lied. "Yeah she likes football players." Valerie interrupted. Nova glared at her best friend. If she wanted to play dirty then they'd play dirty. "What about you and your goldylocks boyfriend!?" Nova spat. It was a low blow but Valerie started it by bringing up her football players. Ricky was looking at Nova and Valerie like they'd lost their minds. "What football players you be looking at Nova?" He asked. "None. No one. Nobody at all." She quickly answered. Nobody had to know she liked Bo. "She's lying but if I tell you she'll kill me." Valerie shrugged.
      The bell rang signaling the class change. "You are so stupid!" Nova told Valerie as soon as they were in the hall. "Nova you have to be honest with yourself. Andre plays football and so does Bo." Valerie said. "Bo does what?" A familiar voice said. Oh my god. Bo had heard them. "Nova. Valerie. Y'all should really talk quieter." Bo said laughing. Valerie wasn't shaken by his sudden appearance. "Go bother someone else Bo!" She told him. "I think your friend here doesn't like me much" he told her. "She doesn't like anyone. But I think you're the exception to that." Valerie said. Holy shit. Did Valerie really just say that? "Well if y'all are just gonna talk about me like I'm not here how about I make that easier on you both." Nova snapped as she began to walk away. Bo grabbed her book bag to keep her from going anywhere. "No more running away" he said. And in that moment, everyone around them stopped and looked at the scene. "Okay." She said in a soft voice.

Bo's POV:
He watched as Nova literally paled in front of him. What did he say? Had he moved too fast in her eyes or something? Valerie was looking at them like him and Nova were about to make out in the middle of the hallway. No one knew he'd broken up with Bailey yet and for now he needed it to stay that way. He began to walk away when he heard the shy girl speak again. "Bo!" She called. He turned around hiding his smile. "Yeah Nova?" He said. "I'm done running away." She said. For the second time again the hallway seemed to stop and look at them. "I'm going to hold you to that." He said back. He turned away and started walking to class. Great now everyone way staring at them. So much for low key.

Nova's POV:
At lunch that day everyone was now staring at Nova and her small group of friends.  "Why is were one staring?" Ricky asked. "Nova talked to her prince." Valerie said nonchalantly. Nova groaned and put her head down on the table. If all this attention came with Bo she'd scream. Why did he have to become Mr. Popular? "I need ice." She said getting up. "Alone?" Valerie asked. Nova nodded, she needed alone time. Putting in her headphones she began to go through stories on snapchat. "You should add me." Bo told her. Nova jumped back in surprise, she hadn't even seen him come up to her. Wordlessly Nova handed Bo the phone and watched as he put his name in there. "I'll add you back later blue eyes" he told her with a smirk. The nickname he used made her freeze. Only Jerome called her that.  She quickly grabbed her ice and paid for it before running outside to be alone with her thoughts.

Valerie's POV:
"Monty you're just going to have to accept the fact that Nova isn't into you!" Valerie snapped. She was so busy arguing with Monty that she barely saw Nova walk past their table with tears in her eyes. What did Bo do? She'd seen him follow Nova into the lunch line, but she didn't think he'd screw the conversation up that bad. She walked over to where Bo, the team, and the cheerleaders were sitting, and began tapping her foot impatiently waiting for him to turn her way. "Can we help you?" One of the boys said. "I'm here for Bo." Valerie snapped. "He's busy." One of Bailey's minions told her. "Oh look who has a voice when the queen is away!" Valerie said. She could see how uncomfortable Bo looked as this was going on and began tapping her foot again. "Alright Val spill it." He told her. "Lose the attitude Bo Smith. Outside now." She yelled. Ignoring the "Ooooohs" that came from the team, they walked outside. Bo walked slow as if he was trying to piss Valerie off more. As she grabbed him to make him walk faster everyone turned their way. "First of all I'd like to know who you're grabbing like that." Bo snapped. Valerie rolled her eyes at his tone. "What the hell did you do to Nova in the line? You want her to have a conversation with you, try not screw a lunch line conversation up!" She yelled. Everyone in the quiet corner looked over at her like they all wanted to say something but they couldn't find the words. Bo grabbed her and took her by the locker room. "All I said was add me on snapchat. She gave me her phone and I added myself." He finally told her. "You had to have done something else. She's not as dainty as she seems." Valerie said. She could see Bo trying to figure out what he said, and for once she waited patiently for him to answer. "I called her blue eyes." He said after a minute. Blue eyes was Jerome's nickname for her. No wonder she ran away. "I have to go find her" Valerie whispered. She ran away from Bo leaving him with a shocked expression on his face.

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