No Zetsu and Konan Around

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Hey guys! i'm thinking of making a cross over I mean a little cross over of our beloved Sakura Haruno in the world of Harry Potter ..what do you think about it? I'm not so sure if i'm going to do it or not that's why I'm going to ask you all..

anyway here's my update.. 


 Hidan muttered some indecent words to himself as he watch the little Sakura playing a small teddy bear that Tobi gave to her as a Welcome present for the kid.

"Stupid Pein sending his fucking partner away and the plant man .." he mumbled again as he shiver remembering what Zetsu said before leaving Sakura to him and  Kakuzu

 **A little Flashback**

(BZ and WZ )

"Remember this you F*cking Immortal partners if something happened to Sakura while I'm f*cking gone. I'm gonna f*cking tear you into several pieces before f*cking eat you alive.. Especially you Hidan" He said before giving Hidan the most deadly glare he can give to a person..

 then he walked towards the entrance of the base but before he step out Sakura called him and hugging him for the last time

"Zetsu-nii please be safe go home soon okay? Sakura will be waiting here"

"of course Sakura be careful" he said that as he patted the top of Sakura's head then giving a deadly glance to Hidan's direction..


"And stay out of trouble" his said to Sakura then his gone

"Stupid Kakuzu leaving the little b*tch to me" Hidan mumbled again to him, clearly not noticing Sakura walk up to him.


 "What is it you little b- girl?!" Hidan said to Sakura as he straighten up.

"um...what is you're name sir?" she asked Hidan as she give him a shy smile

"Hidan" he said clearly not happy

"why are you so grumpy?"

"I'm not so would you f- leave me alone?!" he yelled from annoyance

"S-sakura didn't m-mean to.." Sakura mumbled as tears threatening their way in her emerald orbs.

'oh shit' Hidan said to himself before giving a force smile to Sakura

[for me it will look like a evil smile... >_<]

"No i'm not mad just don't f-cry"HE said as he patted the little girls head

"Hidan-nii?" she sniffled

"yes?" he said a little calm this time

"Why you won't say any bad words?" Sakura innocently asked

"Because someone f- threaten me ~not that i'm too scared ~" Hidan said to Sakura but mumbled the last part remembering what Konan said to him.

 **A little Flashback**


After hitting Deidara, Konan Turned to Him and yelled (Sakura was carried away by her Zetsu-nii )

"And you ungrateful bastard! just one indecent word coming from you while in front of Sakura, I'm surely your going to regret it" she growled

"What the f*ck Konan! I'm f*cking immortal! what makes you think I'm going to listen to you b*tch!?" Hidan snorted

"I know but who said that I need to kill you f*cking masochist! I'm just going to tear you up in to tiny little piece's and toss you on fire!!" she shouted

" O_O... =_= ...ughhh.. Fine you f*cking b*tch" Hidan mumbled as he can sense Konan's heated glare

"That's unfair un! what about Zetsu! he cuss allot too you know un!!" Deidara whined

"Damn straight!!" He agreed

"At least he know not to cuss in front of Sakura!! you damn idiots!!" Konan Yelled before disappearing in a flurry of papers

"Hidan-nii can say them Sakura won't tell anyone" She said to him as she brightly smile

"you sure you f-won't tell?" Hidan asked the kid

"Yup!!" she replied cheerfully

"Thank f*cking Kami!! i thought i'm going to f*cking die 'cause of not saying f*ckin' bad word!! thank's kid" Hidan burst

"you'r welcome Hidan-nii" Sakura said..

"heh! come here you little b*tch!" He said picking up Sakura and twirling her around

"hahahaha!! Again ! again!" Sakura laughed making Hidan smile 

"Oh so you f*cking want it again eh?" Hidan mumbled as he put down Sakura and tickle her sides

"hahahaha.s-stop hahahaha" Sakura laugh while trying to get out of Hidans 


Hidan was carrying the sleeping Sakura in his arms after playing 2 hours straight she got exhausted and fall asleep on him..

"Tobi's HERE!!" Tobi yelled as soon as he got inside 

"shut you'r trap moron Sakura is sleeping!!" Hidan whispered/yelled at tobi

"Aw~ Tobi want's to play with Sakura-chan" Tobi whined

"well you need to f- wait b'cause she f- asleep now!!"


 ok i'll end this here...sooo who do you want o babysit Sakura next chapter Kisame or Sasori?



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