Kidnap Or Not At All ~ (Special Chapter)

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 I'm back ....well sort of...anyway I Don't own the Naruto Characters

I only own the Plot and the Dialogs...


:"mmm" Sakura groaned as she recovered her conciousness

"How are you feeling Saku-chan?" Konan asked the little girl as she walked towards the slightly bruised kid she fumed as she thought about the wounds that the little girl got from those bastards but she cool down as her gazed met the emerald once of the little girl.

"Mommy? what happened?" the little girl asked as she sat up

"Some Rogue Nin spotted you and took you as a hostage" Konan said as she remember how the Guys got crazy when Tobi said that Someone took the Little girl that they have grown to love.


 Tobi/Madara appeared in the middle of the living room where the other guys and lone female sat as they watch a funny show. Well not really because some are not showing it (CoughCoughItachiCoughPeinCoughKakuzuCoughSasoriCoghCough).

"What the heck Tobi!un! We're watching here!" Deidara shouted at the ninja who apparently infront of the televission and blocking the view for anyone

"Move the Fuck Tobi I'm fukin' watching here!!" Hidan also yellled from his seat

"B-But Tobi Is v-very worried" 'Tobi' stuttered in nervousness but inside his thinking between the lines 'Need them to find her fast' and 'what a waste of time'

"Whatever,Tobi where's Saku-chan?" Konan asked as the room grew silent wondering where is the little kid

"Umm, Someone took Sakura-Chan!" Tobi alertly yelled

"WHAT!!!!!!" all the members yelled at him as he 'cry' and splattered words and how he was worried about Blossom, but inside the mask he let out a smug smile though he still worried about the kid.But he can't help to grew amused as he watched the occupants of the room got crazy and worried about the little kid they all grew attached and cherish with Passion.

"What the Fuck Tobi!!!Where and Who Took Sakura!!" the masochist and sadist Jashinist yelled at the child-man

"Tobi knew they go Northen-West from the base!"

"What are we waiting for!un! Sakura needs us!" Deidara yelled as he walked towards the entrance molding some clay on the process

"For the first time Brat we agreed to something" Sasori followed the bombed artist while the other followed quietly.


5 hours later 50 miles radius was damaged in many ways you can think (burnt, crushed trees, etc.) and around 150 bodies were splattered around the area dead. in different ways you can imagine, poisoned, pierced, crushed, sliced, burnt or had been converted into smaller pieces. In the middle of the field stood 9 men and a single female who is carrying a kid with a bright pink haired.

"Is she Okay?un?" Deidara asked as he stared to the unconcious little girl

"She have bruises but I think she'll be fine" Konan said looking to the little kid

"Come on let's go back" Kisame said as let go a sigh of relief


 "Come Saku-chan the others are waiting outside" Konan smiled to Sakura as she take a hold of the little girls hand


 As soon as they arrive in the living room Sakura was tackled by Deidara,Tobi and Kisame while the others slowly approached the little girl to ask how is she.

"I'm Fine Sasori-nii,Hidan-nii,Itachi-nii,Kisame-nii,Kakuzu-nii,Deidara-nii,Tobi-nii(YEY!! You Called Tobi!Tobi-nii!!)Zetsu-nii, and DADDY!!" She yelled the last 'name' and jump up to hug Pein which he tense at first but relax later.

"Next time be more careful Sakura" Pein said using his monotone voice yet his eyes betrayed him showing kindness and love that no one thought that they will see from their feared Leader.

"Now, Tobi why did you let Sakura be alone?" Pein asked turning towards Tobi who step back because of the rage he can see from Pein's ringed eyes.


Konan took Sakura from Pein Before they Disappeared leaving the Childman in a very Very scarry situation


WAah!! another update!! anyways hope you like it guys!!

oh and I'm thinking about a Prequel of this and maybe...just maybe a Sequel....

don't Forget to



and please write of what do you think about having a Prequel?





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