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here's my new update

hope you'll like it...




Zetsu and little Cherry blossom as he called her, was walking towards the nearest village to get some rest they have been out of the woods for two days and he thinks Sakura needs a new clothes anyway.


What is it Cherry – Blossom?” him/they asked looking down at her.

“I’m hungry...” she whined

Don’t worry we’re near to a village –So just wait ok?” he stated as he pick some speed.

“Hai Zetsu-nii”


 After buying clothes (the one that she's wearing at the cover) and foods that Sakura needed, Zetsu and her set off again to travel when Zetsu sense some chakra (particularly two) was following them.

 "Cherry Blossom..

"Yes Zetsu-nii?" Sakura asked curiously as Zetsu stop from running and jump down from the branch that his standing.

"Stay here and stay low.....ok?" Zetsu said  to the Little Sakura as he put her down between the bushes

 "eh? But Zetsu-nii...Where are you going?" Sakura mumbled as tears forming in her eyes

"There, There Cherry-cahn don't cry Stop crying I'll (We'll) be back" Zetsu said before disappearing..


Zetsu show up after 30 minutes with a satisfied grin on his face, He didn't only enjoy the pleading of one of the rogue ninja's but also have his lunch with such satisfaction. Only to be tacked by Sakura whose happy to see her Zetsu-nii safe and sound.

"Zetsu-nii!! thank Kami your fine.." she shouted..

"come on Cherry Blossom we need to go now" Zetsu said as he pick up Sakura


"Shut up Tobi ,un!!" Diedara yelled at Tobi Whose keep bothering him..

"But but Tobi wants to play with Deidara-sempai" Tobi whine then the Entrance of the Akatsuki based open.

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