Not a Lady?~

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Diedara looked annoyed as he stared at the little girl with oddly pink haired in front of him , as the girl looked around his room.

"Ne, Diedara-nee-chan" she called turning her attention towards the blonde boy whose sitting on a chair near his bed.

"  (+_+*) How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a girl!!" Diedara said as a vein popped it self on the side of his head. 

 "Eh? but you look like a girl and you're really pretty" She said cheerfully

"You! could you just quit it?" he snapped at her but the little girl just smiled at him

"Yah know Diedara-nii you can be cute when your annoyed" she innocently said to him making him blushed and stand up


" *Cough *Cough *Cough What the hell?" Diedara looked around fanning the smoke that surrounded him.

"Hahahaha, Diedara-nii!! Do it again do it again!!" Sakura laughed 

"Eh?" He looked puzzled a little but after looking around he figured out what happen apparently he forgotten about a explosive clay laying around the room and that was ended up being stamp by him and thanked god that Sakura was 5 meters away from him because there's black tint  shattered 2 meters radius around him.A smile make it's way towards his face..

"Oh, you want to play huh? then let's play" he said charging towards Sakura who run away from him he chase until they got out of his room. Laughing around and having fun.

--2 hours later--

 "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!!" Konan yelled looking horrified as  she can be, the Base looked like it under go a huge tornado----- scratch that a battle happened in it. the floor is pitched black, the walls have 2 feets radius hole at them and the coach..let's just say it will be useless now..

'Kakuzu wonuldn't be so glad about this ' Konan thought then she Remembered something.

"SAKURA!!!" She called running towards Deidara's room slamming the door open she fond Sakura sleeping comfortably next to the Sleeping Deidara..

"Thank godness..Deidara" she sigh in relief and calling the blonde guy who stirred a little.

"Eh?" he asked

"You got alot of explaining to do" she said with scarry calm voice..


---Later on the day Deidara leave the Base with a lot of bounty missions given by Konan and Kakuzu who requested it to Pien, who wasn't very please about what happened


Ok that's my update for this day..

next stop.

guess who?

he has a mask...


Kakuzu or Tobi?

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