Bullying~Special Chapter~ P1

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 I know It tke me quite a while to Update but hey! I'm back anyway here's my update for you guys..

i'm flattered really..about your comments and thanks for voting this really REALLY short story..

anyway let's go on to the chapter..


 Sakura is playing in a park in a village near the Akatsuki's base.. as for her babysitter's [yes , with S] is busy arguing with each other about something ~ (>___>)..Sakura decided to go try the slide near the monkey bars but unfortunately on her way she bump on a large kid.

"Sorry" Sakura mumbled trying to stand up quickly

"You!Pinky!" the large boy grab Sakura's right arm tightly

"I said I'm sorry!" she squealed as she feel that the boys fingers dug on her arm

"You should watch were your going Freak" the large boy said letting go of Sakura's arm harshly.Sakura lose her balance causing her to sat on the ground little tears make it's way at her eyes as she try to stand up again..then the other boys incircle her.

"Freak Freak Freak!!" they said in chorus

"no! i-i'm not!"she shouted trying to escape but one of the boys pushed her she stumbled a little

"Yes your a Freak that's why your mom didn't love you" the other boy said

"No! she love me!"she shouted back

"Oh really? where is she?" the other boy asked..making Sakura froze.

"See.She left you because you a Freak!! Freak!" the other boy yelled again at her

"FREAK! FREAK! FREAK!" they all said making Sakura cry ..


Sasori makes his way towards the local park because he became uneasy for some reason thiking HIS little Sakura is on the hands of both idiots *cough Hidan *cough Kisame *cough who particularly arguing..

"You F*cking Shark!"

"Shut your mouth!"

'Just as I thought ' he thought to himself

"Where's Sakura?" he asked looking around the two..

"She just F*cking right Ther-" Hidan turn and found nothing but an empty sand box

"FREAK! FREAK! FREAK!" some kids shouted in chorus.

"What the f*ck is going on." Hidan mumbled as they saw a pink head inside the boys circle.Blood boiling at the rage they all make their way towatds the group of kids who apparently bullying their little Sakura without being notice by the two Akatsuki members.

The group stop teasing the pink haired as they sense a killing aura behind them, slowly turning around they found 3 men whose wearing a black cloak with blood red clouds on it 2 meters away from them.

Sakura on the other hand stumbled backwards as she try to regain her balance but as soon as she turn her head and spotted her 3 nii-san's and run towards the 3 still crying a little bit. Seing the little girl's situation make the 3 furios, she has bruises everywhere and her clothes we're dirty.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" Kisame's voice boomed above the kids making them scram away in every direction.on the other hand Sakura was being carried by Sasori comforting her a little [ Cause apparently he lack emotions and experience about that] after a while Sakura pulled back and asked a question or rather questions that made the 3 S-class criminals froze and felt a pang at their hearts [ Though I don't know how to explain it for Sasori's part] 

"Where is Mama? why did she leave me? didn't she love me anymore?" She asked between her sobs


OK the continuation of this is after the next Chapter OK??

hope you'll like it..oh and who do you want to explain it to her?




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