Explanation~ (Special Chapter) P2

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i don't own that ok? i just found it and you know the usual


 The 3 S-rank criminals stared at the Little girl for a while before blinking several times then looking to each other weighing what to do, Kisame and Sasori looked intensely at Hidan for some reason.

On the other hand Hidan narrowed his eyes towards the two Akatsuki members before sighing in defeat. He cleared his throat before speaking softly as he could towards the 6 year old kid.

*Ehem B-Saku-chan.. ano...How do I F-explain this.*Sigh" Hidan said looking at Sakura whose staring back at him hopefully

 'What did I got myself into? Damn that F*cking Puppet and Shark!!' He thought to himself

"Sakura you're Mom F-loves you ok? But she has F-leave you for you're F-safety."

 "Why? I Want my Mumma!!"She shouted as her sobs harden.

"There, There Sakura , don't you want to be with us anymore?" Sasori asked the kid hoping that she'll stop crying

"I ... I want too but where is she?" Sakura asked again

 "She's ...She's somewhere.." Hidan said glarin at Kisame whose about to say something.

"Is..Is she dead?" She asked looking at the 3 Akatsuki members. The 3 looked at the kid wide eyed

"uhmm...yes" Hidan hesitated but said the truth they have reviewed the files of Sakura months ago her parents died when Orochimaru attacked Konoha..

"Come on Squirt Let's go home, I know your tired already" Kisame said as he took Sakura from Sasori's arms.

"We're your family now Sakura and we promise you that will protect you no matter what" Sasori said patting the kids head as they walk out the park.


"WAAH!! What happened to Sakura-chan!!!" Tobi yelled as soon as they all entered the Base


 "What happened?" Zetsu asked after smacking Tobi's head cause the mask guy to lose his balance and fall face first on the ground before he can make another sound that will caused the little girl's sleep to be distrub.

"Some kids bullied her, and the 2 Idiots didn't even noticed it" Sasori said to Zetsu making the 2 other member of Akatsuki glared at him (Kisame and Hidan). Zetsu gave the 2 a deadly glared making them shivered a little.

"I'll get you for that" Zetsu hissed at the 2 male member before getting Sakura out of Kisame's Hands and heading towards the Bath. Sakura had waken up a little before the bath and cleaned after that Zetsu guide her in her room before leaving her there to continue her sleep and casting a Silencing jutsu for some reasons..

Let's just say after that Hidan and Kisame have a not very VERY pleasant punishment from Zetsu.


Phew! finished next Chapter is Deidara though I'm having a little dificulty about that chapter ..

anyway Hope you've like this chapter...

ja nee~

oh and don't forgat to 



And suggest anything about what you think I need to do for the following Chapters.



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